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"Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:06 pm
by caesar2
I feel insulted. Admins edit my posts where i used peacfull word "cow". involved person, called cow clearly taged me as a fly. this post was not edited.

Can someone explain me difrences between animals? if i call someone snake, dog, cat, rat, chicken, fly cow... there are diferences?

I was taged as fly, well it was funny, until few involved admins edited my posts. well, they were not involved in whole story (all posts). they just as usualy feel the need to teach me how to act.

well, that mod who edited my post was deni.

Fuall Plus VS The Task Force "Game Over!" Take 3 page 650

it was enough when ppl screamed on me on MSN when i asked tekki if she is hungry. and its enough if someone like deni edites my posts about tekki. this forum was always influed by some kind of ppl.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:14 pm
by Lore
There was no "admin" involvement.

Just for clarification.

I Emailed Bill for you as well C2. Hes away for the holidays, and requested an Email if needed.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:16 pm
by caesar2
Pardon admins. i mean moderators. well, but i taged person who edited, deni. so it makes the case clear enough.


Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:20 pm
by Noobert
caesar2 wrote:Can someone explain me difrences between animals? if i call someone snake, dog, cat, rat, chicken, fly cow... there are diferences?

Differences between a cow and a fly? A fly can be disregarded as nothing but a small, buzzing, bothering bug.

A cow? There is nothing good to say about a cow except that cows produce milk and meat. Neither, about a woman, is good to say.

That is the differences between a fly and a cow, if not more. There is many differences between animals, just because you don't see them and doesn't mean they do not exist.

Don't forget. You were asked to knock it off before, and you did it again.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:22 pm
by deni
The edited part of your post crossed the lines of role playing and got edited out for that reason. You were neither warned verbally nor officially but only asked to keep it within the limits of roleplaying.

If you feel insulted about me editing your post then please refrain from making borderline comments that DO insult the people they are aimed at.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:29 pm
by caesar2
I was not asked. If i was, prove that please. Cuse i do not remember and am not reading your war thread posts.

Diferences between cow and fly are these. small/big. thats all. animl like animal if you call human animal. there are no diferences. in some cultures cow are untouchable/sacrals, India for example. You cant judge cases by your culture only, thats not the only one. If you mention cow like milk and meet producer in Induia, they will ahte you proly.

Somwhere pigs are sacral animals. Somwhere maybe flys.

But i thought we are adults, not kids arguying whos pet is stronger.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:35 pm
by caesar2
deni wrote:The edited part of your post crossed the lines of role playing and got edited out for that reason. You were neither warned verbally nor officially but only asked to keep it within the limits of roleplaying.

If you feel insulted about me editing your post then please refrain from making borderline comments that DO insult the people they are aimed at.

i have no idea what line do you mean. it was clearly written. i was thinking where is bebitas palce. if on cows side or fly side. and the best person to decide was the first mentioned cow (i was the firs mentioned fly).

hehe, i know ppl can read text and say im bad boy. but if tekki feels touched, than she should complain, not you deni. and if tekki feels touched than we maybe need court for touched players. there you can officiali judge player's posts. but you should go to source of story, where it beginns.

deni, my posts wre not worst as tekki's or bebita's. i didnt insult players more as they are doying daily. thats true.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:45 pm
by deni
caesar2 wrote:
deni wrote:The edited part of your post crossed the lines of role playing and got edited out for that reason. You were neither warned verbally nor officially but only asked to keep it within the limits of roleplaying.

If you feel insulted about me editing your post then please refrain from making borderline comments that DO insult the people they are aimed at.

i have no idea what line do you mean. it was clearly written. i was thinking where is bebitas palce. if on cows side or fly side. and the best person to decide was the first mentioned cow (i was the firs mentioned fly).

hehe, i know ppl can read text and say im bad boy. but if tekki feels touched, than she should complain, not you deni. and if tekki feels touched than we maybe need court for touched players. there you can officiali judge player's posts. but you should go to source of story, where it beginns.

deni, my posts wre not worst as tekki's or bebita's. i didnt insult players more as they are doying daily. thats true.

But caesar, do you see me complaining? The only one that complains is you and you have failed to explain what you are complaining about :?

A part of your post crossed the lines of role playing IMO, it got edited out, you were asked to keep it within roleplaying. That was it.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:50 pm
by caesar2
Deni, why dont you edit tekkis post? he used to call me fly.

why mods dont edit another posts wich are crossing lines? well, i still dont see the POINT in your moding.

Cow was okey last few days but not tday?

but your not ombudsman, i will talk with him why am complaining. and i hope your moding will b removed. even better, you should not mod our war thread.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:55 pm
by Mordack
I think you ought to just keep away from making inferences like that, or using words which could be interpreted as RL comments. I'm not sure I agree with what happened here, but you'd be making life a lot easier for both yourself and the GC moderators if you just behaved yourself and refrained from pushing the boundaries again and again.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:58 pm
by Jack
caesar2 wrote:I was not asked. If i was, prove that please. Cuse i do not remember and am not reading your war thread posts.

Diferences between cow and fly are these. small/big. thats all. animl like animal if you call human animal. there are no diferences. in some cultures cow are untouchable/sacrals, India for example. You cant judge cases by your culture only, thats not the only one. If you mention cow like milk and meet producer in Induia, they will ahte you proly.

Somwhere pigs are sacral animals. Somwhere maybe flys.

But i thought we are adults, not kids arguying whos pet is stronger.

You're not Indian, and cows are not sacred in your culture. Thus your argument is void. Besides, it's not like you even got a warning or anything. :?

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:59 pm
by deni
caesar2 wrote:Deni, why dont you edit tekkis post? he used to call me fly.

why mods dont edit another posts wich are crossing lines? well, i still dont see the POINT in your moding.

Cow was okey last few days but not tday?

but your not ombudsman, i will talk with him why am complaining. and i hope your moding will b removed. even better, you should not mod our war thread.

If you see a post that has crossed a line and has slipped our attention, then use the report function. Talking in general without giving any examples makes your point mute.

If you want to talk to Bill privately, then I do not see why you bother to start a topic here. It is your right to do so, but if you do, then please show us all the courtesy of telling us what you are exactly complaining about.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:03 pm
by Manetheren
I think his point is he was called an annoying little bug and he responded in kind. I thought he used the animal cow because flies annoy cows. But I can see how "cow" could be seen by some to refer to someones weight. I think that may be the reason it was edited out whether you meant it or not. Just my 2 cents but if cow was edited out then fly should have been as well. But then again, leech and coward have been allowed to go in that thread so..

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:07 pm
by caesar2
So that the reason? someone was complaining on my posts? well.

@jack, my point was, deni moded my post only, not tekki's. tekki called me fly. i know yo umaybe see the diference between fly and animal. BUT! like tekki doesntlok like cow, i dont look like fly. dont you think.

my point in this thread is, deni moded only my post. she didnt mod tekkis. if someone was complaining on my post, good. if not, why deni saw the problem only in my post? why she didnt stop this on beginning, when tekki says am fly and added a picture to the post?

mordack, i think heres not the problem what fr animal we used, but how mod deni act. i should not explain you, you understand.

Re: "Cow and chicken(fly)" case #1

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:13 pm
by Noobert
caesar2 wrote:@jack, my point was, deni moded my post only, not tekki's. tekki called me fly. i know yo umaybe see the diference between fly and animal. BUT! like tekki doesntlok like cow, i dont look like fly. dont you think.

Want to know why your post was only modded and hers was not?

She reported your post as offensive using the report function. You didn't report it at all. My god, is it that hard to understand the little arrow after each post?

But I'm not going to argue and that is why I did not reply to your post to me above.