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Dynasty? Era? Kingdom?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:01 am
by semper
WELL!!! This thread is in a similar vain to that which has come before...

MOST of the System Lords had a theme, the majority were Egyptian Gods, Greek (Cronus), Hindu (Nirriti), etc etc... some were not even Gods, Sokar decided to be the devil, and Yu was a Chinease Emperor...Seth decided to be a cult leader on earth. They came from many and varied backgrounds, the older the civilisation, the older the God, the older the Goa'uld. (aka, Ra, Anubis, Osiris...)

IN THIS instance, from a cultural perspective on earth....where would you Goa'uld be?

Im immediately going to jump on this band wagon and say Semper aka Jahwe, aka God almighty. :wink: Semper being the latin word for always and by extension, infinity, eternity, everlasting. Tried to use Religion to control the masses of earth in order to gain energy and support for when he ascended, in turn stealing all the slaves.

It was of course at this point where Semper was in a long term war with Ra, and being beaten, he knew his best bet was to stop Ra at the source, which he eventually manager, causing a large Riot on Earth. Of course though with other wars, and the presence of Sokar, once a loyal subordinate of Semper, Semper eventually left earth 2000 years ago, but left a legacy none would believe!

Re: Dynasty? Era? Kingdom?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:41 am
by Shornaal

My persona is taken from several areas. :)

The character i use is from Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. a PS2 game.
His name is Laharl and he is the Overlord of the Netherworld. (hell but another dimension)

The name Shornaal is an alternative known name for another God in a fantasy realm. He is the God of perfection. Master of excess and creative power, his realms of influence include music, art and passion.

The reason i put God in front of my name was due to my friend when we started playing got the title before me so i changed my name to put it their out of spite. Now in the following years i ascended to Godhood. Now bow before me!

Re: Dynasty? Era? Kingdom?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:50 am
by Kahotep
Hello all! I have never properly introduced myself, but I'm Kahotep.

I thought this would be a good place to start and say hello to the rest of my kind. :)

I am a freelance author who loves to also dabble in the realm of Fan-fiction. :) A english friend of mine and I are presently developing a 13 novel series that deals with a Guo'uld symbiote clan calling themselve the P'Nai.

Unlike the Guo'uld, they don't potray themselves as gods, but as 'heroes' that sometimes fight against the gods. There names are pulled from Greek, Egyptian, and Babylonian histories, but mostly Greek.

Names like Hercules, Ulysses, Jason, etc. Even some Pharoahs (as pharaohs were considered gods by the Egyptians) like Akhenaten who banished all other gods from his kingdom and only worshiped Ra (true earth history).

So, it gave me more leeway to create an Egyptian Guo'uld like Kahotep. :) He potrays himself not as a god, but as a rich warrior with his jaffa backing him as the one who protects them from there foes.

Well, that's my dissertation. :D

Nice to meet you all both in IC and OOC.

Re: Dynasty? Era? Kingdom?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:46 pm
by Eternal Usul
From an Earth Cultural perspective...

The world Usul has it's roots in various middle eastern philosophies, particularly in Turkish music, and Islam...

It is also a reference to a fictional character from the book Dune, an individual who became swept up in local mysticism and prophecy, eventually becoming a "savior" to his people...

In almost every case the word is associated as, basically, "the foundation." Being the basis of a tribe's strength, the "meter"(more or less) in turkish music, and the Uṣūl al-fiqh (literal translation "roots of law") in Islamic Jurisprudence...

The Goa'uld Usul portrays himself not as a god, but as a prophetic savior and holy warrior, sent by "The Goddess" to teach his people the tenets of truth, and faith...though there are similarities to Origin, it should be noted that darkness is exalted as forcing one to face inner truths, and that the system encourages open questioning of what is being taught...

All of this leading to Usul himself who is the only one who, actually, speaks to "The Goddess"...and subtley manipulates high ranking officials within the faith to ensure his continued status as "the savior"...

It is, as yet, unknown if this faith actually manages to ascend it's entirely likely situation, as the populace firmly believes in the teachings of Usul, and would follow him even if ascended...

Re: Dynasty? Era? Kingdom?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:24 pm
by comander zao
zao. i dont know where this name comes from exactly. it was apart of my imagination. the name though came from a sort of crappy t.v show called AVATAR. The character died after the 1st season. So i guess i come from a poor history of a short-lived life.

Re: Dynasty? Era? Kingdom?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:26 pm
by semper
lol..I will remind people this is your cultural back ground. We have a thread for the etiology/histories of names, and what type of Goa'uld you are.

This thread is a chance for you to go into the endless pages of history, pick a great hearo/villain/important figure and say YES! I am the Goa'uld behind them! I appeared here because the system lords sid this, I appeared here because of this, I invented this because of this..and I left earth because of....

Its an extra layer on top of the role playing edge of forum life.