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Subspace data links damaged.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 4:44 am
by Lister
Subspace data links damaged (AKA Speed shaped for the month :( ). Limited to only short data bursts.........01........route round the .......another 90 mins at least could be longer.........01011.........fear suspected attack by organic.

Lister awakes. As he becomes conscious so does the planet on which he resides. Trillions of blocks covering the surface absorbing sunlight and generating power for the spiders. Lister knows the time is nearing to leave. The planet is mined of natural resources. few replicators could be made from what was left, and a new target had been found. But something was wrong, lister was unable to send large databursts. Had his enemies found him? No something about the planet, some element that had been incorporated into the replicators. an impurity. Lister decided to single out effected replicatorsa and recycle them back into precious naquadah filtering out the impurity. But what was it? and why was it not detected earlier? Code stuctures were checked and a flaw was found and isolated. This was an unknown element similar to nutronium. This substance would soon make listers forces stronger. lister assembled his blocks and prepared to leave this world and find a new one. He know his journey would long and dangerous, but it would give him tome to work with this element.

Re: Subspace data links damaged.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:15 am
by Janny269
Go Lister Go Rah Rah Rah!!!! :D

Re: Subspace data links damaged.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:07 pm
by Dagr
Disgrace! Impure replicators, shun them all! :lol:

Re: Subspace data links damaged.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:18 pm
by Lister
Replicators use whatever is at hand. Nutronium is essential in the production of human form replicators. Replicators use any resource available to replicate. I have found a stronger resource and it will make me more powerful. (ascension soon;)) There are no impure replicators just those who are poorly programmed or bugged.