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Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:46 am
by Zeratul
Magni wrote:
Zeratul wrote:The idea we have is that the sith are numerous still, but not really united...

Hmm...except that a new Sith empire was established right after the end of the Mandalorian War. What I thought we were doing was starting the Sith Civil War...

at some point, this RP has to split away from the true story...
for that matter, this could be that sith empire, couldnt it?
the typical way an empire is established, is through conquering the rest...

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:04 am
by semper
Psi Kiya Trist wrote:
Semper wrote:force levitate - floating.
force storm - storm of force lighting, difficult to control (NOT palpatines force storm from post ROTJ crap).
notes on:
force heal - created by game developers, not actual force power (hell wouldn't that have been useful over the entire course of the films?)

@JMX. Rule of two came about (according to the comics which is the only source at current) about a thousand years bby. Darth Bane wrote it and saw to the destruction of the other Sith via manipulating them into using the thought bomb. He got most of his knowledge from Revan's holocron.

only going to make comments on the above:

Force Levitate, as long as it isn't "force flight" which is specifically a Dathomri Witch Power, seems ok...

Palpatines "force storm" was actually "force Wormhole" which is WAY overpowered if even allowed, therefor totally out of the league of this RP.

Palpatines 'force wormhole' (Originally called force storm until Lucas used force storm in the KOTOR games in it's 'real' and canon form) is post ROTJ and ergo non canon and BS.

Psi wrote:Force heal exists in a "trance" version for use on self, and a mediation/focus version for use on others. how it's used in KotOR isn't the right way either, but since the heal does exist in another form, i'd lean towards it's use, as healing spontaneously in combat would be overpowered. but, i would make healing a Lightside power, as the only forms of dark side healing are actually temporary at best, and can only be performed in the height of anger...

I don't recall it being used in that way in the films, any of the games or the TV series. If you'd like to correct me however...

The only form of force 'healing' I am aware of are the abilities of the Jedi to stable a dying beings mind and body to keep them alive a bit longer and the ability of the older jedi to basically stay alive through their connection to the force (Master Yoda...).

Psi wrote:now, finally. the seventh Battle of Ruusan is the last battle that involves a "sith empire", until the time of Darth Krayt, who instigated the Rule of One in around 130 ABY.

You're doing it again. The post ROTJ stuff.. aka new sith empire, return of palpatine yadda yadda yadda isn't canon. Lucas has said it, the creator of Star Wars, the man who owns the franchise and is effectively God as far as this universe goes has said no, it's not the way I had envisioned it to go, as far as I am concerned it's not canon. The interview was in Empire film magazine about 18months ago now. The fact he's developing games that contradict the 'future' story lines aspects should be enough to point that out, we've already had one... (force storm..the aptly renamed force wormhole). But yes, you got the battle and time periods correct.

Psi wrote:also, as to the comments of "wiki usage", i can easily use another source that is NOT so "easily edited" but i was mainly using it to "post a link to prove it" on ideas i already knew. the lightsaber generating heat was mentioned in a young jedi knights book i read when Tenel Ka was deciding what to build her lightsaber out of(she mentioned she could build it out of wood since it generated no heat).

You can use me. If it's Star Wars and it's canon... I will know about it. Just PM and you'll be answered.

Psi wrote:now, i could argue that you're being stingy and that the "obscure force powers" could be used, but most of the force factions that use them are NOT in this era. the Witches of Dathomir(my fav force using faction) aren't around until around 600 BBY, the Aing-tii are withdrawn force using monks until around 8 ABY, and i don't believe the Jensaarai are established yet or Zenson Sha aren't out of isolation yet.

I am not being stingy lol. I am using common sense and being loyal to Lucas. All the force powers I have listed come from the films, games and tv series. The canon. They can be combined and mastered to points where some of the other stuff could be theoretically achieved but that should be part of the fun of the role play for the masters (sith/Jedi).

Psi wrote:now, if the era is determined to be pre-mandalorian wars, then obviously most of those force using organizations are out of the question due to the timeline, and the only one which is hazy is the Aing-Tii which frankly i think should be ruled out as a matter of point.

I don't think you should limit force powers to timeline, only canon. The Sith and Jedi Masters of old were the strongest force users and best weapon masters as stated by Kreia. If it could be done with the force they would have been able to do it as much as Yoda or Palpatine and other will have done.

Theoretically speaking, it comes from the same source... it's just the same power being manipulated by different minds. So naturally some users will use it in different ways that appear to be new by combining known techniques.

It also gives some freedom to the role play whilst allowing it to be right.

@Zeratul and Psi....
Psi wrote:now, onto Zeratul's list of force powers:

Dopplegänger / Force Phantom - very advanced, partially illusion, with some sort of physical element... only for masters of the force...
Phase - walk through solid objects

i'ma say no to both of these, as i'm quite sure there's only one known instance of phase, and is quite frankly a partly overpowered ability. while doppleganger allows for too much abuse in the form of not actually being present before someone, while they may appear to be...

I think a lot of Zeratuls added powers to my list shouldn't be on because they don't exist simple as that.

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:21 am
by Angnoch
im gonna make myself up a nice little fighter pilot soon....

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:40 am
by Ra
Angnoch wrote:im gonna make myself up a nice little fighter pilot soon....

:smt041 Not another Jedi/Sith :smt041

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:49 am
by Magni
Zeratul wrote:
Magni wrote:
Zeratul wrote:The idea we have is that the sith are numerous still, but not really united...

Hmm...except that a new Sith empire was established right after the end of the Mandalorian War. What I thought we were doing was starting the Sith Civil War...

at some point, this RP has to split away from the true story...
for that matter, this could be that sith empire, couldnt it?
the typical way an empire is established, is through conquering the rest...

True, but if we split away at this point, then that means we're ignoring Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) which is one of my favorite games. :cry:

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:19 am
by Zeratul
it seems to us like the split has, to some degree, already happened...

besides, most know what happened in KOTOR (even if we dont), so repeating that story would not really be all that interesting...

(we never played KOTOR, due to our computer not supporting it... but we might play it later on now, since we be gettin' new computer now...)

You will be very much welcome, Angnoch!

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:46 pm
by bleedingblue
can i totally call agnoch as the lead fighter pilot in my squadron of fighters whom have defacted from the sith and is now slowly carving its own path? call some pre-emptive character dibs if agnoch obliges?

Come to walk the fence with the mightiest of Blademasters and a true lord. you will find we hold the restrictions not of the jedi but of simple morality. everything else is but a whim to be done... plus we have cookies :smt047

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:47 pm
by Psi Kiya Trist
Semper wrote:Palpatines 'force wormhole' (Originally called force storm until Lucas used force storm in the KOTOR games in it's 'real' and canon form) is post ROTJ and ergo non canon and BS.

"if you're gonna call Bull****, then post a link to prove it."

I have evidence of G-canon, T-canon, and C-canon being valid "canon" just that Lucas decided he wasn't going to go past RotJ. in fact, i have that from the actual Star wars site from the keeper of the holocron, would you like me to dig it up to prove your arrogance wrong? or are you going to back up your statements? as i know you're not the be all end all source of star wars.

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:29 pm
by Magni
Psi Kiya Trist wrote:"if you're gonna call Bull****, then post a link to prove it."

:-" Ron Paul 2012! :-"

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:19 pm
by semper
Psi Kiya Trist wrote:
Semper wrote:Palpatines 'force wormhole' (Originally called force storm until Lucas used force storm in the KOTOR games in it's 'real' and canon form) is post ROTJ and ergo non canon and BS.

"if you're gonna call Bull****, then post a link to prove it."

I have evidence of G-canon, T-canon, and C-canon being valid "canon" just that Lucas decided he wasn't going to go past RotJ. in fact, i have that from the actual Star wars site from the keeper of the holocron, would you like me to dig it up to prove your arrogance wrong? or are you going to back up your statements? as i know you're not the be all end all source of star wars.


The link you've given me is more than enough to make my point for me. Lucas states there, in quoted form that it's not his world, it's not his story. It's not canon. Canon comes from the creator, the God of the Universe. Otherwise anyone and everyone could add and take from the universe to their hearts content.

George Lucas wrote:LUCAS: "I've left pretty explicit instructions for there not to be any more features. There will definitely be no Episodes VII-IX. That's because there isn't any story. I mean, I never thought of anything. And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married..."


The keeper of the holocron, these other people.. they're meaningless to me because they're utterly PR's. Lucas has said 'it's a parallel universe'.. that's enough. It's not Star Wars, it's not HIS Star Wars and if it's not his Star Wars, then it's not Star Wars. The holocron person and the others are bound by the law and business, if you're a fan of Star Wars then the only person that should matter is Lucas himself and he tells you directly that it's not his and he doesn't want to know it.

As a writer and creator myself I put it to your first hand that if I were in Lucas' position I would be no different. If I didn't write it or say yes to it with full knowledge (like he says he hasn't) then it wouldn't be anything to do with me, it wouldn't be my creation and ergo not part of my universe.

Lucas himself had direct involvements in SW:FU, the two TV series and the up coming live action series.

I said KOTOR was ok because the powers used in it are not ridiculous like they are in post ROTJ crap, they're close a few thousand years after when these dead brained novellist's get involved again but I wasn't counting it. The KOTOR games stick true to Lucas' vision and the powers are reasonable within the logical boundaries of the ones shown in the film and the TV series. I also opened up to the story line given in the KOTOR games because once again, they're reasonable. However, I'd be more than happy to strike them off and stick to FU, the two clone wars series and the films.


Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:40 pm
by Magni
Semper wrote:However, I'd be more than happy to strike them off and stick to FU, the two clone wars series and the films.

What's wrong with KOTOR? LucasArts was involved in making the games...

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:41 pm
by Angnoch
EUC: Interesting… Has George Lucas ever had any involvement in the EU - even simply saying what you can and can’t do? Or has absolutely everything been left up to your team, in terms of novels and comics.

SR: George Lucas has little involvement in the EU. He’s stated many times that the EU is Licensing’s galaxy, and while he does use bits and pieces of the EU in his films and TV programs, as a whole he considers it separate from his galaxy. Our job is to try to mesh the EU as closely as possible with George’s galaxy so that it can appear as one continuous history.

There are times when we ask for his input and permission – generally when we have questions about his main characters and what we can do with (and to) them, and what time periods are off-limits so we don’t impact storylines he’s developing in those areas.

i dont really want to get involved in the canon debate because there isn't really a debate Semper is 100% correct even if he is a little overzealous in his posted above GL has little to do with the EU and while he acknowledges its existence it is not his story and as such it should be taken as below canon

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:29 am
by Psi Kiya Trist
Semper wrote:Lucas himself had direct involvements in SW:FU, the two TV series and the up coming live action series.

I said KOTOR was ok because the powers used in it are not ridiculous like they are in post ROTJ crap, they're close a few thousand years after when these dead brained novellist's get involved again but I wasn't counting it. The KOTOR games stick true to Lucas' vision and the powers are reasonable within the logical boundaries of the ones shown in the film and the TV series. I also opened up to the story line given in the KOTOR games because once again, they're reasonable. However, I'd be more than happy to strike them off and stick to FU, the two clone wars series and the films.


if you acknowledge that KotOR, and by default this RP exist inside the realm of the EU, then the debate is over. this RP exists in the EU, which is in and of itself it's own continuity(proven by your quote). therefor, if you come in here again, posting that "we're wrong" on star wars canon, then i will remove your posts as trolling and spamming. as you state explicitly that you do not acknowledge the EU(in your words, it doesn't exist), this is outside your "canon" of Star wars already, while it exists for ours.

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:13 am
by Angnoch
Name: Kal Fia'dor
Race: Bothan
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Bothawuii
Class: Former Noble, now mercenary fighter pilot
Age: 24

Height: 5'
weight: 75 lbs
Fur Color: silvery with soft gray stripes on his arms
Eye Color: purple
Hair Length: he keeps his fur trimmed

Attitude: kind and caring commander, however extremely arrogant and egotistical regarding his abilities

Kal grew up as the eldest son of the Noble House Fia'dor, despite his father's wish for Kal to be trained in politics he never had much interest in the back stabbing two faced Bothans that were career politicians as such upon his coming of age he went to the Bothan Military Academy where he excelled in all hand to hand combat, and weapons training. His natural talent was as a pilot, after only a week in the simulators he was already breaking records and defeating experienced trainers without fail, shortly after graduation his father was killed whilst trying to negotiate Bothawuii becoming a Sith Protectorate due to the Sith's rapidly expanding empire. His death left Kal in an extremely precarious position because once the Bothan Council found out Kal would be exiled for his fathers lack of honor. Kal took his inheritance and 10 close friends and left Bothawuii, purchased star fighters and one larger Bulk Cruiser, despite 7 of the original 10 dying in one conflict or another he has managed to recruit others and is typically at 12 members four to run the ship and 8 in fighters. The deaths of his friends have given him a fierce desire to prevent any harm from coming to his people, this is reflected in his constant intervention in battle as he goes well out of his way to protect every one and if he wasn't such an incredible pilot this might be an issue. Throughout his time flying he has yet to meet a pilot who really even challenged him and forced him to use all of his ability.

Equipment: while he carries a small blaster on his lower left leg his primary equipment are the Bulk Cruiser modified with an almost entirely automated crew and his 10 star fighters all of which are Aurek Tactical Strikefighters

Clothes: typically wears a black flight suit

Weapon(s): DC-15 Sidearm blaster
Force powers: n/a

Re: A Star Wars RP

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:02 pm
by Zeratul
you're taking it a bit too far now, just as our original list was too far the other way...