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Stumbled but didnt crash.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:04 am
by chaisejret
For as long as I remember I have raided, attacked, the more descicive. (thats made no sense but its considered correct english? Anyway). What I'm saying is It takes a long time to get your first ascended rank. How are Erm per experience fellow Goa'uld you are fortunate to have stories about progress and leaps and bounds toward this from humble beginings. Share one. I will start......Once apo...............time ago........ this hobb....zzzzzz.

I had just got to 300K army and decided to mass an Asgard one rank below me, to see when he lost lots of men and weapons if he would fall or dive down the rankings. Well I had a setback and lost about 130k of my jaffa and so was left with 170K units. Then I fired all of the brilliant mercs who obviously were armed to the teeth with broomsticks. Leaves me 68k shorter still and now I have an army size of 102K. With this army still the more good band beat up but now instead of rank 5000 rank 6000 and beyond. Three whole months go by only things is i'm still here mate now 240K and 4890 rank. The mercs are on permanent leave the army gets supplied from a shoebox but I'm happy and moving slowly up to jump through your window as a thief and take your cities dont sleep.


Re: Stumbled but didnt crash.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:39 pm
by Shornaal
Whats your ID and can you go in PPT?
I will send you a little gift that will help you out.

Re: Stumbled but didnt crash.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 5:03 am
by Maha Vishnu
Hail chaisejret. You story is is what I have heard many times. Many Goauld beleive that as they are gods, that the lesser races will bow to them.

I Maha Vishnu recognised a long time ago when to keep out of the way and when to step in.

As with many other Goauld, they have came to me and asked for help. I have gave them help but they did not have what it required to make a true god.

My response to you is, you need to find a stronger Goauld, who can provide support and protection as Commander.
You then need an alliance that has stonger members then you
Pick your fights. Recon. recon. recon. Then recon again 1-2 days past. This will give you an indication if the world is protected.
Check if the world ruler has a commander.
If the information is good
Set them to war, attack/raid
Send a pm stating that if they are active, they must set you to peace.
If they do not then you can take from that world.

I have never attacked ANY world without having a full breakdown of allies/Co/actvity/naq/UU turn per income.

These are the rules I give to my Goa'ulds loyal to me.

Only the more powerful system lords can go in blind.

If you do need guidance then you only need to ask.

Lek Tol

Maha Vishnu

Re: Stumbled but didnt crash.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:02 pm
by chaisejret
thanks for the advice *bright smile* might you restore order to us all *farewells and saunters restpectfuly away* replied