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Ligeia (Endless') Sig Shop

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:13 pm
by feeNicks
Hey guys, I've been making sigs for the past 2 days and have come up with these:




Ive only had photoshop for a few days, but as the days progress I get better :-D

If your looking for an animation sig i can do those right now because I dont know how yet lol.

But if you want a sig i can finish them pretty quick because I have alot of spare time, most of the time :P

I dont really have much to say because im new at sig making but if you like what i made add me up on msn: and we can talk about what you want and the price ect ect. :-D

bumps are always welcome :shock:

Re: Ligeia (Endless') Sig Shop

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:59 pm
by ARC_trooper
Endless wrote:If your looking for an animation sig i can do those right now because I dont know how yet lol.

You mean you aint making them right? :P
If i ever have some spare time (its difficult to get that!) i can teach you abit about it. (if you have the right programs lol)

Anyway a bump for a cool guy.. now i'm off to work lol