Hanging up my Boots

for all the 'I quit' threads....
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Hanging up my Boots

You know, when I originally set my mind on leaving the game due to real life scheduling, I thought it was going to be rather easy. So far, it has been very easy. I think it was very easy, until this portion of the process. I realise that sounds like some very silly, overly sensitive statement, but for me I've been playing this game since I was thirteen. I'm now coming up on 17, and for anyone who's past this point in their life, knows Highschool wasn't really all that great of a ride. I've met some people who've impacted me massively in my career as HellFire, and to be honest, far too many to list. But I think, I should try.

After about the first two months of game play, I rather stumbled in the SGW chatroom of the time. Now, in the beginning of the game, that was the place to be. Every big name came in there at some point or another. You would hear war stories, brags about new spy levels, everything. I got to meet an entire subculture there. That's when my gaming experience actually started.

I've been in some of the most legendary alliances in the game, and some that won't ever have a scrawl on galactic histories. I've been here since the dawn of the era's, and I think it's finally time to hang up my boots. I'm in the final year of Highschool, a new chapter of my life is soon to start, and I think this game has given me everything it can.

The shout outs, and bear with me, there will be a few. Just because you don't get a spiel, does not mean you weren't a pivotal person in the development of who I ended up being.

Su - My mentor, commander for many months, and still someone I'd offhandly call a friend. He taught me all the tricks that there were to know at that time, he helped me afford spy levels, and was the kind of person you stuck with even though you were being sat on, which at that time, was a detrimental thing. Throughout the entire saga of my career, Su has always kept an eye on me, no matter how long it had been since we had last spoken, and I would easilly consider him one of my greatest friends from this game.

Wacky/Disturbed_One - Wacky is wacky just about says all that I ever needed to know about him. He came into chat early in his career and became a massing fiend far before I took on the art. He taught me everything there was to know about it. We were massing buddies, fire up an account name, and we'd dismantle it mighty fast. Always there if you needed to chat about something not game related, and always knew how to cheer you up. Hats off to you.

Ptollemy - The Monstah in training, as it were. You and I became instant friends when I joined up into the Bad Wolf Empire, I looked up to you for your cool headed-ness, your general attitude, and the fact that you were just that damn cool. You've always kept me from veering too far to any side of the war happy spectrum, and forever, I'll be sorry I didn't get to give you your massing lessons.

Maia - Constantly making sure that I was inline when I was giving advice, or that I wasn’t too harsh on anyone, you taught me that a good lesson doesn’t have to be taught through ‘tough love’ type scenario. Even though I was only ever the tangent of your guys’ circle, you made sure to make me feel welcome, and I have been truly blessed to game with you.

Plate Face - I got you and Ptollemy mixed up all the time, ‘cause bloody BW called ptollemy pface, for some reason unbeknownst to me. One of the people I can truly call a kinsman, you and I found humour in the same things, I bounced more then one real life issue at you, and you always gave your heartfelt thoughts, no matter were it for or against what I thought I should do.

Mordack - Arguably one of the people I respect most in this game, is the gentleman we all know, Mordack. Always articulate, a subtle sense of humour, he is probably my biggest stargatewars role model I ever had. I learned a lot from him and in the end, I am much the better person for having met him. Impacted SGW and life he did. I now have a new favourite author because of him.

Diamond_Dust - A real prodigy, and probably one of the first people I met in SGW that treated me like an equal even though the age gap between us was substantial. He taught me the proper etiquette and proved that while SGW is a war game there are people of very high code of conducts, allowing me to choose how I wanted to play, rather then the game forcing my method.

Frazz - This man I’m sure got drunk because of me being a moron more often then not. I was in the training alliance for The Order for a long time, and the amount of dumb questions I came up with .. I don’t know how he did it. Truly, a greater man then I. Allowed me to get ahead in the game by showing me the profits of farming, the value of specific stats. Kudo’s to you.

Severian/Balor - While we may have drifted apart lately due to in game politics, and not seeing eye to eye, I still outright consider you one of my closest friends. No matter the subject I could approach you about anything I needed to talk about, your ability with words is unparalleled and I always enjoy reading your thought-provoking posts. A gentleman and a scholar, I hope you forgive me.

Blahh - My farming buddy. Spending a good chunk of time chatting with each other as we traded naq hits was one of the things I looked forward to most when around with you. You made the game a lot of fun, made sure the game was played just as such, and really knew how to party. Very glad to have met you, and was very privileged to have you treat me as an equal.

InR - I rather view you as my protégé, the more I talked to you the more I liked you. Someone very easy to get along with, I enjoyed talking about your goals and achievements ingame, about your new found love of war, all there was to say. A great chap, indeed.
A2J - A real prodigy, from day one you showed drastic improvements every time I spoke with you. Am very glad to see your hard efforts finally paying off as you take every ascension hit with grace, and are determinedly moving onwards. Realistically in not too long of a time, you’ll be done your ascensions, and you’ll be moving towards the end game status. A true friend, and a great ally. You’ll carve a legacy.

Shout outs, there’s a lot of them so bear with me.
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If you’re not here … don’t take offense to it. I’m rather tired at the moment, and if your name isn’t up there, and you actively knew me, well then. An oversight on my part, apologies. And it’s in no particular order.

To everyone I’ve had brief contact with, no contact at all, but are still playing. Enjoy the game, it’s given me a good distraction when I’ve needed it, and has given me many new people I can comfortably call friends. With this in mind, I’d rather not drag it out anymore then I already have.

This chapter of my life is closing, and as such, it’s time to move on from where I am now. Don’t be a stranger, I won’t be.

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Re: Hanging up my Boots

/salute to the kitty!

teached me a fair bit on playing this game and you will be missed by just aboiut everyone i think, even if they didnt like you for massings/farming they will still miss you in their logs :)

Come back and visit us some time yea? :) and make sure you are on msn! :)

Have fun my friend

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Re: Hanging up my Boots

i got a mention!! i can be happy again....aww nuts, you're leaving.. what a downer on an otherwise good feeling.....:P

anyways, good luck and may you have as much fun and success in whatever you turn your attention to now....

god help the next people you compete with :P
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Re: Hanging up my Boots

Awww man, sorry to see you go. However, I do understand the reasons behind it. I wish you all the best in your life. Don't be a stranger. :)

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Re: Hanging up my Boots

ahh.. i know u well like 2-3 months, and i was allways happy when i saw u online on MSN, i remember how i contacted u, cause u was derka's friend, and i said okay ill bother him :-D and then like u said it was nice chatting:) it is indeed nice to know u, and it will be one emptiness here in this galaxy...i just hope ull change your mind, and ull see college give u even more free time, if not go study in Slovenia :lol:

Anyway wish u great luck and happines in your life..catch me on msn :-D
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Re: Hanging up my Boots

I'm sorry to see you leave this game, man. You've always been there for your friends and kept your fierce loyalty through and through. It was an honor to serve with you in BWE. I hope for nothing but the best for you. Have fun and take care.

Alpha Bravo
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Re: Hanging up my Boots

One of the best persons in the game, been through rough patches together, had our differences, but always came out as friends.
Shame our actual messaging was very limited for the past year, but I have fond memories of you, friend.

It really is a shame to see you go, but I understand why you have to. Go with the blessings of deities everywhere, and as many before me have said or implied, please.. do drop by sometimes. :)

All the best! :D
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Re: Hanging up my Boots

Jon you will be missed. It was a pleasure watching you grow and Im so happy you reached your goals here and are moving on to bigger and better things. I would wish you luck , but you wont need it , your amazing and great things lay waiting for you :)

I am honored and proud to have gotten to know you,
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Re: Hanging up my Boots

Still cant believe your really going bro... :( :(

Good luck with school mate and dont be a stranger.

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Re: Hanging up my Boots

sorry to see you go mate, been a pleasure knowing talking and farming with ya, hope you stay in toutch on msn at least, I d say dont go, but i know where youre coming from. Keep safe
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Re: Hanging up my Boots

cya l8er hellfire

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Re: Hanging up my Boots

That's probably one of the nicest and most moving things that anybody here has ever said about me. Thanks a lot, Hellfire. You're a great guy, both in and out of the game, and I wish you the best of luck with everything in the future.
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Re: Hanging up my Boots


Words, Are not needed.
2006 -
Poster of the Year
2007 -
Runner up signature of the Year
Runner up most improved player of the Year
Runner up hero of the Year
Alliance war of the year (CIA vs COP)
Hall of Fame
Runner up Hero of the Year
Vendetta of the Year (Buck vs Tekki)
Runner up Vendetta of the Year (Buck vs Darthudd)

Noteworthy alliances-
Radical Minority
Nemesis Sect
Warlords of Briton

Previous affiliations-
The Tok'ra

Missed and dear friends -
Too Many to count, but never forgotten.
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Re: Hanging up my Boots

Sorry your leaving.
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Re: Hanging up my Boots

As I said before, pure shame you are leaving. Best of luck with your studies. You really will be missed, take care xx
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