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Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:29 pm
Psyko wrote:Huge Spoilers:
[spoiler]This article has a video with a sneak peak of the rest of the season. Little clips that show what's down the road. It can confirm certain theories or completely destroy them. Make sure you want to know before you click Play.[/spoiler]


I will resist, I will resist, I will resist lol

I like speculating and trying to predict things, 'we' will not press the button either lol

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:42 pm
by GrizzZzzly
ooh i'm gonna watch it now before i press the button :P

I like this thread. Always a good reminder for when the next episode is out :smt026

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:38 pm
by Psyko
Psyko wrote:Huge Spoilers:
[spoiler]This article has a video with a sneak peak of the rest of the season. Little clips that show what's down the road. It can confirm certain theories or completely destroy them. Make sure you want to know before you click Play.[/spoiler]


I will resist, I will resist, I will resist lol

I like speculating and trying to predict things, 'we' will not press the button either lol

:-D The Devil made me do it.

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:51 pm
by Zeratul
Shoot the devil. In the face. With a cannon.

Re: True Blood

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:33 pm
Series 4 Episode 6
[spoiler]Jason didnt turn into a Panther, probably for the best, maybe because of the Vamp blood used to heal him. But his connection to Jess is getting interesting, her and Hoyte clearly not getting on this series and now very clear the attraction is mutual ( even if his is just from the blood - remember blood = sexy dreams/thoughts ), but thats not the interesting bit, the interesting bit to me is will be ask her to turn him into a vamp ???

As predicted Bill caught Sookie & Erik together, and eventually Erik got to go where we all want to go lol Pity Erik didnt kill bill and become a renegade vamp. I still have a sneaking suspicion that Eriks memories have started to return and he's blagging it.

Dull King Bill finally got to kill Erik and didnt, instead let Erik go to make Sookie happy, what a wimp.

Pam rotting is lame and dragging on, but being freed and finding Terra & her carpet muncher is interesting, will she kill them, turn them, torture them to find Lafiette ???

Lafiette gets possessed by someone, boring

The Witch gets her revenge... well maybe. If a witch can control vamps who will save the day, the wolves ? the panthers ? Sookie ? Maybe alll will have to work together to fight the vamps the witch takes control of, grand finale battle ????

Tommy taking on Sams shape and banging his misses, just lol He's got to die soon

Freaky baby burning the house down, yawn, taking to long

For me Erik and Jess are the best characters this series so far, even Sookie who is supremely & strangely hot is getting a bit tedious right now. Changed my mind about Jason, he should become a vamp, him and Jess together with both their lack of self control would make a great duo :-D[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:11 pm
by Zeratul
[spoiler]While the turning did not happen, its not 100% certain it wont yet... Episode ended during the early parts of the full moon... Maybe the werewolves are wrong in their understanding of the way things work?
There is still of course the possibility that its either not infective, or that it is, but Jason is immune due to his faerie ancestry.

It is quite possible that Jason may also be immune to other forms of supernatural creatures... Someone who is one part fairy many & parts human might not be compatible with vampire turning either.

The Tommy/Sam/Luna situation could be interesting... What does a skinwalker/skinwalker union produce?

As we expected, Bill turned Eric loose... He is after all insufferably honorable...

The necromancer only becomes more interesting... especially when you consider how little marnie truly understands, whereas Don Bartolo knows much much more...[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:15 pm
by Psyko
And yet again, Eric is the only think keeping me watching this series. ](*,)

Re: True Blood

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:59 am
Series 4 Episode 7

[spoiler]OMG Nooooooooooooooo dont let Jess burn !!!!!!

Will Jason save the day, charge in, tackle her, close the doors and feed her ????

Proper cliff hanger, the first in a long time.

Sookie & Erik getting down & dirty, TBH good Erik is starting to bore me now, Im just waiting for the big reveal when he gets his memory back. Other supernatural shows seem to go by the rule that witches spells are broken when they die so maybe thats how this one will go.

Given the witches power it seem unlikely any vamp will get her, more likely a human, maybe Jason will shoot her to protect Jess ( hoping that Jess survived ).

Also the possibility that Laffiette while possessed by the good spirit will be thrown in the mix, but I dont like that so much, tis all a bit pansy. Better to leave him to deal with the other dull bit, the demon baby.

The wolfmans got a thing for Sookie, but that was obvious already, and other dull stuff with the shifters sibling rivalry.

Whats happened to the ebil fairies ??? lol[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:08 am
by Zeratul
[spoiler]It would seem that all the supernatural species have a certain love of those with faerie blood.

Jessica will most likely survive, considering that she's listed as cast for several of the episodes later in the season. How is a bigger question, considering that moments after that guard was tackled, someone fired a gun.
Besides, there's no point in her dying now. They made that point by killing a random vampire. Her story is still unfinished.

It is fairly obvious why Jason is so attracted to her... She did after all feed him considerable amounts of blood, and we all remember how Sookie was after drinking Eric's blood last season (or the one before that)...

It would appear that mikey is quite possibly also a medium of some sort and that the strange woman singing to him is some dead spirit. Probably a nicer spirit than Antonia, but that doesn't say much.[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:50 am
by Psyko
MEZZANINE wrote:Series 4 Episode 7

[spoiler]Whats happened to the ebil fairies ??? lol[/spoiler]

[spoiler]This is why I was pissed that they brought all that crap in. In the books, her fairy godmother's around and actually becomes Sookie's friend for a while. The Fairy War doesn't come up until a couple books (and since they are doing a book a season, you can put that as Season 5...or was it 6...?) later. Stupid **Filtered** move by the writers.[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:54 pm
by Zeratul
We rather liked this week's episode...

[spoiler]Hardly surprising that the wolf Sam got mixed up with is the local Packmaster. Its fairly obvious that the mess with Sookie, Alcide and Debbie is going to get interesting... Especially with that packmaster.

It would, for now appear that the witch has an advantage, but its fairly likely that something will go wrong there, she is after all far too much of an absolutist. When the witches are unwilling to cooperate and the vampires are willing, it'll go wrong for the witches. Especially if the media gets wind of the fight.
Bill's aid to Tara might help bring her out from the clutches of Antonia, but not immediately.

One of the things we wonder about is what injured Sookie in the fight. it seemed like a stabbing, yet no one were around to stab. Another is when she'll truly learn more control over her powers. They're rather hazardous to both humans and supernaturals, so whomever she fights with would have a significant advantage.

We did not find it too odd that the female spirit took hold of Lafayette, but we're still unsure just what she wants, or for that matter if she is benign or sinister in nature. We get the feeling that she might actually just be benign and overtly caring towards children, having seen/sensed the unstable mind of the mother. The question is where it'll move from here.

We're also unsure what will happen to Jessica.[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:21 am
Series 4 Episode 8

Zeratul wrote:We rather liked this week's episode...

[spoiler]Hardly surprising that the wolf Sam got mixed up with is the local Packmaster. Its fairly obvious that the mess with Sookie, Alcide and Debbie is going to get interesting... Especially with that packmaster.

It would, for now appear that the witch has an advantage, but its fairly likely that something will go wrong there, she is after all far too much of an absolutist. When the witches are unwilling to cooperate and the vampires are willing, it'll go wrong for the witches. Especially if the media gets wind of the fight.
Bill's aid to Tara might help bring her out from the clutches of Antonia, but not immediately.

One of the things we wonder about is what injured Sookie in the fight. it seemed like a stabbing, yet no one were around to stab. Another is when she'll truly learn more control over her powers. They're rather hazardous to both humans and supernaturals, so whomever she fights with would have a significant advantage.

We did not find it too odd that the female spirit took hold of Lafayette, but we're still unsure just what she wants, or for that matter if she is benign or sinister in nature. We get the feeling that she might actually just be benign and overtly caring towards children, having seen/sensed the unstable mind of the mother. The question is where it'll move from here.

We're also unsure what will happen to Jessica.[/spoiler]

Damn your beat me to the review this week, what ya do stay up all night, call in sick to work lol

[spoiler]Sam -v- Jealous Packmaster, I dont get this, surely a shifter is stronger. K the packmaster becomes a wolf, so what ? The shifter can become anything, a bear, lion, any number of animals can take a lonewolf, and if the wolf brings his whole pack, an eagle or other bird can just fly away. Shifters -v- Werewolves, no contest.

Why didnt the sharpshooters just blow that witch away ??? It looked like Bill got captured so I recon Terra will release him since he saved her.

I thought Sookie was shot. We'll probably get another fairytale while she is unconscious. I think her getting injured by the witch, and Jess almost dying because of the witch makes it more likely Jason will be the one to kill the witch.

The spirit that took over Lafayette seems to be after the baby because hers was killed, guessing her baby's spirit is meant to have been saved in that doll and transferred to the new baby but frankly it's still dull and cant see where it's going.

We all guessed Jess would be saved by Jason, very glad he did as Jess is probably my fav character this season, but why wasnt Jess at the fight ? She is meant to know when Bill is in danger & help her maker. Still think Jess & Jason would make the perfect Vamp couple if he was turned.

Since Hoite has become even more dull, and Jason cant betray him I guessing/hoping he will be killed off in a heroic way saving someone.

Erik & Sookie getting it on, and Sookie giving us a flash of breast. All very pretty but I dont watch this show for softcore action. To much time wasted on this now.[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:17 am
by Zeratul
we got back home to the internet connection we can download stuff anytime, so we downloaded it monday rather than night to tuesday.

No classes on mondays meant we could watch it then.

[spoiler]That about shifters & weres competing like that does seem rather odd. In theory shifters should be far more powerful than a werewolf, yet it is obvious that shifters are slightly afraid of the weres.

Is it merely cultural, or does it stem from something else?

The Jess case:
No doubt Bill commanded her to stay indoors or something silly like that.[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:46 am
Zeratul wrote:we got back home to the internet connection we can download stuff anytime, so we downloaded it monday rather than night to tuesday.

No classes on mondays meant we could watch it then.

[spoiler]That about shifters & weres competing like that does seem rather odd. In theory shifters should be far more powerful than a werewolf, yet it is obvious that shifters are slightly afraid of the weres.

Is it merely cultural, or does it stem from something else?

The Jess case:
No doubt Bill commanded her to stay indoors or something silly like that.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I wonder what happened to the werepanthers ? We guessed Jason never changed because of Jess's blood but thats not been confirmed, and are the whole family pregnant by him ? Will we see a litter of little JasonPanthers ? That would be one hell of a CSA/Childcare bill.

Andy got V off the Panthers before, if he is so desperate for more why hasnt he gone back ?

Sam doesnt seem to be scared of the weres, didnt he beat up a couple in human form before ? And that packleader dont look scary at all, hell he even walked away when Sam offered him to step outside.

They seem to have forgotten that Sams Brother sacked Sookie, has Sam even noticed that Sookie dont work for him anymore lol

And since Sams new squeeze has a daughter who is 1/2 Werewolf and 1/2 Shifter what the hell does that make her ? Would be funny as hell if she transformed into a little yappy dog and bit someone lol

Lots of questions still unanswered, maybe they will be soon but it seems like lots of open threads/stories in this series.[/spoiler]

Re: True Blood

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:05 am
by Zeratul
[spoiler]many interesting questions there...

The case of shifter/weres might actually be that the weres see themselves superior & stick together, whereas shifters are generally loners, at most gathering in small groups of maybe 4-5. A full werewolf pack like the one in Shreveport looked to number something like 40 wolves. The panthers seem to have numbered in maybe a dozen or so, maybe a few more.

Andy's V craze continues to be interesting. Now that Jason is back, he might easily have a dry period. A forced dry period at that.

Its obvious that Jason, while at times an hopeless fool, also feels responsible at other times. Like with Andy.

Luna (or whatever that love interest is named) is not as much a shifter as she is a skinwalker, so her daughter is half were, half skinwalker.

we suspect that a creative skinwalker is much more dangerous than a werewolf. Imagine someone shifting to an elephant. No lone werewolf has a chance against that.[/spoiler]