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Gundam 08th MS team (another review!)

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:21 pm
by demonicwolf
animation 7.5
plot 8-9 (depends on if ur mecha fan or not)
innovation 10
sound 7-8
length 5-6

hmmm were to start with this one, well first off its a bit old late 90's but that dosent mean its not good. one thing you want to do with this series is take every thing you thought u knew about gundam's and check the idea right out the window then set it a blaze!!!!. 08th ms team isnt about ur typical freinds who have magical piloting abilitys and kill everything that moves no this mecha take that idea and curbstomps it twice for good measure! :lol: the basic out line of the story is ur following a unit of mobile pilots 1 women and the rest guys as they fight the zaku's (dun remeber the name!) as they do its not always they use gundams and large space scenes there alots of gurielle tactics hit and run **Filtered** in the bushs 90 miles away and fire a beam canon from new york to colorado type thing. there even gets dun dun dunnn a love story and thats about as far as that goes, eventually you get to the end after you think wow the creatures did great not to mimic gundam wing then this love romance hits and u just wanna feel like this lil guy here > ](*,) :smt091 :smt092 followed by his 2 buddies.

overall i loved it, its different its original wow who woulda thought original and gundam in the same sentence, but surpriseingly it is if i was given the choice buy it or rent id buy it simply because they really do try to stay off the gundam wing path and pave a new one. theres a few spots were u think to ur self when will it ever end just shoot me now F**** but give it time people rome wasnt built in a day you know !!!

as for the manga i unno i dun read/like manga. :-D