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Ascension Server

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:16 pm
by Iƒrit
ok I see alot of people complain about ascended and their likes and dislikes I was thinking perhaps we could open a discussion of everything that is rapidly becoming a problem with ascension.

A few of the things I see as a problem are;

1.) Command Star - personally a waste of DMU, completely useless, either update or remove it.

2.) Deascension - Descending someone is rapidly become obsolete, you basically need to catch people offline for a really long time. More and more players are reaching a capacity in stats that require insane TOCs to even stand a chance, which to my knowledge maybe 10 players at most posses such TOCs.

3.) Growth Cap - To many players these days are at or above the 2b planets. Its far to easy to grow in ascension and to get well above the growth cap.

4.) Assassins - Are way to powerful in comparison to there losses.

5.) Vaction Mode in opposit server - more and more players are going in vacation in main and suffering nothing from it.

Suggestions to the above problems;

1.) Update it or remove it, There is a current discussion about it possibly becomming updated. I go with the previous suggested statement that you add a power up ability that increases the effect of your command star.

2.) Deascension - Lots of players have stats that require you to spend 15 hours or more to descend them, even with a decent TOC like 200m. I say that you tone down the deascension process to lower times in between attacks to something more resonable like 1 & 1/2 hours or 2 hours per hit.

3.) Growth Cap - increase cap or remove cap.

4.) Assassin's - increase the amount of losses taken when using them.

5.) Vaction mode in main - recieving no pentaly in ascension server from vactioning in main is udder rediculousness. If I vaction my ascended account then I take a pentaly. This should go both ways.

Okay anyone else is welcome to discuss more or edit my ideas, I just figured id throw around some ideas.

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:07 pm
by cyberblade
My take:

1: CS-values multiplied by ten or something on the powerup page to increase value.

2: Descension-a few options I see. Change limit to 50%, reduce time between hits, eliminate repulsion, etc.

3: Cap-I like it. Yeah, I'm growing at like 40% right now. I think its good and should stay in place unless there are other things put in place to balance ascended.

4: Assassins-a few options. Perhaps make it cost more turns, reduce the % of units destroyed, increase losses on attack.

5: Vacation mode-I don't see why an ascended being would be limited if their followers were taking a break. While some of the ancients helped humans (hence the reason for losing half of the benefits when your ascended account is on vacation) no ascended ancients relied on humans for anything.

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:18 pm
by Iƒrit
cyberblade wrote:My take:

1: CS-values multiplied by ten or something on the powerup page to increase value.

2: Descension-a few options I see. Change limit to 50%, reduce time between hits, eliminate repulsion, etc.

3: Cap-I like it. Yeah, I'm growing at like 40% right now. I think its good and should stay in place unless there are other things put in place to balance ascended.

4: Assassins-a few options. Perhaps make it cost more turns, reduce the % of units destroyed, increase losses on attack.

5: Vacation mode-I don't see why an ascended being would be limited if their followers were taking a break. While some of the ancients helped humans (hence the reason for losing half of the benefits when your ascended account is on vacation) no ascended ancients relied on humans for anything.

1. - Agreed
2. - Agreed
3. - I think a bumping of cap should at least happen.
4. - didnt even think of it costing more turns, excellent suggestion.
5. - well much like the ori gain there power from there followers, you should get some pentalty to having your main in least something.

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:56 pm
by cyberblade
Ifrit wrote:
cyberblade wrote:My take:

1: CS-values multiplied by ten or something on the powerup page to increase value.

2: Descension-a few options I see. Change limit to 50%, reduce time between hits, eliminate repulsion, etc.

3: Cap-I like it. Yeah, I'm growing at like 40% right now. I think its good and should stay in place unless there are other things put in place to balance ascended.

4: Assassins-a few options. Perhaps make it cost more turns, reduce the % of units destroyed, increase losses on attack.

5: Vacation mode-I don't see why an ascended being would be limited if their followers were taking a break. While some of the ancients helped humans (hence the reason for losing half of the benefits when your ascended account is on vacation) no ascended ancients relied on humans for anything.

1. - Agreed
2. - Agreed
3. - I think a bumping of cap should at least happen.
4. - didnt even think of it costing more turns, excellent suggestion.
5. - well much like the ori gain there power from there followers, you should get some pentalty to having your main in least something.

3: perhaps a bump to 4, and a minimum growth of 10% no matter how big you are?
5: I realize the Ori do gain from their followers-but the Ori currently have no followers (since the last movie)... Also, the other races do not gain anything from their followers. I can't see any logical reason for limiting ascended beings because of their non ascended followers. The only thing I can think of is persons with big main accounts or big alliances using main as retribution for ascended when they can't handle it on ascended. And admin has said that ascended is for an individual type game-not alliance based.

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:02 pm
by Iƒrit
cyberblade wrote:
Ifrit wrote:
cyberblade wrote:My take:

1: CS-values multiplied by ten or something on the powerup page to increase value.

2: Descension-a few options I see. Change limit to 50%, reduce time between hits, eliminate repulsion, etc.

3: Cap-I like it. Yeah, I'm growing at like 40% right now. I think its good and should stay in place unless there are other things put in place to balance ascended.

4: Assassins-a few options. Perhaps make it cost more turns, reduce the % of units destroyed, increase losses on attack.

5: Vacation mode-I don't see why an ascended being would be limited if their followers were taking a break. While some of the ancients helped humans (hence the reason for losing half of the benefits when your ascended account is on vacation) no ascended ancients relied on humans for anything.

1. - Agreed
2. - Agreed
3. - I think a bumping of cap should at least happen.
4. - didnt even think of it costing more turns, excellent suggestion.
5. - well much like the ori gain there power from there followers, you should get some pentalty to having your main in least something.

3: perhaps a bump to 4, and a minimum growth of 10% no matter how big you are?
5: I realize the Ori do gain from their followers-but the Ori currently have no followers (since the last movie)... Also, the other races do not gain anything from their followers. I can't see any logical reason for limiting ascended beings because of their non ascended followers. The only thing I can think of is persons with big main accounts or big alliances using main as retribution for ascended when they can't handle it on ascended. And admin has said that ascended is for an individual type game-not alliance based.

5. - its not about retribution to me its about logic...the two are suppose to be linked so if one is in vaction then the other sould suffer pentaly.

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:33 pm
by cyberblade
hmm... I can see them being linked. I've always thought that a more powerful ascended being would give an advantage to a person on main...

vacation on ascended=half ascended benefits on main.

what benefit does a main account give to ascended? there's even some ascended accounts with NO main accounts...

Until I hear some more arguments I'm going to disagree with you on that single point out of the five. But I'm open to being convinced.

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:48 pm
by Iƒrit
well main should benefit ascended like miners help you generate more ascended powerup points or something at least...

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:44 am
by Brdavs
There is NOTHING that can be done to "fix" ascended wiht simply thinking inside the box. And it`s not the fault of these last updates it`s the fault of the conception of it.

The insanely larger growthrate that created unsurpasable differences is THE thing to blame. Before the server was boring as heck cos it gravitated towards the allready big and now its boring as heck cos it gravitates towards the little guys. Implement these suggestions and what have you done but reverted back to the old state? and things like toning down assasins... ql, top 30 of us will just train 4bil planets into def and assasins and laugh our arse off cos you wont be able to scratch us. The good old days.

It`s like the oldfashioned 2 person "log balanced on a stone" swing. It`s either up one one end or the other, but a healthy balance of a healthy server you will never see again, since you have guys with 8bil planets one one end and guys with a couple 100(mil) on the other.

And with planets, if admin is`t carefull, this phenomenon may spill over to main, I fear. Too big UPs for anyones good. Devalues UUs and it all becomes pointless fast. For crying out loud admin, don`t make the same mistake twice.
Just tying them together further without MAJOR MAJOR overhauls will just kill main too.

The only way you`re gonna "fix" ascended is with a total reset and ditching of the CER thing in favour of a more main UP thing, or by a radical update that will shift min. 95% of the focus from planets & DMU we have today to some new form of "UUs" and currency they produce (with existing account providing some minute convertable bonus or somesuch thing... like every 1bil planets and 100mil cer = 100 "new" UP upgrades, a bit of a boost but nothing to create a unsurpassable advantage from the get go) - a "consolidation prize" reset in essence heh.

Other than that, forget it. The concept of ascended was flawed from the beggining.
Sure it rocked for the first couple of months/year but enabling unlimited exponential growth like that was bound to have it end here, and fast. In a situation where everybody can`t ever again be pleased/happy. Unsustainable gameplay.
If main was as liberal with UP as ascended, it would have been all but dead by now too.

Like Tyrell tells Roy Batty in Blade Runner: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly, SGW ascended server. :P

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:50 am
by Raven
A reset would be needed for both servers in that case besides if the servers gets resetted everyone should get the dmu back what they spent total on their account....

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:51 am
by cyberblade
Raven wrote:A reset would be needed for both servers in that case besides if the servers gets resetted everyone should get the dmu back what they spent total on their account....

That is the real issue with resetting... How much has been invested in terms on ingame resources and $. I'm all for a reset of both servers, once we figure out how to make sure people don't lose all that they invested in their accounts.

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:10 am
by Brdavs
What`s the point of a reset if you`re gonna refund people heh, they`ll just rebuy everything and at best you`ve bought yourself some limited time. At worst nothing changes or it changes for the worse since some are starting out from scratch while others get a nice fluffy cussion.

I mean seriously people, the $ you`ve spent, it`s gone. One day the game will go offline, will you demand a refund? whatever you spent is lost and should have no baring whatsoever, you got years of gaming and the "pleasure" of my company for it. :P

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:15 am
by weilandsmith
reset?!!!! i just started playing. :-) please think of this carefully.

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:19 am
by Raven
Im just saying 'if' Brdavs...

A reset without a refund is unacceptable.....a reset without a continue....well thats not really a reset is it ;)

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:45 am
by cyberblade
weilandsmith wrote:reset?!!!! i just started playing. :-) please think of this carefully.

don't worry-this is mostly talk for now. IF there ever was to be a reset it would be a long time in the future, and have months of advance notice... (unless, somehow, the server AND all backups went *poof*... now thats interesting... lol)

Raven wrote:Im just saying 'if' Brdavs...

A reset without a refund is unacceptable.....a reset without a continue....well thats not really a reset is it ;)

precisely. before theres any talk of a reset we need to have explicit details of what is "wrong" and what exactly the changes would be. any "ascended is crap" or "just reset everything" is idiotic talk. there has to be well developed plans for changes before there can be any consideration of resetting or changing even without a reset.

Re: Ascension Server

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:10 am
by Brdavs
cyberblade wrote:any "ascended is crap" or "just reset everything" is idiotic talk. there has to be well developed plans for changes before there can be any consideration of resetting or changing even without a reset.

Not sure weather or not I should be offended lol.

Ofcource one wouldn`t just whipe the slate clean overnight without forethought heh... if you read my post my thesis is that the overinflation of planets via huge CERs (and subsequently everything else) is the root of all evil. That`s the foundations of any train of thought on how to go about changing things.

There are pleanty of top sized guys that see little alternative to a reset if you pay attention. Tbh, I`m one the guys that will loose the most and it could happen that I do not return but if you want the server "fixed" I see no other alternative. Now if that`s idiotic, whats your brilliant suggestion? HOw to proceede? But not just from the perspective of your account but the whole server. Look over the complaints that are raining in today and those form the pre update era.
When you figure out a way to apease both sides of the coin, one multibil sized and one multi 100mil sized, let us know. We`ll put you forward for the Nobel prize heh.
Such differences are simply "unnatural" and inheretly make the thing "unplayable" for one respective half, killing the appeal of the game. Tough luck eh? But people imho should not complain if they`re not willing to bite the bullet with some radical stuff lol.