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poor quality modding

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:48 am
by ogre9805
i`m afraid i have to post a thread here after numerous pm`s with 2 mods in perticular asking to see a list of the banned/filtered words i have pm`d admin too with YET NO REPLY this is poor quality modding seeing as the word **Filtered** is still very much used to insult yet lots of other certain words that describe the same thing are banned .

consistancy is the name of the game when modding and as of my time spent on these forums the mod team is at best VERY POOR in its consistancy of modding the filtered words used by a lot of ppl

if your going to allow things like "**Filtered**" then any other deriative of that insult should also be allowed instead u warn and often ban for over usage

please respond to this as mod team or admin and claify the situation

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:21 pm
by buck
ogre9805 wrote:i`m afraid i have to post a thread here after numerous pm`s with 2 mods in perticular asking to see a list of the banned/filtered words i have pm`d admin too with YET NO REPLY this is poor quality modding seeing as the word **Filtered** is still very much used to insult yet lots of other certain words that describe the same thing are banned .

consistancy is the name of the game when modding and as of my time spent on these forums the mod team is at best VERY POOR in its consistancy of modding the filtered words used by a lot of ppl

if your going to allow things like "**Filtered**" then any other deriative of that insult should also be allowed instead u warn and often ban for over usage

please respond to this as mod team or admin and claify the situation

You have not pmed me, if you have pmed Forum, Then you probally wont get a reply, as he doesnt deal with these issues, We do.

If you find a word you find to be offensive, then you should come to us first, Not admin.

Anyway, I think some of the words filtered may have been lost in the transition this week, (forum was upgraded to the newest version) As i feel said word was in the filter, if it wasnt, It was simply an oversight, or there was a damn good reason for it not being there, which i dont know about. Either way i'l look into the situation a little further.



Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:49 am
by Clarkey
I agree that **Filtered** should be on the filtered list, it is used way too much in attempts to offend and bully people. However, that said, if you think it should be on the filtered list then PM Lore, Robe or Buck, no-one else. It's simple, there's no need for creating threads like this.

Second of all, i'm not sure if I agree with Staff giving out the filtered list. This could easily give people the opportunity to look through the filtered list and come up with a word of the same meaning but is not on the filtered list.... therefore causing more problems.

Man people like to whine so much on these forums.

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:41 pm
by Lore
Clarkey wrote:Man people like to whine so much on these forums.

So true, so true. The funny part is have 1 person from an alliance whinning about a word not being on the list and another from the same alliance whinning because we talked about adding it.

And for the record, ANYONE who want to get a word added to the filter, simply tell Bill the QMGWTHMAN and I'll guarantee you it will be discussed and the results will be returned to you. He is the voice of the people but yet the people refuse to use him. I don't get it myself, but whatever.

And Ogre, I'd love to see it on the list and have tried more then once in my career here to get it added. Seems I'm a "prude" tho.

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:48 pm
by Jack
Lore wrote:Seems I'm a "prude" tho.

Yes, but you are forgiven.

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:24 pm
by RepliMagni
There are so many words that can be construed in some way as being offensive....I bet you I could get people to start using a random word as an offensive term.....

You're a milk


You're a finger


You're a chocolate

(Wow, got an offensive and racist one right there)


(Yes, my inspiration was the box of milk chocolate fingers I'm eating from)

Its all about the context the term is used in, which is why blanket filter bans just don't work all the time. Good, and sensible, modding is what works best. :-D

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:28 am
by Lore
RepliMagni wrote:There are so many words that can be construed in some way as being offensive....I bet you I could get people to start using a random word as an offensive term.....

You're a milk


You're a finger


You're a chocolate

(Wow, got an offensive and racist one right there)


(Yes, my inspiration was the box of milk chocolate fingers I'm eating from)

Its all about the context the term is used in, which is why blanket filter bans just don't work all the time. Good, and sensible, modding is what works best. :-D

Milk chocolate fingers? never heard of those 8)

And I fully agree that good sensable modding is whats needed, but if there is no "clear" rule then forum users go crazy. I have even had people saying you SHOULD mod that, and when its modded they complain it broke no rules?

Bahh, everyones got to complain about something I guess. Cant please everyone.

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:44 am
by Jack
Of course, Lore. Most if not all those complaining, merely want to see their ingame rivals banned, they really don't care about the rules, as long as it doesn't affect them.

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:09 am
by Mr Nice Guy
we should have the list of banned words so we know wich we cant use dont u think ? Where a live callin u son of a dog in a sentence can and couldnt be offensive and some others aswell. In english with translation it becomes very offensive the popular way we speak. Wouldnt hurt much. Also if Mods are doing their job then most of insulting words would get into the list and so the complete sentences as the ones used as example up there. And sending messages to Mods not ever work, example i sent one to all mods, super mods and even the ombus dude. Just a few answered and btw still nothing sorted at all. And u spect him to just pm some of the mods huu... :lol: btw jack this aint spamm or insulting so no warning on me for this... i know u enjoy them but im behaiving thanks to u :lol:

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:48 pm
by Zeratul
a list wont appear simply because it will get abused...

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:55 pm
by Juliette
I am a poor quality mod.

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:04 am
by Mr Nice Guy
Include abuse of the list as a punished act. How do u expect us to know all words we cant say if we dont have a list. I get into lot of convos with many sgw players and some words are used a lot but filtered in here. It is really not that easy to know what i can use or not into forums :-D

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:42 am
by DaDigi
Prince_of_Darkness wrote:Include abuse of the list as a punished act. How do u expect us to know all words we cant say if we dont have a list. I get into lot of convos with many sgw players and some words are used a lot but filtered in here. It is really not that easy to know what i can use or not into forums :-D

If you think it's a vulgar word, then don't use it. Plain as day. When in doubt, don't push your luck.

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:56 pm
by Mr Nice Guy
like if i needed to push it... i just need to push and wait jack to warn me... happened twice and im sure will happen any time soon... still some words i dont know the real meaning, example just a few days ago i found out that noob is an insulting term, still when i asked around a year ago the exaplainin i got was different to the real meaning. And the one who explained didnt have a bad intention, just didnt know the meaning aswell... so its not really that easy. Also i think that if we have a list of not accepted words it should be public so people can request others to be added or to be taken out cause of mistakenly added. wouldnt hurt much im sure to let us learn about that secret section of u :-D

Re: poor quality modding

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:00 pm
by Clarkey
Prince_of_Darkness wrote:still some words i dont know the real meaning, example just a few days ago i found out that noob is an insulting term, still when i asked around a year ago the exaplainin i got was different to the real meaning.

Calling anyone anything can be insulting, just depends on who it is your are calling it. You just need to know your audience. And on a forum like this there is a big audience.