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Improvement? Hiding closed trades.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:55 am
by netwarrior
Hi everyone, i woke up this morning with a few ideas for improving the market.

1. With all those clever web designers out there it should be possible to add a simple tick box above the UU market, AT market etc. This tick box will hide (not remove) any post with the heading closed or closed for now. Therefore, if your looking for a trade partner u can hide old posts but if u wish to re-establish a post u can find it again if you want.

2. A player has the option to save the trading post to their account perhaps as a mail. If they wish to renew the post all they have to do is reply saying anything eg Open for business again.

I know regular traders are bored of scrolling through closed posts and admins bored of deleting old ones. These ideas should (in theory) relieve the burden of both parties.

I hope everyone enjoys the discussion. Thanks for your attention. Let the voting commence!

Re: Improvement? Hiding closed trades.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:51 am
by deni
If I understand right, you are basically suggesting that a mod should be installed hiding threads with the word "closed" in the title. If you can code a mod like this or know of an existing one, I am sure that the forum administration will consider installing it on the forums. But even if we installed a mod like this, there will be some problems as most traders do not change the title of their threads when a deal is closed, but prefer to post that the deal is done. Besides, a mod like this will probably slow the forums extremely down as it will have to check on every refresh if there are threads with the word "closed" in the title.

Re: Improvement? Hiding closed trades.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:40 pm
by Lore
I think what hes basicly asking for is a "traders shop". a set place where people can come back to the same trader/traders at any point in time away from the public eye.

just my take on it.

I've often condidered trying to make viable "trader shops" for those who are regular traders, but havent found an easy, low maintance way to do it.

Re: Improvement? Hiding closed trades.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:50 am
by Mordack
It sounds like something which might create a lot of extra work for Jason. Or, as Deni said, something which could potentially slow the forums down. But if it's simple to do, and it won't affect things a great deal, then I'm all for it.

I do think the system we have at the moment works well, though. The market mods do an excellent job, and I'm sure there'll always be volunteers should the strain become too much for the existing staff. I myself would be happy to put some time in.. if the worst came to the worst.

Re: Improvement? Hiding closed trades.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:57 am
by Lore
Mordack wrote:It sounds like something which might create a lot of extra work for Jason. Or, as Deni said, something which could potentially slow the forums down. But if it's simple to do, and it won't affect things a great deal, then I'm all for it.

I do think the system we have at the moment works well, though. The market mods do an excellent job, and I'm sure there'll always be volunteers should the strain become too much for the existing staff. I myself would be happy to put some time in.. if the worst came to the worst.

LOL be careful what you ask for mate 8)