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Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:06 am
by Maha Vishnu
This is probably in the wrong section, and should be in character histories bit no one reads them so I thought I would give it a whirl

Early beginnings
Very little is known of Maha Vishnu existence before the Second Goa’uld Dynasty save that Maha Vishnu was a Goauld that was interested in technology more then dominating worlds.

Lord Shiva, who was one of the powerful system lords at the time, saw potential in this minor Goa’uld much to the disdain of another Goa’uld Kali.
Whilst Kali started to train as an ashrak under the influence of Selket she became a close ally of Lord Shiva whom she served with her ashrak talents. By the time the Tau’ri were discovered on Earth, Kali's master Lord Shiva was powerful enough that he was granted access to the Humans. It was through this that Kali became one of the first Goa'uld in history to take on a Human host, giving up her former body in favour of this new race.

During this time, Kali was quick to eliminate any beings that were opposed to Lord Shiva's rule, including many among the Tau'ri who refused to accept Lord Shiva as a god. It was through this that Kali earned her role in the Hindu pantheon as the destroyer of ignorance, claiming the name the Destroyer.

Maha Vishnu was loyal to Lord Shiva, and told Shiva he had invented * a weapon that could destroy the universe itself and would make Lord Shiva unstoppable and make the other System Lords surrender.
*From information on a tablet that Vishnu had found on a remote planet called Jilihka-Vis and had deciphered some of the language, now called Dakara)
Maha Vishnu called the weapon sudarshana disc (chakra) and could be used against System Lord Jalandhara (a demon king) to demonstrate to the other System Lords its power.

System Lord Jalandhara brought his great fleet to KailAsa, the abode of Lord Shiva, to fight with the God! Lord Shiva armies attacked but where overwhelmed. Lord Shiva's first prime was killed as such was the ferocities of the attack.

Maha Vishnu was working on the machine with Lord Shiva when the Jilanda Guard Unas came in a fired at Lord Shiva. Maha Vishnu threw himself in the way and took the full force of the blast. Lord Shiva then disposed on the Unas with his sonication ring. (A device that was made to torture and kill Unas easier)

Maha Vishnu lying in a pool of green blood told Lord Shiva that the weapon was armed and all he had to do was push the 3 tablets up. Lord Shiva did, and a large device powered up, and fired a disc like shape into the sky. There where tremendous explosions and System lord Jalandhara fleets where destroyed. The Unas seeing there god destroyed in such a manner pledged there loyalty to Lord Shiva, and in his reward to Maha Vishnu gave domain over part of System lord Jalandhara empire. (The weapon could not be programmed as the super weapon on Dakara, as the translation could not be 100% deciphered, and is used as a hammer rather then a delicate knife)

It was at this point that Lord Shiva had to use a human host for Maha Vishnu much to the disgust of Lord Shiva but delight to Kali

Kali, who was another Goauld in the servitude of Lord Shiva was annoyed that the fact Maha Vishnu had been given domains and she eventually betrayed Lord Shiva and began to serve under Ra until, after the Tau'ri rebellion, she broke away from Ra and claimed her own empire. Forming an Alliance with Bastet, the two System Lords became a powerful force after the fall of Ra. (That is another story)!

Next Chapter: Betrayal of Lord Shiva

Thanks to Wikipedia and other media sources to adapt the history of my character

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:13 am
by Maha Vishnu
Chapter II: Betrayal of Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva's general behaviour soon began having more and more of an impact on Kali's work, however; due to the fact that her master refused to give up his Unas host, the natives frequently believed him to be a demon rather than a god. While this pleased Lord Shiva, Kali quickly recognized that it only increased the potential for unrest and so she pleaded with her master to take a Human host as he enforced upon Maha Vishnu.

Shiva refused, and so Kali was forced to kill more and more dissenters among his subjects. The situation soon came to the notice of Ra himself who informed Maha’s and Kali's master that, should he wish to continue to make use of the Tau'ri, he must take a Human host.

After refusing, Ra demanded that Lord Shiva make an audience with him; Lord Shiva refused this order also, and instead Kali appeared in her master's place to bargain with Ra. Though she had originally simply wished to divert the bloody conflict she knew would arise as the result of Lord Shiva's insolence, Ra had lost his patience. He instead offered her an alternative solution; she would kill Shiva herself.

Although Kali's loyalties to her master meant that she was loathe to kill him, she soon realized that she had no choice as Ra was more powerful than any other System Lord and defiance of his orders would only mean that she too would die. Indeed, Kali also realized that—should she refuse—Lord Shiva would simply be killed by other means anyway. It was only when Ra sweetened the deal, however, that she finally accepted; Ra informed Kali that, when Shiva was dead, he would take control of her master's former territories and allow Kali to rule over them as his subordinate.
Kali called Lord Shiva and Maha Vishnu for an audience, as she had got news that Ra had suffered a heavy defeat against Apophis and was time to overthrow him.

Lord Shiva instructed his first prime tp prepare his Hat'ak to meet Kali at Zangak. He told Maha Vishnu that he had something else he wanted him to do, and come to the planet as soon as possible.

Lord Shiva ringed down to the planet to meet with Kali. Kali was worried when she did not see Maha Vishnu with her master but she knew too much was at stake if she failed. Lord Shiva was getting impatient, that his servant Kali was making him wait. Lord Shiva then heard Kali's voice on the communications orb and swung around. Kali with a smile on her face said "Time my master, my god. You will feel nothing. Ra is the supreme God."
Lord Shiva flew into a rage but before he could do anything, Kali pushed a button and the palace blew up, as a Naqahdriah bomb had been implanted onto the planet. Maha Vishnu had just dropped out of hyper drive when the blast wave hit his Tel'tak. Little is known what happened to Maha Vishnu, but the super weapon blueprints, ancient tablet and weapon where destroyed before Kali could gain control of it.
As such, Kali had struck down her former master Lord Shiva and joined the ranks of Ra's subordinates, a position of much higher power. Maha Vishnu was no longer a concern now she had the backing and trust of Ra.

Maha Vishnu would next appear in the year 1000AD after the fall of Ra
As Ra promised, Kali assumed control of her former master's territories as well as the subjects therein. In exchange for her services, Ra even granted Kali access to a small portion of Tau'ri in an area that would later become known as Bengal.
In order to cement her new position, Kali systematically wiped out any of her subjects who still remained loyal to the now-dead Lord Shiva, an act which further fixed her role as the destroyer of ignorance.

While doing this, Kali also made sure to promote those who stood loyal to her, be they Tau'ri or subjects from other planets. It was because of these actions that iconography depicting her as a redeemer who stood over the fallen form of her spouse became common among her followers.

Next chapter Fall and Rise of Maha Vishnu

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:55 am
by Eternal Usul
*disclaimer: there are many stories as to how Usul came to be...this, for the right one*


In Goa'uld society, it is the norm to spend hundreds...even thousands of years, rising in power. Serving one Lord after another trying to gain recognition, followers, and advanced technology...

But not all Goa'uld are traditionalists...

Usul began his rise to power quite recently in galactic events. Originating on the Goa'uld homeworld during the last years of Ra's reign, Usul's first host Unas...

A peculiar situation caused by his association with a largely unknown faction of Goa'uld who felt humanity represented a grave threat to their race, and were unwilling to risk a Human host. Usul's early life was filled with combat training, at the hands of Jaffa warriors...and Goa'uld Ashrak...despite the genetic memories that most Goa'uld share...he was taught of advanced worlds the Goa'uld had conquered, made to study the flaws in his peoples tactics...and to improve upon them...

In time Usul grew to believe that modern Goa'uld military strategy had many inherent problems, and distinguished himself by attempting to develop Jaffa who used more than brute force and terror tactics to destroy their enemies...It was during this period that Ra the Tau'ri...thus confirming not only the beliefs of his particular sect...but his own misgivings regarding Goa'uld military an effort to study how the Supreme System Lord could have fallen to such an unadvanced race, Usul left his home of 100 years...and traveled to Earth...

Once on earth, he immediately discovered that his Unas form was a dead giveaway in the entirely human populace...and so, against his better judgement, he took a human host...a young nomad in the desert...

Many months were spent simply observing humans...during which time Usul learned their various languages...and began reading their texts...among which was the Dune series...Impressed by the apparent warrior disposition of the "fremen" he took a name fitting his godly persona...He was to be called "Usul," his given favor of becoming the base of the pillar...the foundation of strength...

Feeling that his understanding of Humanity was usable...Usul emigrated to the United States...and managed to gain citizenship...and voluntarily entered Military Service...Within two years he had, with his great knowledge...and ferocity in combat...earned a reputation as a hero...and was offered a position in the SGC...

On several missions through the gate, Usul learned of Tau'ri tactics...and determination...finallly culminating on his 113th mission...wherein he lead his team straight into a Goa'uld trap...arranged by himself and his former patron, Lord Sokek...

Seeing the great potential of Usul's studies, Lord Sokek eagerly offered him a position as a Lieutenant in his armies...Usul was more than happy to accept the honor...

In many following battles Usul's ferocity manifested itself in the form of relentless, terrifying assaults on enemy forces...utilizing tactics never before seen within the Goa'uld Empire...based on lessons learned from the Tau'ri...A brief stay on the homeworld was the first sign of the young Goa'uld's growing influence...when several legions of Jaffa...formerly of another goa'uld fallen in battle...met him at the gate...and vowed their eternal alliegance to the one they viewed as the greatest of Goa'uld Warriors...

Within six years, Usul had attained enough power to rule over multiple worlds, in the name of Lord Sokek...on these worlds he instituted a new way of of the masses became common...and a new faith swept across the lands...Usul appeared before his people...and claimed that he had been sent by a great a prophet to guide them...his followers took on the name "Fremen", and roared their approval of his rule...

The loyalty of his human followers assured...Usul moved on to the creation of a more...powerful...force...composed of Unas...taking many Unas worlds...and training them to be more than just his followers...but to be fanatics...holy warriors...blessed by the Great Lord Sokek...and Usul's dark goddess...They came to be known for their ruthless tactics on the battlefield...fighting with no remorse...if a battle went badly...each carried a tactical nuke attached to his belt...and would detonate ensure that there was no chance of defeat...only victory...

Standing as a warrior prophet...Usul was set for glorious battle...This time in the name of a new Lord...who had taken over in the strange absence of Lord Sokek...

For a time, Usul dove into the name of the System Lords...nothing else mattered but the annihilation of all who oppesed them...but it was not to last...for the old gods were fading...and many, including Usul...found themselves without a leader...but unlike the others...Usul did not despair...rather...he continued his march...without a Lord to stop him...he cut a bloody swath across the galaxy...

And so it was...that his power was recognized...and he became a Lord in his own right...though he only commanded a small was without a doubt...the most terrifying force many sentients had ever seen...

Usul had risen...the base of the pillar...the foundation of strength...

As sinister threat's grow across the galaxy...Usul would look out...from the bridge of his great mothership...The Archangel...and be heard to though a prayer to his dark goddess...

"Fear is the mind-killer... they will be afraid"

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:19 am
by lordernest
History of Lord Ernest
The beginning:Chapter one
Ernest's early life began on the haven known as Belgrood.This was the haven of the goa'uld queen Nofa . Ernest had several brothers and sisters
each was a great lord in their times.They were Anubis,Hathor,Ares,and finally Lord Yu. Ernest was a eager goa'uld hungry for knowledge and he received a lot of it because when Ernest served each of his brothers and sisters.They gave him very much of advice and then he left to begin his own career.

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 7:47 am
by lordernest
Chapter two;Domination
Lord Ernest began his career serving with Harakash Maha Vishnu because Ernest was also eager for knowledge. Then Ernest decided that he should be alone and when he went alone he broke the cycle. Ernest was constantly attacked but he perservered and began a streak which still exists to this very day of raiding ,of destroying ,and of pillaging of anybody he thought would be weak.Lord Ernest still does his job but sometimes he sneaks into the shadows and isn't seen or heard from noone but he still does his attacks so good that anybody would be terrifyed of if they were attacked.

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:10 am
by kele
The rise of Lord Kele.
Many tauri generations ago, on a planet called Relena, Lord Kele arrived in his Unas host, but after seeing Ra's slaves, he pledged his allegiance to the great God, and took a human host himself.
Whilst being pledged to Ra, he built up his Jaffa army, slowly, but unsignificantly. A minor Goa'uld perhaps, but a strong one. Unlike many other goa'uld, he actually made sure his jaffa population grew fast. The planet was literally seeded with them.
His rise to more galactic importance came after Ra was defeated, the lands of Lord Kele were left untouched by the civil disorder and Apophis took no notice of it. Being freed from a master, he began constructing a fleet and launched an invasion of another world, wiping out all life that has been there under the control of another minor lord.
Renaming the planet Agonia, he brought along many of his jaffa to colonise this new world. It was here that an Asgard ruin was discovered, with a working control panel, plans for stronger shield generators were integrated into his H'atak vessel and in the glider and alkesh fleet.
Unopposed in the past, he went along to attack another world, by stargate and by fleet, only to be defeated and nearly captured by the opposing goa'uld.
This narrow escape of death, made him paranoid of Tok'ra spies. He killed his first prime and several Jaffa.
His piramid was to be heavily defended at all time, he knew that if he wanted to become more powerful though he had to acquire stronger ships and better weapon systems.
He ordered a Jaffa batallion to raid a naquada mine planet, and occupy it if it was possible.
Fear seemed to have strikken this Goa'uld and the Tok'ra planned an attack against what seemed to be a weakened God. But when the Tok'ra assasins arrived at the planet, they found themselves quickly ambushed, and with the tok'ra symbiote removal technology he implanted one of his offspring into the Tok'ra's worthless host and dealt a blow to the Tok'ra network.
Taking no prisoners, his status grew as the slayer of 14 Tok'ra.
His ambitions did not end there, he vowed to slay all Tok'ra wherever possible.
But his homeworld was ravaged by replicators, once more he had to seek shelter and consolidate his power.
Now he is returning to a strength, stronger then before. He is on the rise, slow but certainly.
And by a deceit, he managed to get Asgard help. Granting him stronger weapons. Those pesky grey braggers are good for something after all!
Also the Tau'ri and their blasphemy have not gone unpunished, several tau'ri outposts have been destroyed and burned, their worthless lives made redeemed by serving as hosts for the Gods.
Why can't the Tau'ri see what an honor it is to serve their Gods in this way?
With stolen upgrades from the tau'ri also several replicators have been downed to oblivion. The Plague of the galaxy.

Lord Kele, a minor Goa'uld, but nothing minor to his power.
Rising to become a far stronger God.
Lord Kele, God of Agonia.

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:17 am
by Nightmare
Chapter One
Nightmare liekd cookiez

Chapter Two
Nightmare liekd mudkipz

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:30 am
by Reschef
Nightmare wrote:Chapter One
Nightmare liekd cookiez

Chapter Two
Nightmare liekd mudkipz

this is not the right topic for spam or senseless posts. A mod plz delete Nightmare's and then also this post.

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:31 am
by Skunky
Reschef wrote:
Nightmare wrote:Chapter One
Nightmare liekd cookiez

Chapter Two
Nightmare liekd mudkipz

this is not the right topic for spam or senseless posts. A mod plz delete Nightmare's and then also this post.

he is a mod :S

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:38 am
by Reschef
Skunky wrote:
Reschef wrote:
Nightmare wrote:Chapter One
Nightmare liekd cookiez

Chapter Two
Nightmare liekd mudkipz

this is not the right topic for spam or senseless posts. A mod plz delete Nightmare's and then also this post.

he is a mod :S

but not a System Lord race lord :P

Re: Your Goa'uld History

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:52 pm
by Mephistopholies
Nightmare wrote:Chapter One
Nightmare liekd cookiez

Chapter Two
Nightmare liekd mudkipz

I lold tbh <3 Nightmare

Chapter 1:How Mephi Rose To Power (Spellling and grammer may be bad i was drunk writing this)

[spoiler]Mephistophelies was sitting in the cafe of eternity Trying to Remember her past Life as Human or Her
time As An Ascended Being.However None would speak to Her,Until a Woman walked in Waring a stunning
Red dress,She walked straight to MephistopheliesAnd spoke so Softly You cannot Dwindle Hear to Long the
fate of the galaxy is at stake.You must choose now Weather to Face Ascention
Once again Or to return to the mortal plane of Existance and Help defend The Galaxy

As The Woman spoke Mephistophelies tought back to recent events in the Galaxy abord The Phoenix Her flagship
an Ancient Battleship,She decided upon Returning to the Galaxy to Finish with the War being wagged Accross
the Galaxy between the Forces She called Family and Freinds The Tauri Alliance Atlantis Expedition and the
Forces of Evil intent on Killing All The Humans In Pegasus in order to get to Earth and The Milky Way The
Dark Star Alliance

The Women agreed to help Mephistophelies Return,However she would be returned in the Milky Way and would need
to return Throught her own means to Pegasus.Mephistophelies Arose Inside a Facility Of some Sort Tho She
did not Were,She knew who She recognized the Distinct Gouald Design After Regaining Consiousness and veiwing her
Surrondings she noticed she was in a Magnetized prison Cell

After Siting In the Cell for What seemed Like Hours 2 jaffa Came and Took Her from Her Cell To see there master
Lord Baal.Baal Began Questioning Her about Who She Was and were she came from.During Which time she would not
reply he would torture her immensly,After Hours of revealing Nothing Baal Grew Impatient and Desire answers
He called forth the jaffa.Baal removed the jaffa symbiote and while Mephistophelies Was held in place By
The tortue Device implanted Her with A Gould.He then called forth several jaffa to Remove her from the device
and insert her into the Sarcophagus.

Several Hours later Mephistophelies Was brought before Baals Loyal Jaffa in Stunning Gold Erotic Clothing with Baal,HeAnnounced
Her His Queen.As they Embraced Mephistophelies before the Jaffa She Ripped the Spine from Baals body Killing Him Instantly
She turned and faced the jaffa her eyes glowing and he voice
Boomed out kree tal lok

Mephistophelies The Ancient Is Dead

All Hail The New Quenn Your God System Lord Mephistophelies[/spoiler]