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Reaseach and Development

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:34 am
by [SGC_ReplicĂ…tors]
will if this ever gets implenemented...will anyway through human history ppl have been sharing knowledge right?.so when this comes out can we share the knowedge with our allies or have a system to select whos who in ur reseach area and when ur allie reseachs u get a small portion of his reseach points into ur area and vise versa

Sharing Technology...

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:48 pm
by Raconar
Or like where you make a list of users that it will send a portion of the research to...whether it be like:

  1. The officer/commander relationship (where you don't get all of the research) (if you select this should take longer to finish researching it...maybe...your thread...Forum's game...Forum's choice...) (doen't have to be just commander/officer...but it can be...)

  2. Where the others get basicaly a copy of part of it...(max. number of people for this option should be set)...maybe somewhere around ten or twenty different people...

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:48 pm
by Enfant Terrible
Hmm.. I had thought if a research element was added a neat way to do it would be to add a scientist unit which you can train for maybe 3500 or 5000 naq. Then where your "science action" (ok I know that term sounds incredibly lame; someone else can name it) reaches a certain point you get some sorts of weapons upgrades or something. Depends on how much depth Admin has the time and energy to make it. And then you could also have Scientist levels like for Tau'ri you have High School grad, Bachelor's, Master's, and PhDs which improve your points per scientist.

Possible reaserch benefits:

Stronger Weapons
Better Defenses against sabotage (ie make weapons more resistant to it)
Higher Siege and Defense support

And naturally scientists would not provide income so there would be a detriment to training scientists.

Love the idea...

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:54 pm
by Raconar
I think you are on to something Enfant Terrible...this could be fun... :D ...I can't wait! :D :D I am going to burst... :mrgreen: ...oh ow...I wonder what the docter bill is going to be this time...maybe I can just ascend...oh wait...I already have... :D

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:41 pm
by Enfant Terrible
Having given it a bit more thought it seems to me that the best way to approach the upgrades would be once you have reached a certain threshold on your "scientific capacity" (instead of science action :roll: ) you have a siege and a defense upgrade made available for purchase. Personally I wouldn't worry about naming them just call them siege level 4 etc. As a consequence you could have the same sort of growth in weapons what you do in covert (right now it's linear vs. exponential) but the cost with this weapons growth could become extremely expensive

So in a nutshell:

Train scientists for maybe 5000 naq a piece.
Scientists don't provide income
Improve scientist level at a rate that doubles (just like spies)
Reaching a certain science capacity opens new siege and defense upgrades
eg at 10000 science you get level 4 siege and defense for 300000 naq
at 100000 science you get level 5 for 600000 naq etc. these numbers
would need to be reworked

Also it seems like players should be able to target scientific installations so a new kind of attack could be used. Something like a "precision strike" which targets scientists and is defended by a mix of the scientific production and defense action. Something like this might also be good for targetting spies. I mean if you think about intelligence agencies and their resources are often targetted in wars. Precision strikes though would not reap any naq reward and cost attack turns. This way suddenly attack turns can be used for other things and super high covert can be reduced or super high scence could be reduced.

I think this makes sense because at the moment a player with no strike or defense can wipe out another player and this doesn't seem very realistic. Any realm with no military would be crushed with little recourse available if they only had spies.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:17 pm
by Apocalypse.
Sounds like a good idea i like the science unit idea and the fact that it fails to genarate income but i just was wondering wouldn't it be cooler if science had only two or three levels all costing like 75k for the frist 100k for the second and 150k for the last and that way they wouldn't break the budget the levels could attack like multiplyiers to science and the more sicence you have the more upgrades u get acess to but also up to fixed point i don't want it getting out of hand like the spy levels with one or two players sitting @ the max and the rest trying to catch up to that only the "max" keeps moving up

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:30 pm
by NoDot
Enfant Terrible wrote:Having given it a bit more thought it seems to me that the best way to approach the upgrades would be once you have reached a certain threshold on your "scientific capacity" (instead of science action :roll: ) you have a siege and a defense upgrade made available for purchase. Personally I wouldn't worry about naming them just call them siege level 4 etc. As a consequence you could have the same sort of growth in weapons what you do in covert (right now it's linear vs. exponential) but the cost with this weapons growth could become extremely expensive

So in a nutshell:

Train scientists for maybe 5000 naq a piece.
Scientists don't provide income
Improve scientist level at a rate that doubles (just like spies)
Reaching a certain science capacity opens new siege and defense upgrades
eg at 10000 science you get level 4 siege and defense for 300000 naq
at 100000 science you get level 5 for 600000 naq etc. these numbers
would need to be reworked
Perhaps you get a certian number of "Research Points" each turn, which top at a specific point, and can be applied to various types of research. Science Upgrades could increase the amount of Research Points you can store at a time, and you can only get upgrades by spending the required amount of points (plus a Naquadah cost, possibly) at that time. You could also have the "pinpoint-strike" target the Research Points (i.e. go in and destroy notes/research/etc). I'm just throwing out ideas; what do you people think?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:59 pm
by Enfant Terrible
NoDot wrote:Perhaps you get a certian number of "Research Points" each turn, which top at a specific point, and can be applied to various types of research. Science Upgrades could increase the amount of Research Points you can store at a time, and you can only get upgrades by spending the required amount of points (plus a Naquadah cost, possibly) at that time. You could also have the "pinpoint-strike" target the Research Points (i.e. go in and destroy notes/research/etc). I'm just throwing out ideas; what do you people think?

I think I really like this idea but first I want to make sure I understand correctly. You are saying that you have a certain science capacity which gives you an income of research points every turn. As you build up your science capacity your research income goes up. And then you have a bank which has a max capacity to store research points. These science points can then be spent to improve the bank capacity (sort of like getting a better computer with a bigger hard drive). Once capacity is full you just don't get anymore research points until you either spend them or improve your call it a computer for now so that it has a higher capacity.

I would add that the research points could also be spent on improving siege and fortification. But that they just allow the upgrade to be made. So you spend say 10000 research points to allow a siege upgrade and then you find out how much it costs and have to actually buy it with naq. And you would have to choose where to allocate the points so you can choose one of siege, fortification, or computers.

With the pinpoint strikes I think it would be cool to approach it two ways.

First you can steal research points from another player. This would be done using spies. You send the spies in on an Stealing Tech mission and can steal science points.

Second you can target actual science capacity with pinpoint strikes by your military and kill enemy scientists.

And now to expand even more on the pin point strikes. It would be interesting if you could choose one of four things to pin point: Siege, Fortification, Science capacity, or spies. Effectively you could choose to either try and kill spies (or if successful reduce enemies by a spy level, although that could be very unpopular but may be very interesting), kill scientists, destroy Siege or Fortification upgrades (knocking them back down a level). Since strikes like this could be particularly devastating maybe require them to use 5 attack turns for one pinpoint strike (ie 5 attack turns = 1 pinpoint attack turn). Defense action would help protect against pin point strikes.

This would give players an effective way to take out any aspect of someone's army be it covert, strike, defense, or science. Which may help prevent certain aspects of the game taking over. Maybe this would help with Amon Ra's concern about the levels getting out of hand since anything can get knocked down this way. Ie. if someone has level 15 covert but hasn't built up any defense that covert could get decimated by a pinpoint strike. It seems to me but I could be wrong but the main reason covert has gotten out of hand is there is no effective way to reduce it. A person can just buy higher and higher spy skill levels and more and more spies without focussing on attack or defense and take out anyone. this means that effectively it's better to be ranked ranked 500th and have covert rank 1 then it is to be ranked first and have covert rank 5 or 6 and higly ranked strike and defense.

Anyone else have any thoughts or ideas?

Is it within the realm of possibility that Forum could implement something like this or would it take a month to do all the programming for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:18 pm
by NoDot
I think your getting it, but I believe your off just a bit. Let's clarify (if I can):

You have limited Research Capacity
Buy/Train Scientists to increase Research Income Rate
Research Science Upgrades to increase Research-Bank capacity
Spend Research Points (all at once; no partial payments!) for upgrades

I think that'll do it. I also like your elaborations on Pin-Point strikes: I found it an interesting read. However, you may want it to be Offense/Defence oriented, rather than just oriented on defense.

Is it within the realm of possibility that Forum could implement something like this or would it take a month to do all the programming for it?
Possible? Yes. How long? I don't have access to the sources, so I can't say.

I had an idea last night...

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:44 pm
by Raconar
First, are you saying that you have to have a full bank to get the upgrade...that means that the people with smaller banks could get the upgrade faster...maybe it should be that they have to have so many get the upgrade then they have to get the naquadah...I don't know exactly...

I don't know if it will work...but you might want to have it so that you can research weapons...maybe either cutting weapon prices slightly...or that maybe you could set aside so much money and research points per turn toward building a weapon...or maybe an upgrade to reduce repair costs on weapons...well that is just a start...I love research and development...I am an Asgard after all... :D ...anyway...maybe you could have ascension technology :D ...I was not serious about the last part...ascension technology...if we did have it...all members of the Ascending Guild get it for free... :D ...don't get mad I am just kidding...all though I am sure that we would get a ton of people...who wouldn't want free know...I still am not serious...

Re: I had an idea last night...

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:10 pm
by NoDot
Raconar wrote:First, are you saying that you have to have a full bank to get the upgrade...that means that the people with smaller banks could get the upgrade faster...maybe it should be that they have to have so many get the upgrade then they have to get the naquadah...I don't know exactly...
You don't need a full bank, you just need enough points. You could have a full bank and use it to buy five different upgrades continually. Personally, I'd suggest that the Research Upgrades to cost the amount of a full Research Bank, (without any outer interferance like donating) though. (It just makes sense, IMO. You disagree?)

Research costing Naquadah, though, is an optional thing.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:21 pm
by Forum
and certainly now on the list....

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:29 pm
by NoDot
Forum wrote:<thinking....>
and certainly now on the list....
That's nice to know. Will we require Naquadah to purchase these upgrades?


Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:40 pm
by Raconar
Three cheers for Forum...Hip hip horray...hip hip horray...hip hip horray...ok...I'm to celebrating... :D ... :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :D :lol: :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :lol: :D :D :lol: :D :lol: :D

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:30 pm
by [SGC_ReplicĂ…tors]
sweet my........ "OUR" idea is going somewhere

for these Reseach and Development should it be Gradual or Instant?
Training scientist from Untrain troops is a good idea.

add another option for attckers to "steal science" away