~Dragon Company~ says hello!

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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

SSG EnterTheLion wrote:My dear laddies!

Congrats on a new alliance, but ye don't be forgetting the new alliance tax ye have to pass on to ole EtL. a minor 500 trill. [-X :smt081

i can off u 500 naq? :)
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

SSG EnterTheLion wrote:My dear laddies!

Congrats on a new alliance, but ye don't be forgetting the new alliance tax ye have to pass on to ole EtL. a minor 500 trill. [-X :smt081
500 tril DMU on its way :P

Congrats on breaking away

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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

Dragonians wrote:
SSG EnterTheLion wrote:My dear laddies!

Congrats on a new alliance, but ye don't be forgetting the new alliance tax ye have to pass on to ole EtL. a minor 500 trill. [-X :smt081

i can off u 500 naq? :)

R0B3RT wrote:yep sorry not a bug i.m a noob :-D
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

Congrats on the new alliance, the pride of Ankh-Morpork I'm sure

Kikaz wrote:Thanks to:
MaYHeM - You guys were the closest thing I've found to family in this game, thanks for giving me a chance and eventually being crazy enough to vote me onto your high council and eventually let me lead you for several months. I had a blast with you guys.
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

Commander Vimes wrote:sadly da vinci, jt doesn't know friend from foe any more. he's so paranoid that everyone is out to do something that he trusts noone and assumes the worst all the time, hence how we are at this position.
If this were true, all you did was confirm he was right not to trust you guys. If you had an issue with JT, then your issue should have stayed with JT. If you felt you guys deserved what was in the alliance bank, then you should have used what you felt was your share in the alliance bank for upgrades and created your own alliance. Your actions didn't affect JT as much as it did have an effect on those in DxM, DDE, or any empire who trusted you.

While many people may be laughing about the situation now, all you guys did was tarnish your own reputations and more or less alienated yourselves. You'll be on friendly terms with other people who had a grievance with JT/DDE, but I'll be surprised if anyone puts any of you in a position of authority anyplace outside of your new alliance. If I recall, most of the current members of your alliance weren't even in DxM a year ago... so I fail to see how you believe you have a right to keep an alliance that existed years before your recent stint.

Anyways, I know I've had my own differences with some of you... but good luck and hope this all gets straightened out like adults, instead of a chain of events of childish behavior after childish behavior.
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

lol max yes the alliance existed long before us but several of us have been in DDE for several years. plus it was near enough a dead alliance before it merged with DoO and it was marshall and myself that turned it into the most active alliance in the empire ;)
as it happens we are still on friendly terms with many people in the empire so we aren't as lonely as you may think. just because we left doesn't mean we lose friends.

and as previously stated we only changed the name etc after jt threw his rattle out of the pram.
if he wants the alliance back it will cost him in both funds and more so in pride, something he has too much of ](*,)
if he can prove that he deserves our respect and deserves the alliance then we may be able to come to an agreement but all the time this continues he is just proving his chiildish nature :(
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

I do love a good drama :)

Nice move guys, you've spiced things up nicely! =D>
Sol wrote:
Field Marshall wrote:
Sol wrote:It's not going to destroy your life :P

I think this is sig worthy in fact.
:o my first sigging. I sigged you too. <3
High Empty wrote:however people shouldn't have lvl 33 and 200mil spies and try to be in the top 10, it's unhealthy.
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

Commander Vimes wrote:lol max yes the alliance existed long before us but several of us have been in DDE for several years. plus it was near enough a dead alliance before it merged with DoO and it was marshall and myself that turned it into the most active alliance in the empire ;)

It wasn't due to anything you or Marshall did. When you take three mostly inactive alliances, boot the inactives and merge the active players into one alliance... it's nothing that you guys did to make it the most active alliance within the empire. It's due to the restructuring that DxM had more activity than the other alliances. My decision to go on vacation mode had more effect on the rest of the server having more naq to farm, than you two had an effect on DxM being the most active alliance in the empire. Considering JT, Deni, and I had that conversation on my opinion before the whole restructure even took place... I have as much to do with DxM's activity as you two do, and I haven't even been playing for the past year. It was a common sense decision based on the updates at the time and if anything, you proved that it was a great decision to make. #-o

Commander Vimes wrote:as it happens we are still on friendly terms with many people in the empire so we aren't as lonely as you may think. just because we left doesn't mean we lose friends.
You fail to see the point of my statement. It's not whether or not you have friends because I still consider you guys friends/family despite our history of confrontation. My point is that outside of your new alliance or any alliance you guys start up from now on, I will be surprised if any of you are ever put into a position to have that kind of control ever again. Right now everyone is laughing because it didn't happen to them, but I'll bet nobody in a major alliance/empire is willing to give any of you a position in which you have access to kick members or hijack an alliance again... especially if there is ever a disagreement with you. As a friend, I am trying to open up your eyes to see the full spectrum of the decision you guys made... but based on your knee-jerk reactions to anything I've said in the past... you will brush off anything I say and only see your version/side.

Commander Vimes wrote:and as previously stated we only changed the name etc after jt threw his rattle out of the pram.
if he wants the alliance back it will cost him in both funds and more so in pride, something he has too much of ](*,)
if he can prove that he deserves our respect and deserves the alliance then we may be able to come to an agreement but all the time this continues he is just proving his chiildish nature :(

Again, you fail to see the whole picture. You supposedly did this to get back at JT because the issue was with JT... at the same time your decision affected a lot of other people most of which had no clue what was going on at the time. I have read/heard both sides of the story and see both points of view, but I fail to see how you think your decision only affects JT. If you take a moment to actually think about it, it affects a lot more people than you realize.

Respect in an online game is a funny thing. People may respect you for leaving DDE and venturing on your own, but I highly doubt that they respect the way you did it. In order to be treated like an adult, you have to first act like one. I have respect for how you guys play the game and for venturing on your own, but my lack of respect for you guys comes from the public displays of drama when you guys don't get your way. Your parents may give in to you when you pout because you don't get your way, but the real world isn't like that all the time.

Personally, this really doesn't have an effect on me either way. I'm just trying to give you advice and an outside point of view on how this may be perceived by others. Whether or not you decide to take it is up to you. You're all still friends/family and we'll still be that way in the other online games we play together.

As I said before... good luck.
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

i hate to break it to you max but the revival of DxM is not solely to do with the merger. it was under the control of Qacol for a time and was failing badly, even after i took over it was hard work to get it going again.

our decision to leave was the hardest of our sgw careers and was mainly due to the lack of respect and trust jt has for everyone else that doesn't bow down to him.
whether or not anyone trusts us is their choice but i doubt anyone else has the same sort of issues as jt and therefore this situation would never arrise again.
if you have read the conversation marshall and myself had with jt before leaving you can see it was not our choice to leave this way.

this is not some petty way of getting back at jt and we know full well it affects more people than him, but unlike jt we also realise DDE is about more than his ego.
as for public displays of drama i was one of the calmest people in DDE and never shouted and moaned in public or even on the DDE forum.

i'd love to see what jt has put on the forum, i can't see it being very accurate....
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

Commander Vimes wrote:i'd love to see what jt has put on the forum, i can't see it being very accurate....

There's always two sides to every story. At the same time, words typed don't always come across the same way as they were intended. I'm sure there was a lot of overreaction on both parts.

Everyone has their own playing/command style... and not everyone will agree with it or be able to excel in it.

Either way, I've said what I came here to say...
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

MaxSterling wrote:
Commander Vimes wrote:i'd love to see what jt has put on the forum, i can't see it being very accurate....

There's always two sides to every story. At the same time, words typed don't always come across the same way as they were intended. I'm sure there was a lot of overreaction on both parts.

Everyone has their own playing/command style... and not everyone will agree with it or be able to excel in it.

Either way, I've said what I came here to say...

i don't exactly agree you and i both sat in shout-box and watched it explode while you sat there doing nothing and everyone asked, personally id rather make a new alliance but see as Ive contributed my fair share to the bank i don't see any return...

i was in DDE a long long time, considered it a home. but what happened in the shout-box alone was bull and left me with a bad taste, had i left to be on my own id probably be sat on by some strike team because i no longer cared for the fighting style..

JT, your cool when your not angry but when you are you make brash decisions how you've always been, massing this alliance will do you little for winning anyone back over esp those of us on the fence post, if there something your gonna learn its dealing with people there are times when your army and strike action cannot win over someone :smt021

besides as you've said the game sucks and is coming to an end that's why you started Ogame, so hell doesn't bother me if you sit and bash my account stats mean nothing anyway if the game dies...

"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.
James A. Baldwin"

so lets go fight as hard as you can show how much your willing to turn onto those whom use to be under your command and considered you a Friend.
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

Welcome to the ... situation Omega had to deal with ex DDE peoples and current DDE peoples.
Initial masser on Field Marshal's 120t defence and on Rodwolf's 177t defence.

The forces of Rodwolf fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 178,947,245,996,720 damage on Tekki's forces!

The forces of Rodwolf fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 3 damage on Tekki's forces!
Jedi~Tank wrote:@ADMINS- ALL ADMINS, this is the absolute worst game forum I have ever seen (this sentiment is shared by many) It is amazing how ya;ll can go from good job to complete garbage in no time at all.

A sentiment I can agree with, except some of them have never done a good job. For further details, PM me INGAME Id 9095.
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

I know everyone gets a little ansy about every comment ever made.....and generally if TL say it, it must be bad! lol

I know certain factions of DDE are working on their own game.......and now let me get really personal and imo....good!!

This game has been strangled for a good 2-3 years now with "empire fighting" every admin meet is now tit for tat.....rodwolf even tried to suggest I said something as a name I've never used....that was amusing

The only way this game has a future is if the big alliances "go somewhere else" as in another post....people can see I am intent on leaving.....but tbh....make major change....drop me 3 coverts levels and let play.....and I like many am back!.

I was radomnly looking about earlier, I found a cover 24 with 150 mil spies...should I caress my ME and make them look silly? I actually pm'd them...to try to explain the error of their ways...I have always played like this...I want my opponent to be as close to equal as possible
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

Actually I'm more curious to know now about the rumours about responsibility for the break up of FUALL...
Initial masser on Field Marshal's 120t defence and on Rodwolf's 177t defence.

The forces of Rodwolf fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 178,947,245,996,720 damage on Tekki's forces!

The forces of Rodwolf fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 3 damage on Tekki's forces!
Jedi~Tank wrote:@ADMINS- ALL ADMINS, this is the absolute worst game forum I have ever seen (this sentiment is shared by many) It is amazing how ya;ll can go from good job to complete garbage in no time at all.

A sentiment I can agree with, except some of them have never done a good job. For further details, PM me INGAME Id 9095.
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Re: ~Dragon Company~ says hello!

*burns a funeral pyre for DDE's lost alliance*

Bold move, taking DxM off the DDE roster.. Perhaps not meant in aggression, but interesting to see it playing out.

DDE is looking a bit, skinny?

Having fun with TL are we? :)
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