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Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:22 am
by JOS
Well, time to add my name to the list of those who put their trust in someone for once, only to find it was hellboy.

EDIT: Turns out it was just a scammer masquerading as hellboy :?

He used the email address and forum account larryjoe. MSN log is below. It was fairly naive to give him the details first, but I decided to take a risk and put my faith in my fellow man for once. Hopefully others wont make my mistake. And account details (other than name) are now different than those posted in convo.

After recieving some information from Ifrit, I'm re-adding ~ETERNAL~DARKNESS~ to the post to let others know that he is, in fact, the person who scammed me, despite his protestations of innocence further down ;)

Farewell to my 50m UU I guess, I won't be seeing them again =/

[spoiler]| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:23 PM):
hey, its JOS
kyle sent 11/10/2008 9:23 PM:
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:23 PM):
how are you?
kyle says (9:23 PM):
im good. you
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:23 PM):
yeah good thanks
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:23 PM):
you pm'd me about my account?
kyle says (9:24 PM):
kyle sent 11/10/2008 9:25 PM:
so how much you want for it
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:26 PM):
im looking at a figure between $150-$200 on the basis that the UU alone is worth $125 and the shell alone was valued at $50 when it had 30k raw
kyle says (9:27 PM):
so about 200 i say is good
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:29 PM):
ok, you saw the part in my post about it being in USD didnt you?
kyle says (9:29 PM):
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:30 PM):
kk just checking, last person i spoke to didnt notice it lol
kyle says (9:30 PM):
kyle says (9:30 PM):
whats the id?
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:31 PM):
kyle sent 11/10/2008 9:35 PM:
ok sweet ill take her :)
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:36 PM):
sweet, sounds great
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:36 PM):
do you have PayPal?
kyle says (9:37 PM):
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:37 PM):
ah sweet
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:37 PM):
now, i dont have much experience with paypal, so how exactly do we do this xD
kyle sent 11/10/2008 9:39 PM:
well iv also been scamed before for cash so this trasation might be a little time consuming lol
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:39 PM):
ah lol, thats not good
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:40 PM):
i hope it wasnt hellboy or one of those other well-known scammers
kyle says (9:40 PM):
i dont think it was but it might of been assasinx
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:41 PM):
ah those scum
kyle says (9:41 PM):
i know lol
kyle says (9:43 PM):
i dont want to give you the $$$ without being able to log in the account but you pry dont want to give me the account with out cash
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:44 PM):
lol yeah, thats the problem with trades
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:44 PM):
the fact that we have to trust each other lol
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:44 PM):
how about i give you the ascended pw first up, and then once the transfer is complete i give you the main pw?
kyle says (9:46 PM):
well i want main first its more importent lol but youll still have the asended so if you do get scamed you can just deasended it cuz i hate demions lol
kyle says (9:47 PM):
but after i can see i can log in the main ill send the cash
kyle says (9:47 PM):
and get the asended
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:47 PM):
ok lol
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:49 PM):
details are: name: JOS email: password: <3Anni
kyle sent 11/10/2008 9:50 PM:
ok im in now who do i send the $$$$ too?
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:51 PM):
with paypal, its just my name i give you for the transfer right?
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:51 PM):
sorry, im kinda new to paypal lol
kyle says (9:52 PM):
well what email did you use to sign up for paypal?
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:52 PM):
kyle says (9:53 PM):
so ill look you up and send you the cash may take acouple min. internets is going slow :S
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:53 PM):
lol kk
kyle sent 11/10/2008 9:57 PM:
dam dial up internet:@
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:57 PM):
heh, must be painful
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:57 PM):
i remember the days i was stuck on dialup
kyle says (9:58 PM):
the money should be sent
kyle says (9:58 PM):
cheack your account
kyle says (9:58 PM):
do you see it?
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:59 PM):
hang on sorry, browser is running slow
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (9:59 PM):
hmm, hasnt come up at all
kyle says (10:01 PM):
dont tell me i accedentaly sent to wrong persom :(
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:01 PM):
did the profile name say Nathan Horne?
kyle says (10:01 PM):
oh **Filtered** no
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:01 PM):
ah, then that wasnt me..
kyle says (10:02 PM):
not good
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:02 PM):
kyle says (10:02 PM):
wow there goes 200$
kyle says (10:03 PM):
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:03 PM):
very ouch
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:03 PM):
is there any way to cancel it, or will you have to go through resolution centre instead?
kyle says (10:04 PM):
nope no way to cancle i just lost 200$
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:04 PM):
ah damn
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:04 PM):
i dont suppose you'd have another $200 to transfer for the account lol
kyle says (10:04 PM):
well let me cheack
kyle sent 11/10/2008 10:06 PM:
oh dam it may be a couple more seconds
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:07 PM):
ah ok
kyle sent 11/10/2008 10:08 PM:
i really need to get better internet lol
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:09 PM):
lol, a faster connection would be a good idea :P
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:13 PM):
you know yet mate?
kyle says (10:13 PM):
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:15 PM):
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:15 PM):
you even deleted the message saying who the UU went to
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:15 PM):
welcome to the scam list, scum
kyle says (10:15 PM):
kyle says (10:16 PM):
| .: [JOS/Nathan/Dante/Tassadar] :. | - All the hate in this world cant tear us apart, this love is forever says (10:16 PM):
grow some balls and get a life, seriously =/[/spoiler]

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:37 am
JOS wrote:He used the email address and forum account larryjoe. I think one of his accounts is ~ETERNAL~DARKNESS~, because it attacked me less than 5 minutes after I gave him my id so he could look me up ingame.

03:41 ~ETERNAL~DARKNESS~ 5,397,369,659 Naquadah stolen 15 0 0 5 60,820,676,280 details

well mate im not hell boy fur sure. and now im being accused for being a cheater for farming oh wow i farmed you so im an instant cheater when i farm my police is nothing under 5 bill and your in the range of naq that i hit for. and me hitting you is cheating WTH FOR BEING AN AVID FARMER WHY IM NOT ON PPT MAKES ME A CHEATER JUST CUZ I HIT YOU AROUND THE SAME TIME AS HELLBOY WAS SCAMING YOU. Think before you accuse mate. if you want to add me to msn to see that im not hellboy or one of his muilts ill be more then happy too cuz i am a vary active trader in the community and i dont need my named scared by you rongly accusing me of being hell boy

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:40 am
by JOS
I'm not accusing you, it was just highly suspicious that you hit right after the account name was given. I wont apologise for being slightly paranoid, and msn can't really prove that you aren't hellboy conclusively.

I do apologise for naming you as he however, and I'll remove your name from the post.

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:42 am
Thank you mate and i fill the pain your filling right now hell boy did scam me to before and it sucked balls. How much stuff did he scam you of? and any ways if you want to add me to msn to talk here it is


Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:45 am
by JOS
Heh, was 50m UU trained as miners while I waited to sell. Ah well, at least I changed details and kept the account.

I'll add you to msn next time I'm on mate ;)

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:48 am
dam 50 mill uu that a really big loss he really needs to stop this scamming

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:49 am
by JOS
Heh, admin also needs to start doing something. I.E undoing all of hellboys actions etc and taking away the profit of scamming from him.

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:58 am
people should make classes on how not to get scamed so it will happen less and he might stop all togeather lol well gl on getting this solved

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:36 am
by Colton
That blows :( I was choked when I lost some stuff of equal value on another game, the thing was it was to someone to whom I thought was one of my closest friends. It's saddening how low some people can go for some pixels to be honest.

If you want you can add me to msn dude, its

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:26 pm
by Juliette
The problem with your case (Colton) is Hellboy's strength: he doesn't care about the game itself, just about causing as much damage as possible. To do that, he will use all available means, and he has shown he is not afraid to go into scams that take quite a long time to 'accomplish'. If he would care about the game, he would go another way.

Damn shame JOS. Glad that you were able to at least save your account, that it was not deleted.

I side with those who cry out to Justice (Forum's avvy, remember?) to come forth and avenge the fallen, or at least prevent future 'casualties'. :)

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:05 pm
by JOS
We can only hope that eventually admin will wake up to the fact that lowlifes like assassinX and hellboy are making a killing via scamming and finally do something about it =/

Thanks Colton and Lois Lane, I'll add you to msn tonight Colton ;)

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:01 am
by Lithium
admins cant do anything against scamming dude. he cant save yr/mine ass while we try to sell free game resources for $$$.

if u get scammed for ingame trades then u can avenge yr self.

those that takes the risk of beeing scammed are ppl that are bored of the game and trying to get soem money that pays their effort to the game.

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:29 am
by JOS
Indeed, but I do think admin should do something about scammers on the basis that some, like hellboy, scam purely to make a monetary profit by then selling the scammed resources for $$$.

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:20 am
by Lithium
JOS wrote:Indeed, but I do think admin should do something about scammers on the basis that some, like hellboy, scam purely to make a monetary profit by then selling the scammed resources for $$$.

you know that scammers has been scammed aswell ;)

admins has clarify this b4 , its a free game so play it for free.

the only thing that admins can do is to restore yr account if it was hacked.

Re: Scammed by hellboy

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:06 pm
by 12agnar0k
100% guarentee to not getting scammed

is either sticking too simple broker trades whilst on PPT.


always sending second.

Newbies dont have the privellege of the second option, so trade with someone you can trust and your less likely to get scammed.