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just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:10 am
by nobodyhere
why are Teal'auc and Freespirit no longer MODS?

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:10 am
by REK

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:13 am
by Lucius_Crassus
Aren't they? I thought that's why they had different color names than normal members.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:15 am
by nobodyhere
Lucius_Crassus wrote:Aren't they? I thought that's why they had different color names than normal members.

look again :wink:

@Rek, as always you blind me with your intelligence...

*end of sarcasm*

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:19 am
by Lucius_Crassus
Teal'auc of the Tok'ra still has a red name... although i find no reference to what that intitles...

but yes i saw freespirt... regular name like the rest... i thought his was green...

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:21 am
by Raven
/me gives admin 10bucks
/me gets 1min free power


Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:22 am
by nobodyhere
Lucius_Crassus wrote:
but yes i saw freespirt... regular name like the rest... i thought his was green...

thank you captain obvious!

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:24 am
by Lucius_Crassus
nobodyhere wrote:
Lucius_Crassus wrote:
but yes i saw freespirt... regular name like the rest... i thought his was green...

thank you captain obvious!

oh come now... no need for that. I was oblivious to the situation prior to your pointing it out. Then I made my little investigation of the situation and came to my "obvious" observation.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:26 am
by geisha
Maybe they quit? Or maybe not... hehe 8)

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:28 am
by nobodyhere
Lucius_Crassus wrote:
nobodyhere wrote:
Lucius_Crassus wrote:
but yes i saw freespirt... regular name like the rest... i thought his was green...

thank you captain obvious!

oh come now... no need for that. I was oblivious to the situation prior to your pointing it out.

you kept stating the obvious, hence my reply :wink:

@Geisha, doubt they both quit at the same time, hence my posting about it :wink: :wink:

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:32 am
by FreeSpirit
Apperently we are fired for "restructure" sadly Jenny I and other users here dont believe that and will start pointing out facts of a corrupt forum admin. We are fired cause we spoke up aghainst him being a leak for tokra and some other stunts he is pulling and has pulled.

Recently Jenny found out that smoosh has leaked a lot of info out to tok'ra. She had a convo about it posted in the mod forum. Both Jenny and I were allready marked by smoosh as to get rid off probly because we are the only one who speaks up to him acting dictator of the forum.

Said convo can be found here:

(13:12) Tok´ra: xxx says (3:03):
well smoosh unbanned Jedi when no one else has been unbanned and let him run around for days spamming/abusing others, before that he knew about the april fools thing in advance and worked with the mods for cover stories etc
xxx says (3:03):
then sent one of the guilty party to do the investigating so of course nothing got turned up and any proof presented was utterly ignored

(My Edit: this is the part leaked from our forum)

(13:12) Tok´ra: why does the mod section have so many leakes lol
(13:16) Teal'auc : who sent that to you
(13:17) Tok´ra: I never reveal my sources of course, but at least now you know SOMEONE cant be trusted lol
(13:17) Tok´ra: either that or I have mod section access somehow lol
(13:18) Teal'auc : yeah, makes oyu feel all important by not revealing the **Filtered** we can't trust
(13:18) Tok´ra: no, I simply dont rat on those that leak **Filtered** to me
(13:18) Tok´ra: its how I work]
(13:18) Teal'auc : you are being an **Filtered**
(13:18) Teal'auc : again
(13:19) Tok´ra: no, I was actualy trying to warn you as much as I could w/o ratting on someone by name, which I dont do as long as they dont knowingly provide false intel
(13:21) Tok´ra: could be same for this person, since they came to me and simply gave up that log thinking it was a convo Iwas involved in
(13:21) Tok´ra: so I was letting you know, w/o revealing the source
(13:22) Tok´ra: not that its anything new
(13:22) Tok´ra: about 1/4 of the current mods have leaked **Filtered**, knowingly
(13:22) Tok´ra: the precenteage goes up if you count unknowing leaks
(13:23) Teal'auc : well, if you continue being an ass, i won't talk to you... as you might as well use it against me, twist my words and god knows what.
(13:23) Tok´ra: na I wasnt gona do that
(13:23) Tok´ra: I was simply telling you, that I DO NOT reveal names of the peopel that leak **Filtered**
(13:23) Tok´ra: knowingly or not
(13:23) Tok´ra: well if its unknowingly, and I really dislike them I might to embaress them, lol
(13:23) Tok´ra: but I liek you
(13:23) Tok´ra: so wouldnt do it
(13:24) Tok´ra: same as I wont leak on this mod
(13:24) Teal'auc : i assume it's smooshable anyways
(13:25) Teal'auc : as he's the only of mod team who talks to you as of recent.
(13:29) Tok`ra has changed his/her status to Idle
(13:29) Tok`ra has changed his/her status to Online
(13:29) Tok´ra: lol
(13:30) Tok´ra: lol, ok, yeah it was him.
(13:30) Tok´ra: I was debating if I should tell you or not, but then he stood by when I was banned, and pretty much ignored me unless he wanted me to harrass someone for him
(13:31) Teal'auc : i assume most of your leaks came from him anyways.
(13:31) Tok´ra: actualy no
(13:31) Teal'auc : as he was 'big buddy'.
(13:31) Tok´ra: a number yeah, but not many
(13:31) Tok´ra: he was
(13:31) Tok´ra: ceased to be when he stood by when forum **Filtered** me over
(13:32) Tok´ra: tho I didnt let onto it
(13:32) Tok´ra: but this leak was actualy of fairly recent info as I understand
(13:32) Tok´ra: and I figure if any mod will actualy makes sure folks know he leaked **Filtered**, its you
(13:32) Teal'auc : i knew it was him who leaked it, as he felt touched by its posting... he made it big issue for himself
(13:33) Tok´ra: lol
(13:33) Tok´ra: he mainly leaked **Filtered** that involved em like that
(13:33) Tok´ra: or things like people that annoied him, or plans he had
(13:33) Teal'auc : he cannot stand when someone opposes to him
(13:33) Tok´ra: he accounted for about 1/9 of leakes since he took over lol
(13:33) Teal'auc : hence why he dislikes me and few other mods
(13:34) Tok´ra: which is why forum likes him
(13:34) Tok´ra: neither can stand someone that opposes em
(13:35) Tok´ra: I got no probs with good mods like you, hell thats the reason I made up the omnidbusmen position and suggested it to forum, my intention was to fill it myself, expose the mods that were full of it, and do the same for users complaining about mods that were full of it
(13:35) Tok´ra: 5naq says that once you post this
(13:35) Tok´ra: smoo says he hasnt talked to me on MSN for months
(13:35) Tok´ra: or that he blocked me
(13:35) Tok´ra: or some **Filtered**
(13:35) Teal'auc : yeah... that would sound like him
(13:36) Teal'auc : he's basically abusing you, since what you say is not trusted by almost nobody
(13:36) Tok´ra: pretty much
(13:36) Tok´ra: execpt peopel are fools lol
(13:36) Tok´ra: when I leak something
(13:36) Tok´ra: I make sure its true
(13:36) Tok´ra: or if it isnt the person gets dealt with
(13:37) Tok´ra: usualy just tell whoever they made **Filtered** up on, and it gets delt with quietly
(13:37) Tok´ra: afterall, look at the history of my leakes
(13:37) Tok´ra: they tend to be accurate AND expose someone that truly did something wrong, even if I dont like the person Im helping
(13:38) Tok´ra: like when FS and digi impersonated geisha and jake
(13:38) Tok´ra: I revealed em for who they were, even tho I didnt exactly like the otehr two cause of how they treated you
(13:38) Tok´ra: then wound up getting banned ingame when forum changed digi's ID after, suprisengly enough, digi got sat on
(13:40) Tok´ra: that said, when you inform the mod section of what smoo did, make SURE to post why I leaked it, cause of how he used me after I was banend, even tho he just stood by after my banning
(13:40) Tok´ra: also, as for the april fools day prank
(13:40) Tok´ra: he was on when it happend
(13:40) Teal'auc : He denied it when i directly asked him, saying he wanted to make much smaller prank with you.
(13:40) Tok´ra: then quickly signed off so he wouldnt 'have' to do anything, or so he told me over MSN after LOLing at the thread
(13:40) Tok´ra: well, he lied lol
(13:41) Tok´ra: somwhat, he knew I was gona cause chaos
(13:41) Tok´ra: but wanted me to attack certain persons as well
(13:41) Tok´ra: he wasnt on til too late
(13:41) Tok´ra: and Id allready started
(13:41) Tok´ra: supposedly, he was going to get me to blackball several mods that opposed em
(13:42) Tok´ra: never got the names tho
(13:42) Tok´ra: he was going to allow me to keep going and posting in the 'interst of the forum' and basicly start a witchhunt against mods he disliked or felt opposed him
(13:42) Tok´ra: but then he never got on
(13:42) Tok´ra: I started w/o him
(13:43) Tok´ra: he decided to not do it
(13:45) Teal'auc : it's hard you know... i don't trust either of you when it comes to forum stuff
(13:45) Tok´ra: well how else did I GET the **Filtered** you posted ?
(13:45) Teal'auc : yes, it was leaked to you.
(13:45) Teal'auc : i used to trust smoosh a lot... i liked hima lot.
(13:46) Teal'auc : *him a
(13:46) Tok´ra: same
(13:46) Tok´ra: until he left me high and dry after forum banned me for catchin em playing favorites
(13:46) Tok´ra: after that, he almsot never would respond to me on MSN
(13:46) Tok´ra: unless he needed something done
(13:47) Tok´ra: I mean if he just caused random chaos leaking random stuff I wouldnt mind as much
(13:47) Tok´ra: but its the whole 'leak **Filtered** only to attack people' aditude I didint like
(13:47) Tok´ra: watch smoo accuse you of being the one who leaked, lol
[b](13:47) Tok´ra: that or blame someone lol
(13:48) Teal'auc :[/b] i just know i cannot trust smooshable anymore
(13:49) Tok´ra: you never could really, not since after he took over the forums, he was allrite the first few weeks
(13:49) Tok´ra: but it quickly went to his head
(13:49) Tok´ra: admitedly he so far hasnt been as bad as pookie
(13:49) Tok´ra: but hes getting there
(13:49) Tok´ra: I mean, pookie never tried to do underhanded **Filtered** to frame people at least
(13:49) Tok´ra: he was a straight out forum nazi type mod
(13:50) Tok´ra: complete with a 'agree with mods or ban' aditude
(13:52) Teal'auc : i think i am one of oldest mods there...meaning a mod who never went all quitter on modding, unlike buck or wolf... and i always tried to be fair, even tho it often got backfired at me.
(13:52) Tok´ra: hell I posted my whole 'the new tokra' ideals thread in general ages ago
(13:52) Tok´ra: and it got delleted a few times
(13:52) Tok´ra: then moved to spam
(13:53) Tok´ra: and then when I take things I see as wrong and fight or expose them people get all mad at me
(13:53) Tok´ra: its good mods like you that we need
(13:53) Tok´ra: I find it funny digi and FS are still mods tbh
(13:54) Teal'auc : FS **Filtered** up sometimes but he does his best to stay fair
(13:54) Tok´ra: true
(13:54) Tok´ra: when I caught em impersonating jake
(13:54) Tok´ra: he at least wound up admitting it and appogising
(13:55) Tok´ra: digi, that twep just ran to forum for an ID change
(13:55) Tok´ra: you remember green goblin rite ?
(13:55) Teal'auc : FS is young impulsive guy.. but i believe his intentions are overally good when it comes to this community
(13:56) Tok´ra: well I think their reactions to getting caught show a lot about their characthers
(13:56) Tok´ra: FS blew up, quit
(13:56) Tok´ra: stopped to think about it
(13:56) Tok´ra: then realized he was acting like a kid
(13:56) Tok´ra: and appologised
(13:56) Tok´ra: digi, he jusr ran to big brother forum
(13:56) Tok´ra: and hid
(13:57) Tok´ra: then got me banned ingame when I leaked out his new ID
(13:57) Tok´ra: but Id do it again and again if I have to
(13:57) Tok´ra: when I formed my new Tok`ra, thats what I said Id do
(13:57) Tok´ra: Id write the wrongs, irrelvent of if forum himself likes it
(13:58) Tok´ra: btw, why was smoo so eager to get majorlee kicked from the omnidbusmen vote ?
(13:58) Tok´ra: that almost makes me want to vote for her over bill, the admin not wanting her to have the spot
(13:59) Teal'auc : i don't want bill as ombudsman... he's too much ego-centered atm.
(13:59) Tok´ra: lol
(13:59) Tok´ra: youre just annoied hes in **Filtered** pact
(13:59) Teal'auc : no
(13:59) Teal'auc : i don't care for allegiances when it comes to forum stuff
(14:00) Tok´ra: true
(14:00) Teal'auc : i'd rather see MLH to get the spot, she seems reasonable, fair and neutral
(14:37) Tok´ra: btw to change the subject, I foresee one of 3 things happening when smoo gets on and sees that he was fingerd for leakin **Filtered**
(14:37) Teal'auc : i didn't post it and i won't... just will pass small info to trustworthy mods
(14:37) Tok´ra: 1- he denies it
2- he denies it and blames you
3- he fires you for making it up
(14:37) Tok´ra: lol

There is more of this but that is on its way to Jason in email.

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:33 am
by Nimras
Lol so true ohh and for everyone to read:

smooshable says (10:19):
I didn't fire you for disagreeing
Teal'auc (Johauna) - being ill again... :( says (10:19):
yes you did.
smooshable says (10:20):
but I'm not feeling especially guilty about it since learning you and FS are working with tokra

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:41 am
by Juliette
Wes, anyone with half a brain knows better than to listen to a person who is accusing Administrators, and uses the brilliant phrase "Yeh, okay, it was him", by the name of Tok`ra.
Geez, if you're talking to someone about 'a friend' and they guess at who the friend is but you don't want to say, you say "Yeh, okay, it was him".. beh.

Especially if their sole intent has earlier been proven to derail the forum, community and the game.. if I asked Tok`ra whether Agapooka was a leak, he'd confirm that just for the heck of it. If I asked Tok`ra whether Psi Kiya Trist was corrupt and very, very evil, he'd admit it just for the heck of it.
After all, derailing staff is such a pleasure.

(And it's darned easy too.. one just needs to know where the fault lines lie and hit those hard with some 'proof'.)

Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:43 am
by Teal'auc of the Void
Rev. Auriel Daniels wrote:Wes, anyone with half a brain knows better than to listen to a person who is accusing Administrators, and uses the brilliant phrase "Yeh, okay, it was him", by the name of Tok`ra.
Geez, if you're talking to someone about 'a friend' and they guess at who the friend is but you don't want to say, you say "Yeh, okay, it was him".. beh.

Especially if their sole intent has earlier been proven to derail the forum, community and the game.. if I asked Tok`ra whether Agapooka was a leak, he'd confirm that just for the heck of it. If I asked Tok`ra whether Psi Kiya Trist was corrupt and very, very evil, he'd admit it just for the heck of it.
After all, derailing staff is such a pleasure.

(And it's darned easy too.. one just needs to know where the fault lines lie and hit those hard with some 'proof'.)

Says someone who deceived whole community with the most nasty way possible...

As for my statement - that's private matter and I will not make public fuss out of it. Just wanted to point out who is speaking in the post... yes, it's exactly the same person who made you all believe she was in comma. Elladan for you.


Re: just curious...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:56 am
by Curumo
Doesn't change the fact that she 'could' be right ... but since i don't know the background of this, I'll just shut up.

*shuts up and sits down*