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game/anime game music themes

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:10 am
by Solus
ok i recently bought Kingdom Hearts II on PS2, and i have not been disappointed.... one aspect in particular ive been pleased with is the music, in particular the opening theme. just thought i'd share it, you all seem to have good tastes...

just wondering if theres anyone else out there who is as impressed with it as i am, and if theres any other game sound tracks that also sport some good music?

Re: game/anime game music themes

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:49 pm
by Eternal Usul
Obviously the Halo series...

depending on taste...I hear Parappa The Rappa is good (sp?)

I like most of what's on Guitar Hero 2...

Of course...the best scoring of all time has to be on any Legend of Zelda game...though they really outdid themselves with Twilight Princess in my opinion...

And...if they even exist...GTA: San Andreas had some awesome tracks...


Almost doesn't count as video games...but I suppose it is animated...Dare You Press this link? :sge