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Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:04 am
by geisha
Most of the recent updates were put in place in order to bring more balance into the game. IMHO that didn't work out too well and main and ascension are more unbalanced than ever. Making it easier for the smaller ones doesn't automatically balance things out. I think it would be a better way to give the players the chance to balance things out themselves and make things more dynamic. Here are some ideas how I think this could work.

1. Remove the rank modifier
To make descensions easier.

2. Make ascending worthwhile again

The benefits you are getting from an ascension on the ascended server don't seem to be worth it anymore compared to your losses on main and compared to the inflation on the ascended server. For example, if I would ascend right now with my current stats, I would be getting 5,820,365 ascended power points which would currently get me 7,845,852,020 life force. That is an amount that can easily be achieved on the ascended server with one's own production or just with farming in a day. In return I would be losing about 16 million UU and all the trillions of naq I have put into my unit production and covert levels. So at this point an ascension would be rather silly. The amount of APP needs to be massively increased in order to make ascensions worthwhile again to ascend beyond Living God.

3. Change the descension principle
Instead of taking away the ascension bonuses on the main server for 2 weeks and after that everything goes back to normal, I think it would be a lot better if you could descend someone by one ascension level permanently i.e. descending a living god +1 would make them a living god, descending an incarnate would make them a messiah etc. and they would have to reascend again (which they could technically do right away) in order to regain their bonuses.

Now why do I think this is a good idea?

All in all it would make the game much more dynamic on both servers. People would ascend and get descended a lot more. It would be a real battle and challenge to be successful on both servers. A lot more resources would be taken out of the game when people have to ascend more often and this will indeed balance things out. In return people would have a motivation to ascend again if they actually benefit from it on the ascended server. Technically even the biggest players could be taken down to be unascended beings again. Also a descension would not prevent you from playing the ascended server for 2 weeks. You could retaliate right away (even though your ascended account would be weakened).

Thoughts? ;)

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:37 am
by Blackburn
I agree.
I was thinking of ascending mroe myself as well, but sicne the new updates I didnt see any use of it, since buying dmu is much cheaper.

Also, about the descending, I agree as well, it would be nice to descend people and that they really are descended 1 level, it would have more impacht I think, although, if you are living god +4 and you get descended you would only loose 1% of your bonuses, I think thats a too small percentege.
I think you would need to loose at least 5% in order to have an impact on the account.


Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:41 am
by geisha
Blackburn wrote:I agree.
I was thinking of ascending mroe myself as well, but sicne the new updates I didnt see any use of it, since buying dmu is much cheaper.

Also, about the descending, I agree as well, it would be nice to descend people and that they really are descended 1 level, it would have more impacht I think, although, if you are living god +4 and you get descended you would only loose 1% of your bonuses, I think thats a too small percentege.
I think you would need to loose at least 5% in order to have an impact on the account.


Well, it's true that the losses on main wouldn't be as bad for a living God +2 who gets descended to a living God + 1. But I think that's only fair. At least that would be a reason to ascend more. Plus you could keep descending them until they lose 5% on main ;)

They shouldn't be protected from further descensions like it is now.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:45 am
by Blackburn
geisha wrote:
Blackburn wrote:I agree.
I was thinking of ascending mroe myself as well, but sicne the new updates I didnt see any use of it, since buying dmu is much cheaper.

Also, about the descending, I agree as well, it would be nice to descend people and that they really are descended 1 level, it would have more impacht I think, although, if you are living god +4 and you get descended you would only loose 1% of your bonuses, I think thats a too small percentege.
I think you would need to loose at least 5% in order to have an impact on the account.


Well, it's true that the losses on main wouldn't be as bad for a living God +2 who gets descended to a living God + 1. But I think that's only fair. At least that would be a reason to ascend more. Plus you could keep descending them until they lose 5% on main ;)

They shouldn't be protected from further descensions like it is now.

True, but that would mean there shouldnt be a 2-3 weeks limit for descending them again. otehrwise it would take a lot of time ;)

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:04 am
by Lord_Zeus
Everyone has had their chance to catch up now, imo this would be ok. There is always Daemon to go to (although the 2x losses are too harsh... and should be changed to mabye 1.5x)

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:33 am
by TacticalCommander
I like 3. Because in of it self, it kinda solves 2.

I would suggest imposing a time limit between descensions.

I was thinking something like a 2 day ascension PPT after a descension. Should be more than enough time to rebuild ones account with todays costs and DMU generation. Its not so long that it make inpractical to descend someone constantly, but at the same time, it will keep someone from being descended turn after turn.


Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:39 am
by Fallout
Blackburn wrote:I agree.
I was thinking of ascending mroe myself as well, but sicne the new updates I didnt see any use of it, since buying dmu is much cheaper.

Also, about the descending, I agree as well, it would be nice to descend people and that they really are descended 1 level, it would have more impacht I think, although, if you are living god +4 and you get descended you would only loose 1% of your bonuses, I think thats a too small percentege.
I think you would need to loose at least 5% in order to have an impact on the account.


so ppl who are more ascended(AG-s + ) should suffer more, nice one (y)

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:28 am
by Blackburn
Fallout[TÅ] wrote:
Blackburn wrote:I agree.
I was thinking of ascending mroe myself as well, but sicne the new updates I didnt see any use of it, since buying dmu is much cheaper.

Also, about the descending, I agree as well, it would be nice to descend people and that they really are descended 1 level, it would have more impacht I think, although, if you are living god +4 and you get descended you would only loose 1% of your bonuses, I think thats a too small percentege.
I think you would need to loose at least 5% in order to have an impact on the account.


so ppl who are more ascended(AG-s + ) should suffer more, nice one (y)

maybe they should, because they have ascended mroe so should have a bigger advantage, and then still being descended will be at a bigger price.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:07 am
by Fallout
1% bigger advantage and 5% bigger losses, your serious?
this is just stupid.
if you guys want ppl to lose one ascendion then it should at least be fair.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:46 am
by geisha
Fallout[TÅ] wrote:1% bigger advantage and 5% bigger losses, your serious?
this is just stupid.
if you guys want ppl to lose one ascendion then it should at least be fair.

No, I think it should just take away 1 ascension level completely. If that's only 1% on main for the guys who have ascended more often that is only fair. There should be some benefit to sacrificing all the stuff on main and doing many ascensions. Right now there isn't. Ascending is completely pointless after 6 ascensions nowadays, so I think people need a motivation to ascend again.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:54 am
by RobinInDaHood
The consequences for descension on the ascended account should be more severe. As it is you don't need to even destroy the defense to hit someone with ascended attacks. With the turn cost so high to attempt descension (99 per attempt) and the number of hits required (4+) to actually do it (assuming they do nothing to save themselves), I think if you manage to successfully descend someone they should lose a huge number of their planets, maybe on the order of 50%.

Dump the ascended strike rank modifier. It isn't needed with the 1/3 damage cap in place.

You could also make the descension process more fair by bleeding off available turns (-25 turns/turn) if the ascended damage done by the attacker is greater than the defender or vice versa. That would provide more consequence to an ascended attack that didn't result in an immediate descension. Eg: You go to hit someone with an ascended attack and you do more ascended damage than they do to you and you can be assured that they will suffer 150 turns of loss for your 99 turns of investment. Likewise, if you hit someone and miscalculate the damage you'll do, you will be the one with a turn loss for the next 3 hours.

As it is now, someone hits you with an ascended attack, you quickly top off from reserves and move on. There really is no other consequence. If you set it up so that turns bleed off the defender, you could potentially descend anyone over time by hitting them every three hours until their turns were completely depleted and they were no longer able to refresh from farming hits and their cache was depleted.

It would also be a simple solution for dealing with the sniper accounts which seem to be a big problem recently.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:06 am
by Blackburn
RobinInDaHood wrote:The consequences for descension on the ascended account should be more severe. As it is you don't need to even destroy the defense to hit someone with ascended attacks. With the turn cost so high to attempt descension (99 per attempt) and the number of hits required (4+) to actually do it (assuming they do nothing to save themselves), I think if you manage to successfully descend someone they should lose a huge number of their planets, maybe on the order of 50%.

Dump the ascended strike rank modifier. It isn't needed with the 1/3 damage cap in place.

You could also make the descension process more fair by bleeding off available turns (-25 turns/turn) if the ascended damage done by the attacker is greater than the defender or vice versa. That would provide more consequence to an ascended attack that didn't result in an immediate descension. Eg: You go to hit someone with an ascended attack and you do more ascended damage than they do to you and you can be assured that they will suffer 150 turns of loss for your 99 turns of investment. Likewise, if you hit someone and miscalculate the damage you'll do, you will be the one with a turn loss for the next 3 hours.

As it is now, someone hits you with an ascended attack, you quickly top off from reserves and move on. There really is no other consequence. If you set it up so that turns bleed off the defender, you could potentially descend anyone over time by hitting them every three hours until their turns were completely depleted and they were no longer able to refresh from farming hits and their cache was depleted.

It would also be a simple solution for dealing with the sniper accounts which seem to be a big problem recently.

yeah I like that idea.,

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:22 am
by Silverburn
At current it is almost impossible to descend people...

so that should be taken care of first...

One attack on a person every 3 hours is not really fair...

you just make sure that your flow repairs more then your max LF in 3 hours and you're done

also, if a higher player can't touch a lower player, that it should be like that the other way around too...

a weaker players does not have as much power, so if the strong player can't reach, then the weaker one CERTAINLY shouldn't be able to reach

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:34 pm
by darkness5723
Evil_Lathander wrote:At current it is almost impossible to descend people...

so that should be taken care of first...

One attack on a person every 3 hours is not really fair...

you just make sure that your flow repairs more then your max LF in 3 hours and you're done

also, if a higher player can't touch a lower player, that it should be like that the other way around too...

a weaker players does not have as much power, so if the strong player can't reach, then the weaker one CERTAINLY shouldn't be able to reach

Actually, it is like that right now, if someone is like 1000000x bigger than you it says too far to reach, but its extremely skewed.

Anyway, yes all of this should be implemented. Descension was initially supposed to be like that but Forum backed out under pressure from all the fast-ascenders.

Re: Ascension/Descension suggestion for more balance

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:39 pm
by Silverburn
how about bringing the time between attacks back to one hour? That's 2 turns

to get your flow to recover you in one hour, that's nut's, can't be done I think