Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Go shad go go go shad go. post on bro.

times have change as so do the winds of time.

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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Sorry for the rant. It just get sooooo frustrated at people that try an justify something dumb they did by making it others fault. its like a wife beater that says i hate violence and my wife will get violent if i didn't beat her. just doesn't make sense.
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

~Vengeance Of Origins
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

~Vengeance Of Origins
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

R we dont yet....
~Vengeance Of Origins
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

oo V, with the biggest army in the game, and ur panic thread its only just begun..

You wanted a never ending war didnt you?
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

lord_sithis wrote:oo V, with the biggest army in the game, and ur panic thread its only just begun..

You wanted a never ending war didnt you?

panic thread?
oh,you mean the "hey ~V whats up with these guys 5 accounts",then i get mad cause i dont want to hear it,post for gary to discover truth topic about you,marisha your cat,dog and hamster playng off same PC?

also when an admin locks a topic its most often bad carma to spout off in yet another reguarding same said topic,so nuff said on that.

LOL @ the biggest army,dont you mean biggest check book donation LOL!
war forever is fine so train up superman,oh wait,as befor its one thing to have men its another to ACTUALLY know how to use them,pfft.
tiz kk with me,almost at the summer time break here,so will be untraining for the summer,but you know how this one goes...
when you think your safe,when its least expected....expect it.

"even the biggest bumble bee can be taken down by a handful of ants".
good advise to keep in mind there slick.

and as per history,Monkies came,saw and ruled,even after your strike attempt,but don't worry your asperation to become us may one day come true,you have already far surpassed us on traitorous acts,and have stated you intend to restrict growth,good start keep up the good work you will get there one day,odd isnt it how that very thing you preached against,you aspire to invoke within yourself LOLZ!
~Vengeance Of Origins
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

~Vengeance wrote:panic thread?
oh,you mean the "hey ~V whats up with these guys 5 accounts",then i get mad cause i dont want to hear it,post for gary to discover truth topic about you,marisha your cat,dog and hamster playng off same PC?
You reli think i would put so much money in this game? you know full well that im not multing, u just want to cause trouble.

You also know that me and marisha are in a relationship together.

LOL @ the biggest army,dont you mean biggest check book donation LOL!
war forever is fine so train up superman,oh wait,as befor its one thing to have men its another to ACTUALLY know how to use them,pfft.
Dont you worry V baby, i know what im doing, only reason i trained 7k+ men on covert, was to get thruo your defense.
tiz kk with me,almost at the summer time break here,so will be untraining for the summer,but you know how this one goes...
when you think your safe,when its least expected....expect it.

"even the biggest bumble bee can be taken down by a handful of ants".
good advise to keep in mind there slick.

and as per history,Monkies came,saw and ruled,even after your strike attempt,but don't worry your asperation to become us may one day come true,you have already far surpassed us on traitorous acts,and have stated you intend to restrict growth,good start keep up the good work you will get there one day,odd isnt it how that very thing you preached against,you aspire to invoke within yourself LOLZ!
Become you, you serious, your soo full of yourself, we despice everything about you,
Traitors acts, no we just didnt inform out traitors, the traitors got screwed over, simple.
Restrict growth? WTH are you talking about, please find me a link to where i said that then. I want to take down you and your stupid alliance to allow members to grow free. Ive noticed you havnt been massing lately.
Maybe because ur actually starting to get alife and go out, breath the fresh air.
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

actually its summer,and as i said befor,these games are just that,games.
you really should work on more original materal.
again i really dont care if you and marisha are the same person or if you have 30 of the biggest game accounts,the report was based on requests for facts,
and i personally could give a crap you simply amuse me thinking that you really think you can do some harm to another in a MMO game LOLZ!
sad little man keep trying one day you will grow up,
"steps back and sheds a single tear".
as per massing unlike you i actually require something worth the loss to kill.
and no DB members are left standing with squat whats the sence in causing more to leave the game because there leaders have less brains then a dry roasted peanut.
as stated superman train up...
oh wait,i forgot....

clock is a tickin LOLZ!
~Vengeance Of Origins
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

"the traitors got screwed over"
there were never any traitors. it was a lie. stupid way to create mistrust and get you to show your true colors. and you fell for it and screwed your alliance (the people you called freinds). if we did have spies you would have never found out. its called covert for a reason. and monkiees are loyal to the end.

"Restrict growth? WTH "
"I want to take down you and your stupid alliance."

more double talk. taking us down is restricting our growth. that is what war is about. don't need to link anything your last post says it all.

"You reli think i would put so much money in this game?"
no i think your broke and can't afford it. but you have no problem letting someone else spend it. witch is just as bad if not worse.

"with the biggest army in the game,"
if your all that why are you not number 1???????
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

~V im ranked within the top 10, i have army still to mass?
You guys make me larf, keep the **Filtered** n giggles coming
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

lord_sithis wrote:~V im ranked within the top 10, i have army still to mass?
You guys make me larf, keep the **Filtered** n giggles coming

aaahhaha! OMG i almost wet myself i giggled so hard!
in the games current state vs mostly inactive players your stats vs your army size = LOLZ!

as i said slick,been #1,stayed #1 and retiring for the summer from #1 spot.
top 10 HAHAHA!
aww man im gunna miss laughing this hard again till fall/winter.
:smt046 :smt043
~Vengeance Of Origins
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

5 accounts later between sithis and marisha and u still havent wooped us.

i guess some guy out there must like kids or want something from you to give u 500-600 dollar account for free so you claim.

Just so you know its not good to meet people in person from internet even if they give u an account.
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

i think i will help you out siths. I know what happened with the mutiple acounts.
you and marish started a war with the largest alliane. when your acounts were destroyed to almost nothing you found new acounts. instead of rebuilding and suffering the loss of a war you started, you took the work, effort, and money of other players.

then when a freind realized that he couldn't play enough to use account he swaped with you. he has the money you have the time. so the whole time you were lossing, another player was building account for you.

so if gary gives the ok to this type of play, i will put everything into attack and mass til my army is gone then i will just swap accounts with some one. i know other monkeys would love to do the same thing.

we just figured the spirit of the game was to play one account win or loss but this new twist allows for some massive armys cause if i can use 3 accounts. even if not at the same time. i will be able to attack with 3 accounts worth of turns and 3 acounts worrth of units. it would be the same thing as having a 80k army, and getting 15 rested turns.

remember this is exactly what your doing. so if gary gives the ok, maybe together we will be able to kill every army on the sever.

oh ya it summer time. there a plenty of people that won't be active and won't mind giving up their acounts.
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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

WOW !!! do u actually believe your own crap you r shoveling, man i think u better back that up with fact b4 u go spouting your mouth off.

First off Zara had nothing to do with this - fact of yours wrong it was TTsega(get your facts right)

The only stat build i was doing was getting a defense up for i had a 2 week project to go to work on Vengeance was told this after i was dismissed from DM ( get your facts right)

I never sold my covert off while i was with DM except to do the race change i did except after i was again dismissed from DM ( get your facts right)

I did call Vengeance and only Vengeance a dictator never a warmonger (again get your facts right)

I was told to go mass someone by myself and only by myself by the time i read the post from Vengeance on that matter I had 17 hours left to do it in. I had built up my strike and my covert to go do such the task that was set before me. and I had 2 hours left to do it on the next turn that was coming up I was gonna go mass him, then all of a sudden Arkangel dismissed me from DM under Vengeances' ORDER (So again get the facts right)

Before you go shooting your mouth off know what the hell you r talking about.

As for DB i gave them fair warning, I knew/know Vengeances tactics and knew he would befrriend them and then betray them, he sucked them in under a peace treaty let them all build up and then u guys declare war and rip them to shreds, Wow, you guys are so tremendously good at the game, it almost makes me cry.

If you didnt have so many that were not in your alliance feeding you all naq all the time it might have even been a fair fight, but when probably a quarter of DB at the time were spies for DM and if not were friends and would not attack any of DM well then DB got what they had coming to them.

As for the traitors well in due time they will be dealt with as account numbers have been recorded so they can change names all they want, they will still be getting their due.
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