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Currency Trades!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:26 pm
by Lore
If you want to make a currency trade, please use the subsection designed for those. Also read the disclaimer and keep it in mind forever. We urge each and every member of these forums that choose to do currency trades to please research and know your trade partner, and use extreme caution and common sense to protect yourself as the disclaimer below releives Kingdom Games, StarGateWars, the forum admin, the game admin, of all responsibility for currency trades.

NOTE: Kingdom Games, StarGateWars, the forum admin, the game admin, TAKE ABSOLUTELY NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR CURRENCY TRADES outside of the game itself. We simply cannot monitor/validate/track/prove/disprove/confirm or deny the details, or if they happened.
Many are scams - and just because they are here, or are by recognizable players/people, does not change this.
IF YOU TRADE FOR REAL CURRENCY, AND GET SCAMMED OR DONT GET WHAT YOU THOUGHT YOU SHOULD, WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO HELP YOU, so do not even ask...The answer is "Sorry. We cannot help you. You just lost your money."

Re: Currency Trades!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:12 pm
by Juliette
The following rule is removed from the market section:

    You are not allowed to sell any resources that are not your own, be it accounts, naq, UU or anything else. This does not include selling intelligence or information about attack targets – you are still allowed to sell planet locations, raid targets and naq farms.

It is instead being replaced with a caveat emptor (See this post: viewtopic.php?f=73&t=158802)

This does not affect past warnings given over account sales.

If you have any questions relating to this, please feel free to ask. :)