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Goa'uld Section RPG - Have Fun!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:25 am
by Nicholai Brocov
I believe this section is long over-due for some RP?

Last time I RPed in here was when I started the Quad'rog series, which if memory serves didn't quite finish. But I'm not about to resurrect a long dead RP.

So how about we have ourselves a new one.


RPG Ground Rules...[just a few rules everyone is expected to abide by to keep things fun and reasonable]

1) No killing of other RPer's (within reason)...
[the killing of other players may not take place in-person, but through your chain of command - to allow RPer's to decide whether they wish to resurrect themselves without making you look incompetent]
2) No space battles or references thereof...
[cargo ships, unarmed al'kesh and pyramid ships are allowed but nothing beyond that]
3) No excessive third party RPing...
[do not try and make your subordinants into main characters, or RP on behalf of other people]
4) No fancy goa'uld (oppressive) technology...
[there will be no secretly cloaked facilities, space based weapon platforms or ships with super-fast hyper drive technology]
5) No changing or exceptions to the rules listed above...
[need i say more?]

(The respectfully suggested alternatives to RP rules 1-4...)

~1: It's still possible to kill an RPer and not do it yourself, try thinking of a creative way to slay your rival(s) through poison or by suggesting the foreseen death of an RPer after they have not shown their face in sometime. This may make your enemies fear you even more then just getting your hands dirty or having your subordinants do it for you. Plus if that RPer does choose to re-appear you will would have only been thinking out-loud.

~2: There is a way to have ships being associated with power that you may not have thought of right away. Ships, even cargo vessels are able to carry many jaffa and mercenaries. Plus ships can be used as calling cards. For example, a cargo ship with the ability to cloak itself or the ability to jam Voccum signals could be seen as a very skilled bounty hunter trying to get away without being caught in the act of tracking you or your enemies.

~3: While I encourage everyone to indulge in your own style of RPing, I also feel that most RPer's don't respect having to always deal with a fictional third party as apposed to speaking directly to the RPer which created them. So please, I'm asking nicely, keep the third party RPing to a minimum.

~4: I also encourage people to try and make themselves seem multi-task oriented or at least that your character has the ability to plan ahead of time for worst case scenarios. If you should find yourself in a tight spot, why not pull out your ribbon device or personal shield?.. The point is there are a number of other ways to avoid one another and certain death that you may not have thought about. I would expect that you find your own loop-holes to these rules and not in such a way that makes your style for RP seem obnoxious.


RP FAQs...[a helpful list of questions normally asked about this rpg]

When is this RPG taking place?
About 3000 years after the Goa'uld started using the stargates. Hence our current level of technology. The gates are still our best strategic weapons.

Are the Tauri part of this RPG?
No, Earth has not yet been discovered by the Goa'uld yet.

Is Kronos dead?
No, his empire is streched thin and cumbling under the constent threat from Ra and other goa'uld.

Is Ra a Supreme System Lord?
No, there are only Goa'uld in this RPG. There is no authority state in place for our race. It is a very chaotic time for the Goa'uld.

Do space ships have weapons?
Pyramid Ships, yes.
[these are however also considered carrier class starships, each carries at least 20 death gliders at a time and has upto four short range, slow firing turrets]

Al'kesh, no.
[these are still considered nothing more then troop transports with ring platforms]

Tal'tek, no.
[cargo ships are able to cloak and are sometimes more viable then the Al'kesh, but do not yet possess ring platforms]


Time-line...[a helpful recap of what had taken place in the rpg thus far]

(No events to report.)

Re: Goa'uld Section RPG - Have Fun!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:34 am
by Nicholai Brocov
On a sun bleached tundra right next to a dry white sandy beach. There stood a monument in honor of the Goa'uld. It's rough granite foundation had the wear of time, there was no doubt this monument predated the previous architecture which ruined the coastline. The planet it was based on was dubbed the eternal resting place of the Goa'uld. The only other thing in sight for miles was the Chappa'ei which was surrounded with meaningfully decorated stones which were roughly half as tall as the gate and about twice the thickness. They seem to be like pages in a book, each side of the four-sided stones had a different part of the story written on them. Among the writing there were ornate carvings of the Goa'uld and the Tok'ra. Apparently this was a story about a choice, one which forever changed the Goa'uld as a race. Forever.


It was only a matter of time before someone stumbled upon this barren grace-land. Why was this place so forgotten? Why was this place so deserted? None of that mattered now, because I would soon come to realise that I was not alone. As I tread on the rough cracking salt flats that stretch for miles and miles, I begin to feel as though I am being watched. Slowly and suredly I turn around glaring in every direction as the sun reeks havoc on my vision. At first I believe myself to be seeing things, but to my amazement, there was another person among the stones this whole time. While I look back at the stone I had been examining to make sure I knew I wasn't dreaming. I started to walk towards the heat-blurred figure in the distance. For what truths this entity holds, I didn't dare ask myself.


It is days later and I am still in contemplation of what I had and had not found on that planet. On the one hand I found out the legacy of my father, Kronos. It was he who had seeded the planet with humans and designated it as a goa'uld paradise. But I still am restless and robbed of the answer as to how that paradise became a shell of it's former self. While I convinced myself yet agian that it didn't matter, it was only with the swift and heavy footfall of three of my most loyal jaffa that made me realise I was not acting like a very certain god.

~ My lord... The first prime states, after quickly taking a knee in front of his lord-god, with a very rational and confident tone. He begins to speak of his findings on the planet, and it is then I realise why he comes to his god with such confidence and assuredness.

~... It would seem that the fate of the planet may have been the work of the Tok'ra. We searched through at least seven area's of crystalline tunnel systems and found no record of what had taken place on the planet.

It was then that I began to lean forward with my head down in an attempt to express my frustration with their findings. Only then to be surprised by their true findings.

~...It wasn't the tunnels that I felt you needed to know about my lord, but instead this...

The jaffa bowed his head nodded sideways as he affirmed to his apprentice to show me their findings. With but the tips of his fingers he held out his arm raised above his sloped head, presenting my eye's with a very exciting piece of history. A very small tablet with a per-versed version of rudimentary Goa'uld dialect carved into it.

~...We were unable to translate the writing and knew that you would know what to make of it.

* A wise decision jaffa, for only gods are timeless beings and can procure the truth no matter how old... You may go now.

The three jaffa quickly rise keeping their heads facing down as they salute me only to leave my presence directly afterwords. But time is a truly fickle thing when you're a god, as much as I wanted to now dedicate myself to this family heirloom, yet another jaffa marches into my sight and demands my attention as if Sokar himself were in the next room.

!.. My lord we have just received word from our Al'kesh in orbit around the planet. It seems another Al'kesh has just dropped out of hyperspace, they have not answered our attempts to contact them.

* Oh what a nice surprise I always liked guests.


Moments pass as we ring aboard my Al'kesh and go straight to the communications room.

* Open communication frequencies.

I point to a range of frequencies and nod to the jaffa to engage in recording my message.

* I am Lord Brocov, the proclaimed inherit-ant of this planet and it's secrets. You will tell me who you are or be boarded...

I nod to the jaffa to end the recording and send the signal.

Perhaps this would be a good time for a new character to introduce themselves...

Re: Goa'uld Section RPG - Have Fun!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:35 pm
by Ra
Deep inside the city of Rosetta the great Pharaoh was deep in thought. Bearly a hundred cycles had passed since his rise to power. The day when he first discovered the Chappa'ai and the world changed. He now waited again, though for only the newest report. As of late ruins had been continually discovered. Through these the great fire staffs had been created, slaughtering any army still using the sword. Soon however, these would be placed upon his Alkesh. Fire would rain from the skies and thousands more would flock to him.


A messenger runs with all he can muster. Through the colossal gates of Tiphereth, past the walls of stone and iron, and into the second tier of the city. He continued his run, slowly admiring the awe inspiring magnitude of Ra's city. Built 94 years ago and still as perfect as the day it was built. The city showed Ra's great influence and housed nearly 100,000 of the people. Millions passed through the capital of trade each year, granting the city its own taste and unique quality. The young man could not help but notice however, the guards at the walls and the great cannons built into the walls. Finally however he reached the steps of Ra’s inner sanctum…

~…I…am…here to see the Lord Ra and bring with me a dispatch

One of the Jackal guards roughly grabbed the writings and turned to walk into the large mansion dominating the top tier of the city.

~ My Lord, I bring these from Talok and his outpost.

* Leave them and return to your post.

Ra looked over the first few lines. “…Need reinforcements, rebels have amassed outside the outpost and number close to 400...I have only 38 men and 14 have already died. Two detachments of the elite guard will be sufficient, 100 men in total.

Wearily Ra opened up a communication

* Send 200 of my Anubis guard to Torak and make haste.

Ra was quite confident his troops would make it, though he was curious as to who would incite rebellion. It was widely known Ra commanded one of the largest land forces in the galaxy. Though his fleet was something of a mismatch of old parts and old pilots…

Re: Goa'uld Section RPG - Have Fun!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:52 am
by semper
Semper glared out form the Peltak of his Hatak pyramid Vessel, gently drumming his fingers on his inner arm, every little impact being counted out within his mind. That though, was the least of his concerns. Kronos had been killed, a victim of the Tauri, the third system lord to have fallen in the past half decade to these primitive humans. Weakness. The only attribute capable of explaining the death of Kronos, but whilst as Semper had always nurtured some hatred for Kronos, the fall of Ra and Sokar had been, un-admittedly, a great surprise, even to him. This now was not the time to linger on the past. Spinning on his heel the insidious Goa'uld turned his back on the view hole and the empty vacuum beyond, his long black robes gracefully gliding behind him as he swept across the smooth floor towards the magnificent throne that usually housed his malevolent being. As he passed the handful of Jaffa within the local area, each one bowed their head, refusing to look upon the almighty god. The entire peltak had an air of tension about it. Every Jaffa feared Semper in every way. Not only had the Goa'uld demonstrated an amazing ability in all forms of combat and expertise, but he held a terrible temper beyond the likes any Goa'uld had ever been renowned for.

When seated upon his throne Semper stared round the Peltak and caught a glimpse of an incoming message upon the communication officers control pad. The Jaffa had not noticed. Looking away with a sly turn of his head, Semper spoke out.
"Jaffa! There is an incoming message from one of our exploration Alkesh." The Jaffa glanced down at the control pad and paused for a moment before turning round and kneeling before Semper. "You are indeed all knowing my God." Semper signaled for the Jaffa to rise, and without further order the foot soldier rose and activated the message displaying it upon the main view screen.

The Alkesh, whilst exploring planets within Kronos' former territory, had ran into another Alkesh, one belonging to the Goa'uld Brocov. Semper was amazingly uninterested with the report, and was about to order the Alkesh to return when he read past the initial report of the planet, and looked to its name. The Ancient Goa'uld felt a twist in the stomach of his host and smiled at the memories being rekindled. On that very planet, nearly twenty thousand years ago he had begun his shadow war from within the Goa'uld. It had been on that very planet that Semper had begun using the knowledge left by Anubis to alight a rebellion upon one of Ra's worlds. The Goa'uld laughed out loud. "Tell the Alkesh to destroy Brocov. Then set a course to the planet. Tell the remainder of the fleet to return to Hades." Semper rose from his throne, he once again crossed his arms and used his hand device to activate a nearby ring system that would transport him to his private quaters.

Re: Goa'uld Section RPG - Have Fun!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:57 am
by Maha Vishnu
Hi. Just delete if un-acceptable, but thought may add some background to the planet?

Five thousand years ago before the gods Anubis, Semper, Ra and Lord Brocov , Ouranos, took a host of a large creature that had come too near a pond for a drink.

He found a queen and she was called Gaia (Egeria) and she was ordered to change the DNA of the Goauld to crave power and domination for Ouranos to rule so he could send them to the stars and planets to do his bidding.
Gaia started to produce larvae Goauld who where then implanted when old enough into the Unas.

Five thousand years passed. And may of the devine gods where hatched, Ra, Anubis, Semper , Brocov to name a few.

At this time the Goa'uld queen Gaia realized her own wrongdoings and the fact that her species was responsible for great suffering in the galaxy. She gave birth to a new race, rebels to the Goa'uld, that she hoped would be able to stop Kronus, Ra and the other System Lords one day.

This new kind of Goa'uld became the Tok'ra, meaning "Against Ra".
On the unknown planet, a Goauld named Anubis, had started to work in areas that the Goauld had never thought of. Ra was getting more and more powerful. Lord Ouranos, decided that the only one loyal enough to him was his son Kronos.

Kronos, was feared for his fearsome reputation for killing a reviving his victims and was hailed as the God of Time using technology Anubis had created for reviving the dead.

Kronus envied the power of his father, the Suprem System Lord Ouranos, ruler of the universe. Kronus found by chance that he could take his fathers power. He knew that Gaia had started to produce offspring with a non Goauld trait, this mattered not as he would kill them, but this was the plan he could use to unsurp his father,

Kronos, spoke to Lord Ouranos, and told him of the betrayal. Lord Ouranos, was angered, He shouted at his guards to bring Gaia to him and his two sons, Hecatonchires and Cyclopidius (both Tok’ra). Lord Ouranos decreed that Gaia and her two sholva where to be sent to Tartarus, to be tortured and killed and revived for millenia. This drew the enmity of Kronos' mother, Gaia

Gaia devised a plan, to remove Lord Ouranos and replace him with one of her two sons. She had no feelings for Kronos, who seemed to derive pleasure from tortuing souls in Tantarus

She created a great poison, which when diployed would kill all Goauld symbiotes. She told all the Tok’Ra which she had been implanting to go and use the underground caverns she had created as a great plague will be coming.

She then sought out Kronos and his brothers (Hecatonchires and Cyclopidius ) to persuade them to use this to kill Lord Ouranos. Only Kronos was willing to do the deed, so Gaia gave him the poison and told him to smash the vial on the floor and she would ring him out of the room. Kronos (unknown to Gaia) asked his minor Goauld at the time, Anubis to find out how it is made and get it massed produced for making weapons. When Lord Ouranos met with Gaia, Kronos smashed the small vial on the ground.

Lord Ouranos grasped his throat and all the guards started to die.
Gaia then tried to betray Kronos, but Kronos had already plans. He had his fleet in orbit. Kronos killed Hecatonchires and Cyclopidius with his hand device but Gaia ringed away. Kronos, did not have time, he shouted at his first prime to ring him aboard before the poison could take effect

Kronos watched above but could not detect the small cargo ship Gaia had stolen. Kronos took charge of his fathers domain.

It was then that Kronos had found a underground network of tunnels. He sent his first prime who was killed. This angered Kronos, and he ordered for those to be found. The Tok’Ra had been palnning for years but there numbers where still to low to take over Kronos domains. The war between them and Kronos ensured for 1000 years.

Ra had left this planet as had most of the other known gods to find there own domains. The Tok’Ra although outmatched, used a new type of warfare in which took Kronos armies by surprise, Small hit and run tactics. When Kronos had thought he had wiped out the Tok’Ra another attack on his domain occured.

The planet was very rich in a substance called naquadria which Anubis had been working with (it was from this work that Thanos had discovered how to refine it). Kronos asked Anubis, whether he could develop a weapon to help. Anubis, said he could.
A weapon was fired from Anubis hatak and hit the planet. Kronos looked excitedly on, but even he felt sick at the site of millions of Goauld and Tok’Ra dying painfully. The entire planet was wiped out. 60 million lost. Kronos blinked. Anubis hatak vessel disappeared. Genocide had been done this day. The worst crime any Goauld could commit to its own brethren. 5 more planets of Goauld where wiped out. This was too much for the System Lords, who decreed that Anubis would be vanquished from them, and certain death would occur if he appeared again.
It was then these planets where called Korush-nai and was used to put fear into all those who follow to leave the planet.
The impact of the fall of the first dynasty of the Goauld was extreme. Many Goa’uld battled for supremacy after this.

Re: Goa'uld Section RPG - Have Fun!

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:38 pm
by Tridentkilla
OoC but that means i dont exist... btw i did read yours Nic, but i figured Kronus was busy during those, idk twenty thousand years... lol

Upon a Beach on a sun drenched world, a young man lay in the sand. His eyes closed, he thought about the harsh weeks prior, of his brother's plotting, his fathers anger, and the battle fields stained with blood.
"What is it Karnak?" said the young man as he opened his eyes. standing above him was a tall jaffa bearing a mark of Kronus, emblazend in gold upon his forehead. Only upon further inspection was the difference detected, a small sphere located in the symbol.
"I have news my lord." he paused for a moment to take in the view, "it is about your brothers my Lord."
The Young man stood and brushed the sand from his chest and looked into the distance.
"well, i presume it's over then?" he sighed and looked at the jaffa for a response.
"yes, my lord, and your father has deemed you capable of comanding their fleets." The First Prime looked uneasily back towards the mobilizing forces that had gathered at the gate, the number gathered was roughly fifteen thousand.
"He would, wouldnt he?" said Lord Poseidon, again letting his mind wander to it's usual topic. His First Prime, around him since his host was taken, understood what he was thinking.
"My lord, the outcome would not have changed shou-" Poseidon cut him off
"I know that Karnak, now, i suppose we can go and Gather their troops for the journey home?" Without awaiting a reply Poseidon began to walk towards the Chappa'ei, Karnak followed dutifly behind him. The Jaffa soldiers already here were not entirly his, around ten thousand of them belonged to his father. Poseidon watched as these ten thousand entered the Chappa'ei to return to his father. Poseidon and His gaurd made towards the gate, stopping just before entering. As they stopped a set of Rings activated and Poseidon stood aboard his Hatak. He and his Gaurd headed towards the Pel'tak while the rest of his forces were dispersed amongst this and the other Hatak in orbit...

Re: Goa'uld Section RPG - Have Fun!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:21 am
by semper
yeah. but at that period, Cronus dosent even exist, let a lone have been killed. I dont like it, its to messy with the canon time line. Its like saying to the guys who wrote everything, "yeah, you did a good job, but were gonna do better". To easy for people who shouldnt be on the road to aggrandizement to be on it, or to make Goa'uld that really were not all that, exactly all that... Im always one for an open mind, but not to fond of this.

Im gonna get out of this whilst I can with the next post...

Semper awoke from a long period of unconsciousness. En route to the planet something had gone wrong with the new Pyramid ship size hyperspace engines and the ship had jolted to a stop, impacting a asteroid causing severe damage. The Goa'uld stood, barely able to make use of his host's legs, and began to walk. Wandering through the corridors he finally made his way to a ring platform, quickly passing through his lab for ancient research. With a twitch of his right hand, the rings came down and everything became a brief blur before Semper re-emerged in the Peltak. All the Jaffa were dead. Smoke hung in the air like some terrible friend, haunting the Goa'ulds every step. Taking a slow descent the Goa'uld inspected a nearby body, running his gold covered hand over the mortals wound. This had been caused by a staff weapon.

"Rise!" Semper froze. Without needed to look he knew, his host's stomach knew, that someone, or somthing had a weapon on his back. That his personal shield had been damaged in the collision. Without much further thought, other then his ancient research, Semper turned on the spot, a picture of complete evil upon his face.

Before him, still shaking in his steel clad boots was a lone Jaffa Warrior holding a staff weapon. Despite the obvious presence of fear, the warrior smiled. "I have you, false God. Lord..." Another collision interrupted the Jaffa, giving Semper chance to dive for his throne and, on the other side, ring devices that could take him to an Alkesh. The jaffa was quick though, and hit the Goa'uld in the back mid flight.
"ahhh.." Semper cradled the wound, using the large ornate chair for support, he knew the end was near, he felt the life leaving his host, beyond his sustaining ability. The jaffa jumped up the stairs pointing the staff weapon at the System Lords head, the very weapons made to be the great beings power and protection, now poised to end his existence.

The jaffa took one last chance to spit on the monster before opening the end of the staff weapon. Semper closed his eyes, his breathing heavy, but still he laughed and with a ominous glow and a sinister laugh the Goa'uld faded out of existence, in a grand burst of light strands and white waves. The dead host fell to the ground lifelessly, all that remaining of the real System lord was the echoing sound of that terrible laugh. The Jaffa remained frozen, rooted to the spot questioning everything he knew. This day his faith in the Goa'ulds power was cememnted. This day he knew not what he had done, and something bubbling deep down inside even his hardened form was telling him....

Re: Goa'uld Section RPG - Have Fun!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:57 pm
by Tridentkilla
ooc... pre-hatak age... then we wouldnt have human hosts.... so pyramid ships, but now uber battles... gotcha

The pyramid ships engaged their hyperdrives and flew into hyperspace. Poseidon began to mull over what it meant for his identical brothers to be dead. The pair of vessels entered oribit of a small Rimward world, having to dodge debris from the battle. Turning too Karnak Poseidon gave a grim smile,
"Seems Father left us very little..."
One pyramid ships entered the Atmosphere to collect the jaffa and possible ships. After a realitivly uneventful wait, the ship returned Flanked by another two ships, the former flagships of his brothers. The comm system Crackled aboard his ship,
"My lord, we have aquired two pyramid ships and each with approximatly five thousand troops each."
"understood, let us head for home." and with a wave of his hand, his fleet entered hyperspace.

Re: Goa'uld Section RPG - Have Fun!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:58 pm
by Ra
All non-RP posts deleted, as per topic creators request.