Repair Amount - Defensive Weapons bug?

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Lord Khnum
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Repair Amount - Defensive Weapons bug?

Earlier I attempted to repair damage to my defensive weapons. The smaller weapons repair buttons seemed to work correctly. When I tried to repair my largest defensive weapons however, the Armory screen "Repair Naq per Point / All button" said that they required 86,000 NAQ to repair the large weapons. I pulled 90,000 out of my Naq store and when I clicked the repair button the screen said "No Resources Left". This continued on for larger and larger amounts of NAQ, with no success repairing.

I had seen this already before, which was why I had pulled a "little extra" NAQ out to repair the weapons. However, on this instance, I ended up having to pull over 500,000 NAQ out and when I clicked the repair weapons button (which still read 86,000 NAq required to repair) it took 430,000 NAQ to actually repair the weapons. Before the amounts required to repair - that were off - seemed small, so I have not really gotten alarmed, but I am wondering if this is how it is supposed to work, or if there is something wrong with the calculation of damaged weapons (or display function of the amount required to repair). I am thinking the required repair amount displayed is actually low, because the 430,000 NAQ seemed (to me) to be the more correct amount required to repair the weapons.

The armory showed my Networked-Gate Energy Pulse 290,000 / 290,000 as being damaged to 281,000 of 290,000 or about 4-5% damaged so the 430,000 NAQ was a more reasonable amount to repair than the 86,000 the button showed. I'm sorry, I took a screen print and then somehow managed to screw it up and delete it while converting it from a super-large GIF to a JPEG... Lord Khnum is apparently NOT the GOD of converting JPEG's. :lol:

Player id=1496

Not a big deal but it would help if the repair button showed at least in the ballpark of the true amount required so I can pull the correct amount from my NAQ stores to repair. That way Hippy and zod and the others farming me into oblivion can't get ALL my NAQ while I am attempting unending trial and error NAQ repair actions ... HAHAHA
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Re: Repair Amount - Defensive Weapons bug?

dude i had the same problem. it said like 466,000 and i had 5 mill out
i just took al ofmy savings out and it worked fine.
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Re: Repair Amount - Defensive Weapons bug?

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Re: Repair Amount - Defensive Weapons bug?

fixed. was actually same issue as def weapon not taking the full damage on attack...
guess in a way at least the 2 balanced :)

(it was wrong display btw - right actual cost)
Don't make me use this!!!

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