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Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:53 am
by Sephiroth
well truly the ssg of all wouldnt post here he would be humble enough to sit on the side line and just listen to see who is faithful to his name

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:19 am
by semper
Prophet of Truth wrote:I'm sadistic semper, does that mean I'm a leader? Cause Leaders are like eagles, we don't have any here.

Didnt say being sadistic was a characteristic of leadership, just said that the characteristics mentioned by lord grant could be attributes of leadership if used by a sadistic person. Otherwise they were just obvious observations of general life. :wink:

And if you really want to be that to the point AA and others...then there is no SSG as we would all openly defy REK...OR none of it really exist's..

I think the natural implication of the question is, of all the possible candidates available to the game which one of them is closest to SSG? You dont have to admit that any single one is your SSG, or that there is in fact a SSG.

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:01 pm
by Ra
Lol, I'd follow AA before any of the above mentioned...

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:28 pm
by Shornaal
Rulering as a tyrant is easy. Everyone can do it but rulering with diplomacy takes alot skill and there isnt alot of players who can do it well.

Ruling with the use with both is very hard to do.

Apart from Lord Rylan.

It dosent matter if he has left thew game. This vote has no effect on it.
Hi is still active on the forum which is where this effects.

So my vote for Lord Rylan stands. :P

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:20 pm
by Osi
Rylan is not respected by the olds ones and hardly appears to have the guts to rule as a god. The meek do not inherit empires, the strong crush the meek and grind they're bones into the dust. Rylan treads lightly and speak with good humor. He is a pathetic example of godhood and meagerly attempts to project the visage of the diety he would like us to see him as.

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:23 pm
by Sephiroth

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:28 pm
by Osi
Learn your place parasite. Do not speak of which you know little.

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:31 pm
by Shornaal
Prophet of Truth wrote:Rylan is not respected by the olds ones and hardly appears to have the guts to rule as a god. The meek do not inherit empires, the strong crush the meek and grind they're bones into the dust. Rylan treads lightly and speak with good humor. He is a pathetic example of godhood and meagerly attempts to project the visage of the diety he would like us to see him as.

Surely a God is experienced in all methods? To show that he has skill in all areas is great in my eyes.

So what do you view as a perfect System God? What aspects and traits?

A God must also be able to show forgiveness as well as unleashing his wrath upon its foes.

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:35 pm
by Osi
You are delluded. A God must be strong, willing to destroy all to acheive total victory, willfull, morally ambiguous, intelligent, cruel, and creative. Forgiveness is for a God seeking fealty. Untainted wrath and zealous fools are a true God's instrument.

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:40 pm
by Shornaal
Prophet of Truth wrote:You are delluded. A God must be strong, willing to destroy all to acheive total victory, willfull, morally ambiguous, intelligent, cruel, and creative. Forgiveness is for a God seeking fealty. Untainted wrath and zealous fools are a true God's instrument.

Yes but a god is perfection. In being perfect must show abilities in every trait. :)

Im not deluded. your just only focusing on part of the picture of the perfect being. this vote is to vote the mightiest of system Gods as the overall supreme system God of all system lords.

Although you have described myself. :D

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:43 pm
by Osi
The Goa'uld show no redeeming traits. By classifying Rylan as a perfect being you are reducing his true godhood and declaring him something akin to a tok'ra. In which case, feel free to worship the ground on which his slithers. You will join each other in extinction one day.

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:44 pm
by Shornaal
Prophet of Truth wrote:The Goa'uld show no redeeming traits. By classifying Rylan as a perfect being you are reducing his true godhood and declaring him something akin to a tok'ra. In which case, feel free to worship the ground on which his slithers. You will join each other in extinction one day.


whats your ID?

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:47 pm
by Sephiroth
wow you do know how to sling the she it dont :-D

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:48 pm
by Osi
a well guarded number incase I ever wish to opress the lesser being on your plane of existance. I'd have to be extremely bored to subjectgate myself to the dull crusade. Silence fill my empty grave...for now.

Re: Who's the SSG of all?

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:55 pm
by Shornaal
Prophet of Truth wrote:a well guarded number incase I ever wish to opress the lesser being on your plane of existance. I'd have to be extremely bored to subjectgate myself to the dull crusade. Silence fill my empty grave...for now.

Wouldn't be much of a crusade. I will merely slaughter you......all....i...need is your ID........

Can anyone PM me his ID? :)