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Dear Diary... A day in the life

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:19 pm
by Nuto vixen
I had an idea for a thread about a week ago, and so I'm going to give it a go and see how it goes.

Sometimes I have days where everything just seems to go wrong. But at the end of the day when I relay it to people, it's actually quite funny and if it had been anyone else, I'd be there pointing and laughing too.

This thread is dedicated to strange, weird, annoying, funny or frustrating things that have happened to you in your day.

I'm going to start the first entry with a run down of something that happened to me a few days ago.

Dear Diary,

Tuesday started like a normal day. I woke up, started getting ready for college, but something happened along the way and I ended up leaving the house much later than I should have.

I got to the train station to find the only available car parks were about 1km away from the station, and I knew I would have to run to get my train on time. Take into account that I don't really wear running shoes to college as we have a business dress code, and we need to look presentable. So I start running and realising I'm really no good at it. After finally making it to the platform, we were then informed by an announcement that the train would be delayed a couple of minutes... Joy.

So after that, the train ride was easy. Got to college, did my work and finished my work before most others. A group of us catch the same train home, so we decided to try and make the next train, which left in 4 minutes. We basically ran all the way from the class to the platform and JUST made the train before the doors closed.

The train ride home was fairly smooth... until I looked out the window to the skies and noticed it was looking rather grey and dark. It was defiantly going to rain and my umbrella (ella ella ey ey ey) was in my car. At that point the rain started coming down and I was hoping that it would stop in time for me to make it to my car which was 1km away.

As it turns out the rain did not stop. It did however decide to come down in fat, heavy drops and I ran in vain to my car which seemed like was on the other side of the world. The best way to describe it would be 'flash flood', and the footpath was turning into one giant puddle, which I was attempting to run in. I finally got beside my car and felt relieved to have finally made it.... then... a bus drove past. I copped about 3-4 litres of water in the face and clothes. The icing on the cake.

I had a laugh about it though. It was pretty damn funny. Lucky for me I had my gym towel in my car still and a change of pants because I got into the car soaked. It was like I'd been pushed into a pool fully clothed. The 50 minute drive home saw me arrive home dry though, having the heater on high in the car.

The moral to this story:
* Get up a little earlier each day so that you're never running late.
* Always have an umbrella on you even if it seems sunny.
* Make sure there isn't a bus coming when you step onto the curb

The end.

Re: Dear Diary... A day in the life

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:23 pm
by weilandsmith
it's good that you can come out laughing about that. there are just some days...

i'd like to help you with this thread, but i just woke up. need coffee.

Re: Dear Diary... A day in the life

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:27 pm
by Nuto vixen
weilandsmith wrote:it's good that you can come out laughing about that. there are just some days...

i'd like to help you with this thread, but i just woke up. need coffee.

I'm sure one day you will have something to put in here... for now.... I wait :D

Re: Dear Diary... A day in the life

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 2:28 am
by Vendetta
Awww poor Jess :( :lol:

I'll admit that is quite funny, but at the same time I do genuinely feel bad. But as they say, it never rains it poors.

I know I have had plenty of day's where just nothing has gone right, and I did have a good laugh at them, but unfortunately I cant seem to recall any at this time. Bt the next one I have ill be sure to report back here right away! :P

*Gives Jess a hug* :-D