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The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:13 am
by S0lid Snake
Well, time for a positive thread.

You are about to embark on the most thrilling adventure down the rabbit hole yet.

I can show you the door, but you must choose to walk through it...

To get us going lets start by asking the right questions...

1. What is a Freeman on the land?

2. What is the difference between common law & Statutory law (Admiralty Jurisdiction), and how does this affect the freeman on the land?

3. What are my duties & rights as a human being?

4. Can I really pay my student loans with my birth certificate?

5. Can I travel in a private conveyance without a license?

6. Can I cross boarders without a government issue passport?

7. What is a notice of understanding and intent?

8. What is a claim of right?

9. How do I serve a notice of understanding and intent with a claim of right?

10. What countries does this affect?

11. Can anybody become a freeman on the land?

Ok, that should be enough questions to wet your appetite for now.

(Notice) I know the answers to these questions, so I want you to ask them for yourself from your own perspectives.

To help you understand what I'm talking about here, there are several videos by Robert A. Menard for you to watch and consider, they are lengthy, but contain highly important information...

You want change? Well here it is:-

The Magnificent Deception.

Bursting Bubbles Of Government Deception.

The Deceptions Demise - With Lawful Excuse.

Security Of The Person.

I want to see you posting some info Avenger. :wink:

"I've come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum."

"Drop em bend over and don't expect lube, how the government really gains power"

Robert A. Menard

Discuss, debate, have fun & enjoy...

Namaste. :D


I've just got to mention this, My wife is 11 weeks pregnant, I'm going to be a daddy. WOOHOO

:shock: :o :) :D :-D I'll try to get the scan uploaded. 8)

This is why I'll fight all the more...

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:58 am
by TheWay
I don’t think you are going to get much play on this topic most likely because this entire topic is a trap, and I don't mean that in terms of your motives but rather in the way the conversation has been framed.

The correct way to begin a debate or discussion on a topic is to make a statement or present a proper proposition then use whatever source material you wish to defend that stance.
You however have simply asked us to discuss your source material and although this may have some limited value it is not a correct use of discussion or debate.

If you had chosen a work by a well known or academically proficient candidate, ie a discussion on the validity of the ideas expressed by Kant in his book Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics. Then I believe you may indeed stir some debate.

I would advise you and all other debaters in this forum to e careful who you site and what sources you use because the easiest way to defeat any argument is to attack the source material it is the oldest of rhetoric and very effective.

I have not read any of the material you have presented although I did briefly attempt to research the person you site as a reference and have had no luck. Sadly it seems the sites I found that sited him also did not see value in ones achievements. I am not saying this man is not qualified I am simply saying he is fringe at best unless you can show me otherwise.
I understand many of your world views may be based on these ideas and I would ask you not take my post personally although by its nature I am sure that may be difficult but I hope you understand the purpose of my post that it is not an attack on your ideals, but rather the method by which you present these ideals.

If you would reframe the discussion I would be happy to participate.

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:18 am
by Juliette
*reserved for Universe* xD

For now; CONGRATULATIONS S0lid_Snake! Becoming a parent is a great moment. Good health to you, your wife and coming child!

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:48 am
by S0lid Snake
TheWay wrote:I don’t think you are going to get much play on this topic most likely because this entire topic is a trap, and I don't mean that in terms of your motives but rather in the way the conversation has been framed.

Possibly, but I would hope that the post intrigued some who have viewed it. I fail to see how it could be construed as a trap.

The correct way to begin a debate or discussion on a topic is to make a statement or present a proper proposition then use whatever source material you wish to defend that stance.
You however have simply asked us to discuss your source material and although this may have some limited value it is not a correct use of discussion or debate.

Believe me when I say this information is priceless for those of us who are sick to death of the current feeling of being powerless against those in power, please feel free to poke holes in anything I've posted here as I wish my argument to solid as I am pursuing this path myself.

If you had chosen a work by a well known or academically proficient candidate, ie a discussion on the validity of the ideas expressed by Kant in his book Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics. Then I believe you may indeed stir some debate.

Robert A Menard is a legend, although he didn't pioneer the subject, he speaks so well and his message is easy to understand once you get into the subject matter. There are others I will mention at a later time.

I would advise you and all other debaters in this forum to e careful who you site and what sources you use because the easiest way to defeat any argument is to attack the source material it is the oldest of rhetoric and very effective.

Well if anyone wants to attack Robert A Menard's work or the Freeman concept feel free to do so. Do however beware that people have already and still are using the information he so eloquently presents to basically subdue the government and it's agents.

I have not read any of the material you have presented although I did briefly attempt to research the person you site as a reference and have had no luck. Sadly it seems the sites I found that sited him also did not see value in ones achievements. I am not saying this man is not qualified I am simply saying he is fringe at best unless you can show me otherwise.
I understand many of your world views may be based on these ideas and I would ask you not take my post personally although by its nature I am sure that may be difficult but I hope you understand the purpose of my post that it is not an attack on your ideals, but rather the method by which you present these ideals.

Dude, Robert A Menard has so much material out there it would be impossible to miss it on a brief search. I admit my presentation of the information may be a tad cryptic, but I didn't want to give all the information out straight away, after all one of the biggest problems with this subject is information overload. You say he's fringe, but that's what this is all about, the standard ideas of how to control our governments aren't working, unless we initiate a full scale & bloody rebellion, but no one wants that, I sure as hell don't, so we are forced to think outside the box, this subject has the potential to help us oust our corrupt leaders. What this information does is to show you the individual how to bind government agents who claim authority over us. I implore you to look deeper into this, I guarantee that you won't regret it. I would recommend that you view his material before going to others for an opinion on a subject that they themselves may not fully understand or comprehend it's implications for our way of life.

If you would reframe the discussion I would be happy to participate.

Sure, what would you suggest I do to improve our chances of a invigorating discussion & debate?.

I can't believe that no one is interested or even willing to try and discredit me on this... Infact I invite it...

Some truths are immutable and far reaching and I truly believe this is one of them. :D

And thank you Lois. I look forward to you filling that post. :wink:

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:08 am
by TheWay
oh yes I am sorry, congrats on the birth of a child and being a father. You are truly blessed indeed

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:38 am
by S0lid Snake
TheWay wrote:oh yes I am sorry, congrats on the birth of a child and being a father. You are truly blessed indeed

Cheers :)

Still working on getting the scan uploaded. :)

More on the topic:

For UK residents consider the following regarding Tax in the UK...

Understanding UK Tax, A Freeman Perspective.

Also if I quote any definitions they will be defined in the language of Law, Legalese (I will make a note of this when I do it so as not to cause confusion as best I can).

They have been very naughty twisting our words and trapping us into Maritime Law... The government isn't your employee as they would have you believe. They are in fact your captain.

And as your captain they have the power to tell you what to do via Statutes and regulations etc... So they are using ACTs not Laws.

So why if we are on the land does the government place us into Maritime Law?

Firstly what are the Common Laws?

There are 3 distinct Common Laws,

1. Do no harm.

2. Do no damage.

3. Do no fraud in your contracts.

If you are a Freeman On The Land, and have not breached any of the above, government agents such as the tax man & police are powerless to ACT upon you unless you grant them the power to do so.

SO what does this mean...?

Under your inalienable Human Rights, you have the right to equality under the law. How can a government agent hold authority over you if you do not consent to be governed and are in Lawful Rebellion as granted under Article 61 of the Magna carta

Find Article 61 here:-

Magna carta.

We the sovereign Humans have all the power in the world, we've just forgot how to use it.

I hope you guys & gals realize what this means.

We have the remedy and the legal technology, we just need to put it into effect.

Coming soon, a fully drafted Notice of understanding and intent with a claim of right, this is one of the most powerful documents you can draft which will shoot down all most everything they can throw at you, excluding the 3 common laws, which all other serious crimes can be grouped, say good bye to traffic tickets and government agent fines.

This is a giant can of worms and I could use some assistance from anyone interested.

Thinking for yourself is the new black. Come on!!! I welcome EVERYONES PERSPECTIVE on this matter.

Engage in the conversation.

Namaste. :smt109

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:47 am
by TheWay
I am interested in discussing with you but give me a proposition to discuss like american tax laws are illegal because the constitution does not grant the governement the right to do what they are currently doing as of tax code. Or maybe a discussion of Obama's plan to take from the rich and give to the poor, oh what a modern day Robbin Hood he is (clearly a facetious comment) :shock: :D

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:26 am
by [KMA]Avenger
S0lid Snake wrote:Well, time for a positive thread.

You are about to embark on the most thrilling adventure down the rabbit hole yet.

I can show you the door, but you must choose to walk through it...

To get us going lets start by asking the right questions...

1. What is a Freeman on the land?

2. What is the difference between common law & Statutory law (Admiralty Jurisdiction), and how does this affect the freeman on the land?

3. What are my duties & rights as a human being?

4. Can I really pay my student loans with my birth certificate?

5. Can I travel in a private conveyance without a license?

6. Can I cross boarders without a government issue passport?

7. What is a notice of understanding and intent?

8. What is a claim of right?

9. How do I serve a notice of understanding and intent with a claim of right?

10. What countries does this affect?

11. Can anybody become a freeman on the land?

Ok, that should be enough questions to wet your appetite for now.

(Notice) I know the answers to these questions, so I want you to ask them for yourself from your own perspectives.

To help you understand what I'm talking about here, there are several videos by Robert A. Menard for you to watch and consider, they are lengthy, but contain highly important information...

You want change? Well here it is:-

The Magnificent Deception.

Bursting Bubbles Of Government Deception.

The Deceptions Demise - With Lawful Excuse.

Security Of The Person.

I want to see you posting some info Avenger. :wink:

"I've come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum."

"Drop em bend over and don't expect lube, how the government really gains power"

Robert A. Menard

Discuss, debate, have fun & enjoy...

Namaste. :D


I've just got to mention this, My wife is 11 weeks pregnant, I'm going to be a daddy. WOOHOO

:shock: :o :) :D :-D I'll try to get the scan uploaded. 8)

This is why I'll fight all the more...

hey pal, firstly, congrats on the new addition to your family and wish both you, your wife and child MANY happy days together :D

2ndly, sorry i haven't been around much to support your post but you are correct in all of this.

@TheWay, i think you misunderstand this whole thread, as well as being a topic to discuss/debate, its about gaining knowledge that would free you from the state. snake is correct when he says there are differing laws, maritime law otherwise known as banking law, applies to all of us in the eyes of the state because we are all conceived in fluid and come into this world down a canal. that may sound funny but all these BS laws we are subject to is because we do not understand them, and we do not understand that we can break free of state control anytime we choose- simply by gaining the understanding we have given up.

i don't fully understand it all but am going to find out how to become a freeman on the land myself and for my whole family.

IMHO, if the government does just 1 thing wrong in "your" eyes then its time to break away from that government and withdraw your support.
nobody can deny that corruption in government exists, regardless of who is the leader of the government, so why do we continue to support such a system if that system is a proven failure?!?! :?

@SS, mate, i need to talk more with you about all of this, i've still got problems with my computer and internet is about the only thing that's working on it, i cant even get MSN to work :x
as soon as its all fixed i want a chat with you mate.

BTW. the link to article 61 of the magna carta isnt working for me

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:04 am
by S0lid Snake
[KMA]Avenger wrote:hey pal, firstly, congrats on the new addition to your family and wish both you, your wife and child MANY happy days together :D

Cheers mate, I will pass on your regards to my better half.

2ndly, sorry i haven't been around much to support your post but you are correct in all of this.

No problem dude, we still have time on our side, we ain't quite at the end game just yet.

@TheWay, i think you misunderstand this whole thread, as well as being a topic to discuss/debate, its about gaining knowledge that would free you from the state. snake is correct when he says there are differing laws, maritime law otherwise known as banking law, applies to all of us in the eyes of the state because we are all conceived in fluid and come into this world down a canal. that may sound funny but all these BS laws we are subject to is because we do not understand them, and we do not understand that we can break free of state control anytime we choose- simply by gaining the understanding we have given up.

i don't fully understand it all but am going to find out how to become a freeman on the land myself and for my whole family.

I'll second that Avenger, and I'll help as best I can.

IMHO, if the government does just 1 thing wrong in "your" eyes then its time to break away from that government and withdraw your support.
nobody can deny that corruption in government exists, regardless of who is the leader of the government, so why do we continue to support such a system if that system is a proven failure?!?! :?

@SS, mate, i need to talk more with you about all of this, i've still got problems with my computer and internet is about the only thing that's working on it, i cant even get MSN to work :x
as soon as its all fixed i want a chat with you mate.

Yup, I guessed you would, I could use the backup as this is a huge subject to get to grips with, I'm getting close to completing the puzzle. It's time to circle the wagons. :)

BTW. the link to article 61 of the magna carta isnt working for me

Fixed it, it should work now. 8)

Just a quick response for the moment I'll be back in a bit. :)

Good to have you posting again Avenger.

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:36 am
by [KMA]Avenger
we're definitely going to have to meet, would be good to get a few other peeps together and have ourselves an sgw convention :D

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & De

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:31 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:36 am
by S0lid Snake
Saw this one coming... its more for historical reference, a symbolic part that isn't needed to proceed on the freeman path.

Think of it as me personally rubbing salt in the wound of the government, or just a plain defiant two finger salute...

Some would say that the 1215 Magna Carta still supersedes it successors, as those that made the amendments had no authority to make said amendments in the first place...

But that's not what is essential to the freeman concept.

Essentially our government is our nanny, and it's time for us to grow up and start taking responsibility for our own lives, people have become lazy and want the government to do everything for them, for those that depend on the government for hand outs, they won't want to leave the system. That's their choice not mine.

By making a correctly worded notice of understanding and intent with a claim of right, the Freeman REVOKES his consent to be governed, and as this country's common laws were founded under the belief that GOD (yes I said god but read on a little before judging) is at the top of the legal system (I.E. the ten commandments are the foundation of the common laws). To put it briefly and succinctly as I can... "One Nation Founded Under God".

Stay with me here...

God can be anything, it doesn't have to be a mainstream religion, it could be a week old tuna sandwich in your fridge, as long as you say its your god, then you can claim that no one is above you accept for your god. Under the law, as handed down by god (their words not mine) we are all equal.

With this claim in place, for the government to claim authority over you, they must prove within 3 days of receiving your notice of understanding and intent with a claim of right, that they are in fact higher than god in the eyes of the law....


3 days pass and your claim of right stands...

It's not quite that simple and more must be added to the claim of right, but hey, I'm only a year into studying this topic, I'm still a semi-noob, but I'm learning fast now. I can tell you that over the last 12 months the movement has grown exponentially.

For a clearer explanation see Roberts videos above, view them in order to follow the information better.

Please guys & gals, if you do anything today just watch the first 10 minutes of the first video, if your not gripped then I won't force you into staying in the conversation here.

I really don't do this information justice, so here's a series that breaks down the notice of understanding and intent with a claim of right.

UK Freeman Document Deconstructed Part 1

UK Freeman Document Deconstructed Part 2

UK Freeman Document Deconstructed Part 3

The series is ongoing and will look into the bond side of the freeman concept, but more about that later.

Hope you enjoy reading and/or watching the videos.

Namaste. :)

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & De

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:40 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:29 am
by S0lid Snake
Kit-Fox wrote:Try with holding your taxes etc and all the rest of it i'd like to see how long you last.

The sad fact is you have no rights in the UK whatsoever other than what the crown (with the gov as its representative) gives you and they dont give you any.

It is a myt and one that is oh so often repeated by many people (all of which have never treid to put it into practice) that you can become a so called 'freeman'

You would be arrested, thrown in jail and forgotten about. End of the day tehy have to power to maintain the status quo and without a standing army of your own you wont be able to stop them

Erm, we all have Human rights don't we?????

There are already Freemen in the UK, conferences are to be held soon...

As the government is making the claim that you have to pay taxes, it is on them to prove that they have that right. Watch what happens when you start asking them to prove it. They will put themselves in dishonor and then you can answer the questions for them.

What makes you think you have to pay tax on your sweat equity???

Have you read a law about tax that states all must pay???

There is a thing called the financial ACT, but this isn't a law, it's a statute, and few have ever read it.

And once you deconstruct it you can poke holes in it.

Don't believe me, see here:-

More on Tax Issues

Once they are in dishonor of your notice you can take the next step.

Which would be as follows:-

To serve what is known as 'default judgment' and 'permanent and irrevocable estoppel', and demand your money back.

There is no guarantee that you will get anything back, but you have the legal frame work in place to stop them from demanding anything from you ever again.

Enjoy... :wink:

More on this later...

Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & De

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:12 am
by Kit-Fox