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2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:05 am
by LuLz
Well let me explain a few things first... :-)
I have made myself and used this sig: [spoiler]Image[/spoiler]
(and before you read the lower part please think of a thing that breakes the rules, I'm sure that if you will first think of it before you'll read the lower part you'll see that if one thing was meant to look like something in a way Jack described, you'd see it in first go)

Used it for about 14 days I think and yesterday I saw a message from Jack saying that I need to remove it immediatly cause it breakes 2 rules and that I've recieved a warning point...
I said OK, as you can see there's a girl which's lying and the other girl grabbed her for her underwear and pulled it up so a part of her ass is seen on the sig - I thought that was the case...Well if I recieved a warning for such thing, why shouldn't Lord-RahL get one for a sig that contains much more nudity than mine I PM'd Jack back and said that if I get a warning point for this, so should Lord-RahL get one for a sig which contains much more nudity


Jack replied to me with:

Rahl's sig has been discussed by the mod team, and has been decided that it should be allowed, however your sig contains a filtered word "**Filtered**", as well as a cartoon dildo.

I was like WTH, a cartoon dildo? Then after watching my sig, which I made (surely I'd know where it'd be if I drew it there or smth like that), about 3 times, I saw that countries that are blown away from Europe have a SIMILIAR (not the same) shape as a dildo which, dunno, was used in some cartoons? Of course the countries weren't drew with microscopic accuration as you can't draw something to look the same as in a map as the ones you draw are far less accurate...You'll also notice a word "**Filtered**" in my sig which isn't written with big font - reason wasn't to hide the word but cus there isn't enough space...Yeah "**Filtered**" is there for a reason, we all know that c0ck (sorry mods, in a PM with Jack I saw it filters it if there's 'o' instead of '0' and need to get arround this filter now, I hope I won't get another warning for this lol) can mean also male chicken and chicken is an often term you adress a coward, an insult for cowards you might say (and cus these countries in my sig didn't fight back they are cowards) yeah to spare some place I've written "**Filtered**" instead of "chickens" or "cowards" there...
So I asked Jack to discuss my sig with the rest of the mod team, create a forum there or something, because he said that RahL's sig was discussed by mod TEAM (thought that meant all the mods but later found out that not all the mods were even included in the talk) and if mine's questionable aswell (even tho, RahL's has much MUCH more nudity, only a part of intime parts of the body is covered) why shouldn't mine get discussed aswell, afterall, we're all equal...

Jack's reply was that my sig was reported by another mod (yeah after 14 days probably and I'm sure a lot of mods've seen it) and that he asked a few other mods and they agreed...
They didn't even hear MY part of the story which explains EVERYTHING...

I said that I cannot exactly trust him on the word (I only trust my friends) and asked him again if he could make a thread in mod's place and that I'll ask a mod whom I know to vertify me the existance of the thread...

Then Jack said that RahL's sig wasn't discussed by all the mods (well I'm sorry but quite a few mods were/are biased from FUALL, I gotta applaude Mordack for not being one of them, there're probably a few more that aren't biased but majority is so it's only reasonable for them to say it's OK for RahL to use his sig) and that RahL and mines are very diffrent (well yeah they are, his includes a woman with only a part of her breast and a part of "bikini" place is covered while mine includes a word "**Filtered**" (which at the time of registration I didn't know was filtred word) which has nothing to do with penises and a shape similiar to dildo, which I haven't seen it while making it nor while checking it to make sure everything's ok after I made it, hell even a few of my friends didn't see it but if you want you can interpratate anything you want in a way you want, for instance I can interprate this smily: :-" as a smily who isn't whistling but giving a bl0w j0b [sorry mods again, just giving a very obvious example] thus breaking forum rules)

Now I'd like you people to tell me, is Jack's interpretation of the sig wrong or not and if RahL deserved the honour that his sig is discussed by mod team and can still have it, even tho it clearly is pornographic, why shouldn't I deserve it? I mean we're all supposed to be equal, and are, except for those that have double standarts, doesn't matter how long do we have forum or ingame accounts or in what alliances we are

Sorry for the long post and please don't spam this thread, if you have something constructive to say, say it, if not then please don't post at all

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:19 am
by Juliette
Your case is weak, Lulz.

You rip off the Scandinavian peninsula, evidently in the form of a C* 'n Balls, accentuate that similarity by adding the word "C*s" to that part of your picture.. seriously.. that's a case closed.

Don't try to be such a demagogue if your case is as weak as yours is.
The mod's decision was right. Don't try to cloud the issue with irrelevant debate.

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:23 am
by Little Tortilla Boy
yea what she said lol jk

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:28 am
by Noobert
First off, who cares about a signature anyways?

While you are at this rant. Tell me who is a BIAS Mod for the FUALL Side. :)

Did you forget to mention Killy's signature as well? Or are you just being one sided (Sorry Killy <3)?

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:35 am
by LuLz
noobert I haven't seen killy's sig so no I didn't forget to mention, but I didn't know (still don't know) what's it like, as I said, I haven't seen it

as for biased mods, I won't name names

Auriel if nukes would fall there, these are the most likely places after which scandinavia would become an island

as for c0ck I wrote what it's INTENDED meaning really was

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:45 am
by Noobert
LuLz wrote:noobert I haven't seen killy's sig so no I didn't forget to mention, but I didn't know (still don't know) what's it like, as I said, I haven't seen it

as for biased mods, I won't name names

No, go ahead and name names. I think you probably have no clue what you are talking about. So please, name names. ;)

It his name in block lettering, with naked chicks in it (just so you can compare to RahL).

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:46 am
by Psi Kiya Trist
LuLz wrote:noobert I haven't seen killy's sig so no I didn't forget to mention, but I didn't know (still don't know) what's it like, as I said, I haven't seen it

as for biased mods, I won't name names

Auriel if nukes would fall there, these are the most likely places after which scandinavia would become an island

as for c0ck I wrote what it's INTENDED meaning really was

what you intend and what you portray can be entirely differant meanings. in this case, it is definitely a differant meaning.

~_+Psi Kiya Trist+_~

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:02 am
by Biscuit
Yes, we all know "**Filtered**" can mean male chicken but come on.. don't act like you're smarter than everyone else because a word can mean different things.
It's the same thing with the word 'Fagot'. But if I was to make a picture of a country and put 'fagot' beside it and put "lol" around it about 10 times it's obvious what I meant by it.

Don't think you're special because you think you can 'outsmart' someone.

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:12 am
by LuLz
Noobert I looked it now and I agree it should be removed as it clearly has pornographic I said I won't name names but I've seen quite a few mods from FUALL (note I'm not saying that all TJP mods are angels) having double standarts, like warning other users for posting same spam as their fellow alliance mates and the other users got warning and their alliance mates didnt...Mordack is one of the few who has no double standarts what so ever when it comes to modding but this thread isn't about mods so I'm gonna stop discussing about this here

Biscuit, duh, my name is LuLz, that's why so many luls there

Psi as I said anyone can interpertrate same thing diffrently...100 people 100 wonders is a saying here in slovenia

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:21 am
by Noobert
I am still waiting for a answer. Or can you not answer it because you do not know? PM me the names then, if you refuse to say them in the open.

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:34 am
by Little Tortilla Boy

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:39 am
by LuLz
Noobert wrote:I am still waiting for a answer. Or can you not answer it because you do not know? PM me the names then, if you refuse to say them in the open.

PM sent...

now I'm off, will check this thread when I get back home

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:40 am
by dresnov
Nice sig man. 8)

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:33 am
by DaDigi
Topic has been moved to the appropriate area.

Re: 2 questionable sigs - Jack warned me fr 1 but the other 1 no

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:11 am
by LuLz
Well if mods discussed RahL's sig then I expect that u guys will do the same with I'm waiting for an answer...