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Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:23 pm
by Jack
Nox wrote:
Jack wrote:No, it's not breaking the rules. People routinely receive warnings for deliberately disobeying mods. I had warned people verbally countless times to take the spam else where, and I had banned several for the samething. What the hell do you expect will happen if you do the exact samething Billy Joe just got banned for?

jack, you know by your sentence:

Jack wrote:The next person that posts about mod actions in this thread is going to be given two warnings, and thus banned according to the "special server war" rules.

you would give 2 official warnings, so banning, cause of 1 post, that is breaking the special rules, since the rules say 2 warnings, those are oficial warnings, by giving both warnings cause of 1 post is not following the rules, is abusing your power, thats how i see it, but alas im only a user, im guessing the rest of the forum staff agrees with you

but ok, from what i saw, you didnt enforce that action, maybe that sentence worked, dunno, i might be wrong and you right ;)

Of course, and I would have enforced it had someone gone and violated the rules anyway. If it is so hard to follow such a simple rule then the person should not be posting here anyway.

What I meant to say was "People are routinely issued 2(TWO) warnings for deliberately disobeying a mod", this is especially true if they have repeatedly done so. It is not "abusing my power" it is enforcing the rules.

If an administrator thinks that I have acted unfairly or harshly they can, and will, overrule me. This is obviously not one of those cases, as I specifically linked the post to various admins. Not only did they not overrule me, they agreed with the hardline stance. This is because they(the posters) had been repeatedly told NOT to do the very thing they were doing.

Nox wrote:
Void wrote:mods arent omnipresent as so many foolishly beleive.

lol, ofc we all know that :P i always thought the idea of having a big staff, is having ppl from different timezones, so there would be always at least one mod online ;)

Even so, this is a big ass forum, with lots and lots of posts. One mod, even 4 mods can not cover the entire forum 24/7 and catch everysingle rule violation, it's simply impossible. But I do believe that we do a good job catching the majority. ;)

Nox wrote:and about the gc section, lol, i modded that section, and while your right, i didnt see what ppl did, to make you guys create these special rules, probably it was really bad seing both sides, but still, i always believed in letting some spam in the war threads, its part of it, from all the wars ive been involved here, the best ones were always the ones where we spammed the war threads, along with our enemies, ofc all being funny and respectable, but still spam lol, cause if its just war talk, is just: "i massed you, ahah" - "i massed you back, ehehe" lol, thats boring, specialy being a farm fest nowadays loll :P

You're not listening, it has been said countless times. The "special rules" were created because people were being wildly disrespectful, and rude. They were breaking rules left and right, and there was semi-chaos.

Nox wrote:about the end of the war, it will be forever, cause the only way the war to end is fuall disbanding and surrendering, and i dont see that happening, from our side, trust me, we're here for as long as it takes, forever included ;)

That's fine by me. People need to learn accountability. They CHOSE to break the rules, even knowing the consequences. Now they are being held accountable for those actions, they have no one to blame but themselves.

Nox wrote:
Jack wrote:If that is true, then why is this thread still open? It should be locked as it is pointless.

Jack wrote:...and I sure as hell ain't going to read every damn post, especially in a section I loath.

if you loath that section, why dont you leave it to other mods to mod it ?? thats why there are sections, even being a gm, you can leave it alone, there are other mods you know ;)

and close the thread if you want, lol, its the same for me ;) the war will still be on :-D

Because, even though I might loath the section, I still have a responsibility to mod there. ;)

So you're saying I should lock this thread?

Anyway, I'm done with you. Over the course of this discussion you shown me that you are either...

A. A complete and utter dolt.


B. You actually realize that what those you are defending, did was wrong, and that the punishments they face is just. But you do not care, because they are your friends, and members of your "coalition" or whatever you want to call it. This is evidenced by your ignoring of many facts, this is the action of a debater, and as we know, a debater's goal is not to find the truth, but to win the debate.

Since I have no patience for stupidity, and not the time to be wasted arguing with someone whom does not care for the truth, but merely seeks immunity from the rules for himself, and his friends/alliance mates, I am done.


Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:32 pm
by Lore
deni wrote:
Prince_of_Darkness wrote:let me check... YES I DO HAVE... i was banned for a warning made by Lore... something about not spamming the war thread and the surrender one... funny i got banned for that by the other dude spamming it with me... funny he was answering my messages and i was answering his in both threads and I AM THE ONE BANNED... :-D i guess special new rules aplies only for the special none mod members of the forum... or mods can spamm that much ?

You were spamming the the thread for surrenders to FUALL. You were warned once verbally by Lore, you choose to ignore the verbal warning but continued to spam the said thread with comments about your war with FS. Thus you earned yourself an official warning which happened to be the 3rd one in a 6 month period and that constitutes a 2 week ban.

You were the only one spamming the FUALL surrender thread at that time. Before you claim it was not the case but there was an imaginary mod spamming with you, it might be good for you to know, that no post gets deleted but moved to another (hidden) section of the forums.

Now now Deni, Don't ruin his useless propaganda. I mean when I offered someone a break because they are on the verge. I pourposly give them a verbal warning instead of an official one, AND I offered to help him in "the other thread" ,,,, Well of course he should immediately throw it in my face and break the rules again as he dares me to bann him for it. That way he can run to forums playing the helpless victim and cry for sympathy.

I tell you all what. Let look at some new rules for the server thread. I'm all for it.

I say lets unbann all who are banned

Lets set the threads straight, set the rules up in the first post, and then anyone who breaks them gets deleted.

Solves everyones problems huh?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:35 pm
by Jack
OMG! I said I was done, but I just HAVE to respond to this!

Lore wrote:I tell you all what. Let look at some new rules for the server thread. I'm all for it.

I say lets unbann all who are banned

Lets set the threads straight, set the rules up in the first post, and then anyone who breaks them gets deleted.

Solves everyones problems huh?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I agree 100%! Let's do that! :-D

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:55 pm
by Lore
I'm actually liking ther idea more and more since anyone banned just runns to make forum multis and continue on. I mean if you do the crime, pay the time and move on. Stop living in the past.

Maybe losing those precious "post counts" and persona history will be enough to curb the abuse and nonsense.

For the record, I HATE the "banned to the server war end". But I also see the need for it because with no true punishment, no one seems to give a,,,

The rule wouldnt exist if players acted with just basic respect and decency, and coalitions would control their own members. Seems thats to much tho so the users themselves have caused and created the rules.

Simple, act right, get your fellow man to act right, and the rule will vanish as its no longer needed.

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:00 pm
by Jack
I agree Lore, I don't like it either. But at the same time, I see the reason for it, and more and more as people just whine. They all seem to think they should be above the rules, which simply is not the case.

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:08 pm
by Game Over
I think it is pretty simple to not get banned...stop trying to push the envelope...Mods have it tough enough already having to read through all these have people who try to get away with more and more is just idiotic...they should get banned for that...Follow the rules...You don't get banned... :lol:

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:20 pm
by Zeratul
Lord Katsumoto wrote:I think it is pretty simple to not get banned...stop trying to push the envelope...Mods have it tough enough already having to read through all these have people who try to get away with more and more is just idiotic...they should get banned for that...Follow the rules...You don't get banned... :lol:

well said, Lord Katsumoto...

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:01 am
by Mr Nice Guy
Its even better if some of the mods would actually be fair, wich some ARENT. If lot better if some who breaks the forum rules but as they are mods would get banned aswell. It would be funny if example, Manetheren for using **frackin ** got banned, and some dudes a few posts after used same word and another way too similar would had bann instead of just a lil warning. It would be lot better if this wouldnt be happening too much and made mostly by certain mods. Now, if this is too much why dont u guys quit ? Too affraid of losing your forum power of doing what some or most of u cant do ingame, yes im talking about winning. As u cant u just come here, pay too much attention to our posts, look a lot for what can be seen as wrong and warn us and if possible ban us inmediatly. Yes im not happy with how it goes here, some special rules cause u guys just cant do the work too easy ( bannin us ) with out special rules. Cause old rules allowed fuall to have very insultin sigs and posts, but as they used some different ways they didnt get bann. But with the new special rules we do. Thats all what mods are comming to be now. Not all, but some that we all know who they are. :-D And as im not insulting any one, this is completely in the right thread, and didnt break any rule there cannot be any warning or ban on me. :lol: BTW in case of anyone trying to be too smart, i used some words as refference of what was said, not using them so it does not count as breaking up a rule. :lol:

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:40 am
by Clarkey
Prince_of_Darkness wrote:Its even better if some of the mods would actually be fair, wich some ARENT. If lot better if some who breaks the forum rules but as they are mods would get banned aswell. It would be funny if example, Manetheren for using **frackin ** got banned, and some dudes a few posts after used same word and another way too similar would had bann instead of just a lil warning.

It would be lot better if this wouldnt be happening too much and made mostly by certain mods. Now, if this is too much why dont u guys quit ? Too affraid of losing your forum power of doing what some or most of u cant do ingame, yes im talking about winning. As u cant u just come here, pay too much attention to our posts, look a lot for what can be seen as wrong and warn us and if possible ban us inmediatly. Yes im not happy with how it goes here, some special rules cause u guys just cant do the work too easy ( bannin us ) with out special rules.

Cause old rules allowed fuall to have very insultin sigs and posts, but as they used some different ways they didnt get bann. But with the new special rules we do. Thats all what mods are comming to be now. Not all, but some that we all know who they are. :-D And as im not insulting any one, this is completely in the right thread, and didnt break any rule there cannot be any warning or ban on me. :lol:

BTW in case of anyone trying to be too smart, i used some words as refference of what was said, not using them so it does not count as breaking up a rule. :lol:

Thought i'd break it in to paragraphs because people will look at that lump of text and not bother reading it.

Prince_of_Darkness wrote:Too affraid of losing your forum power of doing what some or most of u cant do ingame, yes im talking about winning.

lol please tell me who can 'Win' ingame?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:57 am
by FreeSpirit
I know the solution lets just ban all TJP-ers and FUALL members for the duration of the war. saves all 3 parties a headache :D

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:48 pm
by Tekki
~FreeSpirit~ wrote:I know the solution lets just ban all TJP-ers and FUALL members for the duration of the war. saves all 3 parties a headache :D

Go with the polar opposite and just ban everyone else :P

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:53 pm
by FreeSpirit
That might work to :D

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:59 pm
by Zeratul
it wouldnt work all that well... the majority of those misbehaving, are part of the war...

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:25 pm
by Mr Nice Guy
just try to be a lil but fair with the things going on. Should work really cool dont you think ?

Hey Freespirit your ideas aint too good, try not to tell them that loud, dont know when someones going to take ya that serious and then ill be too screwed to even care about it ( if what i said makes sense ) hehehe :lol:

Re: For the duration of the server war??

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:31 pm
by Jack
~FreeSpirit~ wrote:I know the solution lets just ban all TJP-ers and FUALL members for the duration of the war. saves all 3 parties a headache :D
