Acta est Fabula

for all the 'I quit' threads....
worry not - if you come back, you are not punished :)
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Acta est Fabula

It quite simple .. another stoopid update coming.

After 2 year I think its time to quit. I have made many friends and many enemies. Which is natural of course due to my position in the sgw hiarachy.

Ascension update made server a joke after 3-4 months (ie caps). I m now growing below 20% of my capacity. It was stupid to invest so many trillions into raw up to get as much as APP as posible just so I could compete with top Omegan and DD accounts. It was the stupidest idea ever. This game promotes the weak and noobs.

Now main updates: there will be ppl with 200k slot motherships running around. No one will have above that. All they need a few $100. The Server will be dead. Those of us who invested in MS are getting slapped big time. Not to mention alliances which invested in fleets of a one player.

Oh yes all those with planet defences below 800bil .. expect to lose those planets shortly. It only takes one $ noob.

I m too pissed right now to write anyhing more.

This game is not a relief for me anymore, its become a nuisance, thus I m quiting.

TLE members .. expect a thread on a private forum.

To all other sgw players: "Hodie mihi, cras tibi." (What's to me today, tomorrow to you --> just wait for another update)

So ends the story.


PS: I may return if anything changes in the pending updates.
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Re: Acta est Fabula

I'm sorry to read this. Take care, mate.

If you ever feel better about the state of the game, then I'm sure we'd be glad to have you back.
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Re: Acta est Fabula

I agree knowone wants to see a mate leave the game cause of admin updates sorry to hear :(
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Re: Acta est Fabula

damn mate,

those updates are just in beta version so even admin doesnt know how exactly the game will look like :(

but then again you are completely right in everything else meaning that ppl invested in MS **Filtered** of naq and now some noob will come and will have to spend lets say 10x less (forget the rate just made up) to make the same MS as someone was trying to have his whole sgw career.

This IMO is not right from admin.

its like... i can go on vacation or even delete my account and with enough skill in few months i can be there where are other ppl, because of this update.

yes small ppl need to catch up, but NOT like this.

if they have skill then they WILL catch up - however catching up the skilled one is not possible, so then help in some way, but not THIS.

this is the third year i'm playing this game and i understand that game will eventually die when no new ppl will play since they think that they dont have a chance of catching up, but now the game will die differently.

now all the old players that made SGW what it is today are leaveing because of this heh.

think about it mate,play more and see what's up, maybe we can do smth.

and if not,then we make a lsat party or smth and then just enjoying playing with friends, and that is the main purpose of this game at least for me.

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Re: Acta est Fabula


sad to see another TJP go :(

an do argee that these updates are for the noobs

i wish u could stay longer in tha war :)

GL in RL Mato
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[Alpha-Bravo] Don Lewis says:
demon eater is in pi in sgw right?
[Alpha] Dan_crossy says:
[Alpha] Dan_crossy says:
good guy
[Alpha-Bravo] Don Lewis says:
yeah, i would trade 2 of my guys for him lol

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Re: Acta est Fabula

dont worry . I m not quiting until all my uus die in battle.
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Re: Acta est Fabula

sad sad sad day to be reading this :( i like to think we have become good m8`s , and as such it will be a damn skippy shame to see u leave m8 :( :( :(

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Re: Acta est Fabula

Mato, Mato.. please don't go? :(
I'm sure there can be some negotiation in regards to the updates?

In the words of the one who said it all:
Mordack wrote:I'm sorry to read this. Take care, mate.

If you ever feel better about the state of the game, then I'm sure we'd be glad to have you back.

Re: Acta est Fabula

All fixed :)

He's not going anywhere anymore. Lord Commander Mato will still be leading his Gladiators to victory in every conflict they come across, both in times of peace and war.

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Re: Acta est Fabula

Despite our differences it's shame you want to leave. Remember, each bigger update was followed by wave of 'no, small noobs will catch up to us in matter of months'. Just recall raiding. It gave newbies powerful tool to catch up, as well as it gave us powerful tool to grow even more. Every update is double edged sword...

Don't go just because things change mate.

Take care and hope you'll make right decision.

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Re: Acta est Fabula

I agree with Teal'auc Mato.

Stay and see how it pans out. All is not lost.

urban assault wrote: Bill? Hey, I said I was kidding! Bill, don't push that red button!
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Re: Acta est Fabula

You are not leaving.

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Re: Acta est Fabula

No you are not leaving Bambi or I wont visit your forest anymore! :?

I only really got to know you lately and am yet to really have fun with you :lol: erm I mean mass with you :-D
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Re: Acta est Fabula

If you leave, I'll land my MS in your forest and burn it down Toon_PDT_07
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Re: Acta est Fabula

The first friend in this game... sad to see you go Matobato. :(
I was planning to leave too, many times for the same reasons as yours mentioned as we had the same evolution and game play but i didn`t because of the fun wars that occured. If this war wouldn`t have started by the end of June i was planning to quit too.

Please don`t go and let`s enjoy this game while it`s still not changed. But if you do, then know that i will always be on MSN for random chat.
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