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Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:00 pm
by homer1475
[12:58am] <~homer> first and only actually

[12:59am] <+Dianalyn> i'm so happy to be your first and only :D

[1:00am] <+Dianalyn> homer is ALWAYS up ;) ;)

:shock: :shock:

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:53 am
by Rienna
[07:45] <Rienna> afk for a bit.... I'm going back to bed.... *coughs*.... what... it's not like there's anything productive I could be doing....
[07:46] <homer> whitey
[07:46] <homer> hmm
[07:47] <LordBalor> o.o
[07:47] <OldGreg> Planet Attribute: + 11,203,200,000 Daily Income just stole it off a guy who doesn't play anymore. :)
[07:47] <LordBalor> so so badly timed there Rie and homer
[07:48] <homer> ?
[07:48] <LordBalor> read riennas sentence
[07:48] <Rienna> yea, ?
[07:48] <LordBalor> then your first word
[07:48] <homer> lol
[07:48] <Rienna> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
[07:48] <OldGreg> ohh lovely...
[07:48] <ArchangelLucifer> hahahah :D
[07:48] * Rienna goes back to bed in disgust.

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:56 am
by LTC
Say hi to whitey while youre in bed. :)

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:44 am
by JOS
[04:40:00] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> so! I'm back from re-contemplating the Universe
[04:40:00] * Kane_4 is now known as Kane|Away
[04:40:01] * Kane|Away is gone
[04:40:07] * Vez ( Quit (Quit: )
[04:40:15] <ArchangelLucifer> that person does not exist, mynick <-- how would i set an autoreply to this? :>
[04:40:32] <TLF-1stAscension> what you learn from recontemplation, ishmayeck?
[04:40:46] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> a girlfriend is better than a laptop.
[04:41:01] <ArchangelLucifer> NO?
[04:41:01] <ArchangelLucifer> SRSLY
[04:41:01] <TLF-1stAscension> always
[04:41:02] * Crunchy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[04:41:08] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> once again, the IRC peoples prove correct.
[04:41:08] <ArchangelLucifer> ...
[04:41:16] * @Anonymous epic activates sleep mode
[04:41:23] <ArchangelLucifer> wait
[04:41:30] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> night Anonymous :P
[04:41:37] <ArchangelLucifer> I hope you didnt test that out ish
[04:41:45] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> no, I didn't.
[04:41:45] <ArchangelLucifer> Oh thank god
[04:41:52] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> there are no female humans within many miles.
[04:41:59] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> To test it out on.
[04:42:06] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> all I have is 2 laptops.
[04:42:06] * %Zeratul fills in the timegap, then proceeds to disembowel Ishmayeck[KDE4]
[04:42:06] <ArchangelLucifer> Mental image of you humping a laptop was deleted

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:02 am
by LTC
[08.01]@[18:58:43] <TimeGap> nah, just crap tired
[08.01]@[18:58:59] <ArchangelLucifer> you were tired from crap?
[08.01]@[18:59:00] <ArchangelLucifer> O.O
[08.01]@[18:59:03] <leeuloop> i know the feeling.
[08.01]@[18:59:09] <TimeGap> lol
[08.01]@[18:59:10] <ArchangelLucifer> Poop lighter man
[08.01]@[18:59:18] <ArchangelLucifer> You dont have to forcepush it
[08.01]@[18:59:19] <leeuloop> some ppl work you know
[08.01]@[18:59:31] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> no wai :O
[08.01]@[18:59:38] <ArchangelLucifer> Gently push it out
[08.01]@[18:59:40] <TimeGap> lol
[08.01]@[18:59:43] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> 0_o
[08.01]@[18:59:50] <Ishmayeck[KDE4]> this is why I love IRc so much...
[08.01]@[18:59:57] <leeuloop> hahaha
[08.01]@[19:00:01] <ArchangelLucifer> Because of me? :)
[08.01]@[19:00:03] <ArchangelLucifer> I knew it.

Deep inside, HE LOVES ME!!!!!

Yesh, im archangel. ^^

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:04 am
by Ishmayeck
Don't get yer hopes up Archie...

10:31:43 < Ishmayeck[KDE4]> no, I love IRC because of the pooping workshops.

Yeah... >_>


Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:05 am
by LTC
Ishmayeck[KDE4] wrote:Don't get yer hopes up Archie...

10:31:43 < Ishmayeck[KDE4]> no, I love IRC because of the pooping workshops.

Yeah... >_>


Lies, ALL lies!!!!

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:12 am
by Ishmayeck
LTC wrote:
Ishmayeck[KDE4] wrote:Don't get yer hopes up Archie...

10:31:43 < Ishmayeck[KDE4]> no, I love IRC because of the pooping workshops.

Yeah... >_>


Lies, ALL lies!!!!

Pfft... you know it to be true ;)

10:40:49 < ArchangelLucifer> ARCHIE!?

^^^ yeah... you insist I love you, so I'ma call you Archie, Archie ;)


Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:12 am
by *zesh*
<~homer> why not
<~homer> sex with a stiff cold body is fun

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:16 pm
by LTC
Ishmayeck[KDE4] wrote:
LTC wrote:
Ishmayeck[KDE4] wrote:Don't get yer hopes up Archie...

10:31:43 < Ishmayeck[KDE4]> no, I love IRC because of the pooping workshops.

Yeah... >_>


Lies, ALL lies!!!!

Pfft... you know it to be true ;)

10:40:49 < ArchangelLucifer> ARCHIE!?

^^^ yeah... you insist I love you, so I'ma call you Archie, Archie ;)


Ok, ishmay.

Whatever turns you on.

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:48 am
by TimeGap
19:41… leeuloop: kick kick kick........
19:42… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: I should really go make some breakfast...
19:42… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: leeuloop: requesting a kick is a kickable offense!
19:42… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: kick teh leeuloop!
19:42… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: ooh... now kick me too
19:42… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: it starts again >_<
19:42… leeuloop: KICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:42… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: back at ya! :P
19:42… leeuloop: ouch!!!!
19:42… ~homer: someone want to be booted ?
19:42… leeuloop: lol
19:42… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: Schraube Menschlichkeit <<< oooh, nice-sounding
19:43… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: never would work for a distro name though
19:43… TimeGap: lol
19:43… TimeGap: kwikkest change of subject ever

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:51 am
by TimeGap
20:46… leeuloop: she waS a good kisser
20:46… TimeGap: lol
20:46… TimeGap: only thing id let her kiss is my ass
20:46… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: ...odd time to get on IRC :/
20:46… TimeGap: ISHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:46… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: yes... me...
20:46… Yun: probably give good head too
20:47… × TimeGap licks Ishmayeck[KDE4]
20:47… TimeGap: lol
20:47… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: I spent my new year writing a novel about my battles against a cannibalistic fuzzy bunny.
20:47… × Ishmayeck[KDE4] runs away from Yun
20:47… TimeGap: rofl
20:47… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: -_-
20:47… TimeGap: u give good head Ishy?
20:47… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: also a poem.
20:47… × Yun throws a bottle of beer at Ishmayeck
20:47… × Ishmayeck[KDE4] disregards that last remark
20:47… TimeGap: lol
20:48… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: you know how randomness just comes to me at times? :P
20:48… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: it's quite poetic sometimes...
20:48… TimeGap: lol
20:48… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: I've taken to writing it down
20:48… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: :)
20:48… Yun: Ishy: the master muff diver
20:48… TimeGap: yea, belive me, im familiar with randomness
20:48… × Ishmayeck[KDE4] disregards that comment as well
20:48… TimeGap: lol
20:48… leeuloop: i want that beer plzZZZ
20:48… TimeGap: you know where this is going Ishy?
20:48… Ishmayeck[KDE4]: ...

Ishy... a poet???

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:19 am
by LTC

And he gives great head.

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:10 pm
by Mystikal Fever

Re: SGW Chat Quotes!

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:23 pm
by Gatedialer
[01:20] * lobstaman54 ( has joined #stargatewars
[01:21] <Dee> lobstaman54?!!?!
[01:21] <Gatedialer> sounds like a Sci-Fi movie
[01:21] <Yun> Half man, half lobster, and delicious!