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In Depth Introductions!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:21 pm
by HairyMehoff
OK, So Hopefully You've Said Hi! In the other one

Use This Space To Tell EveryBody About Yourself more in depth. Ingame And In Real Life.

Examples could include sports you play, other interests, plans for your game account, names of enemies, tell us about your alliance, etc, etc, anything you're willing to share.

Re: In Depth Introductions!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:56 am
by HairyMehoff
I'll go first.

My Name is HairyMehoff. Real Name is Andy. I Live in the United States. I'm a college student studying pre-med. I quit Halo because it caused to much stress in my life, but i was a pro-level gamer in that game. This is my replacement game i guess. Umm, i play ultimate frisbee and i run cross country. we party every weekend in my dorm room. I'm very ambitious. i dont like to do homework. ive neveer had to study till now and it sucks

i just got into glory range today for my ascension to living god. im out to make a name for myself. im starting with this forum. maybe people will remember me, but i dont want to play this game and leave without leaving a HUGE mark. My msn is i have it specifically for this game.. im usually on AIM tho... thats mtdewgotdaflu92... if u wanna chat just hit me up.

i just joined a new alliance, its u.e.f. united earth federation.. its led by Crysis, who is a badass. we'll see how that goes. with all the work ive been putting into this forum, im starting to lean more towards repli/nanoti allies over others. its affected who i attck ingame for naq, and it surprises me.

anything else you want to know hit me up on AIM or MSN

Re: In Depth Introductions!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:47 pm
by R1cardo
my name is ricardo.
just stopped studying for logistics management since i want to start up a company in the near future.

i'm a hardcore repli nanoti fan. so they don't show up on my attack list.unless they have an extreem amount off naq outstanding.only twice sofar and hoping it stays that way.

i started a repli alliance and i'm really hoping i can help in getting us back at the top.
unity amoung repli's is the key to succes.

for the rest i like to spend my time with friends,drinking a few beers and going out.
for sports i used to play football and if i find time now i try to go climbing.
but i like sports in general.
besides that i'm a hardcore strategic gamer, as long as it involves tactics it's all good 8)

Re: In Depth Introductions!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:44 am
by Twitchy
hey ppl im Twitchy or in RL they tend to call me gary :P any who im form England i live near london and im 18 i go to college as well i do some part time work at y old high school haha as an cartaker kinda guy handy man realy haha any who i have ben playin this game for a bout ermm ponder more then a year now ... wow how time flies any who ermm what to say what to say meh dnt know haha well if ya want to ask me any think or just get to know me here my addy

Re: In Depth Introductions!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:35 pm
by Anarchy_
im Anarchy_ formerly known as SATAN 666
rl name is Chris tho my friends hav a wide variety of nicknames ranging from Chrissy (from my gf's twin sister) to freak child (based on the fact my eyes r naturally different colour to each other :P)

im 16, starting yr 12 this year with no real plans as to what im going to do after i finish school. i work casual in a supermarket, in various departments as im always willing to try everything (and if i dont like it i just dont accept the offer again :P)

oh and i live in canberra, australia :P

been playing this game almost 2 years now. my past alliances include Los Chuchos (an alliance run by my first CO b4 he quit), The Magnificents (a great bunch of people who i still keep in touch with long after moving on from them) and my current alliance ~Wolfpack~. im a bit farm crazy and i dont discriminate with who i hit... normally. but im a nice(ish) guy and if your reasonable we can sort something out. :-D

Re: In Depth Introductions!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:45 pm
by HairyMehoff
glad to have you.. i voted for you ya know ;)

Re: In Depth Introductions!

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 5:35 am
by Anarchy_
HairyMehoff wrote:woot
glad to have you.. i voted for you ya know ;)

i wouldnt b here if people didnt think i was good enough to be given a chance :)

Re: In Depth Introductions!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:22 am
by MadWetCat
Oiy...okay. Im MadWetCat.....Pete/Peter in RL. I'm 35 and live in North Carolina. I'm a skilled tradesman and can pretty much build anything in the residential construction arena. I also play XB360 (also MadWetCat), love all sports but mainly football and baseball. Wrestled and played Football in HS. I always try to be nice and respectful unless dealing with someone that doesn't show the same respect.

I have a wonderful wife (CabennFever) who also plays (if you want to call it and 2 super kids. I have pics at if anyone cares :D