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Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:55 am
by Cole

Usually wraith aren't really that strong, afterall Atlantis already managed to destroy some hives, but that one was quite different, using ZPM technology from Ancients. See above, managing to down Atlantis City Ship's shields in few minutes, what supposedly nothing could manage to, Alterans having best technology and all..

I would say, it would require at least 3 Ori ships to hope to be able to destroy it (They needed to nuke it from inside to destroy it).

There we actually get a Mothership massing!

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:41 am
by Twitchy
i think one on one the wraith would win with there suped up hive ship. if it wasnt for that nuke on board atlantis would of blowen up and Earth farmed.

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:22 am
by Juliette
I think it is safe to say the Ori would win.
They cheat. They have an ascended counterpart capable of assisting them without being hampered by rules or whatever, Wraith on the other hand have nothing to support them.

But down to the bare mano a mano, that Hive ship does stand a chance.

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:38 am
by Cole
Universe wrote:I think it is safe to say the Ori would win.
They cheat. They have an ascended counterpart capable of assisting them without being hampered by rules or whatever, Wraith on the other hand have nothing to support them.

But down to the bare mano a mano, that Hive ship does stand a chance.

Ori have followers because they can't interfer, sure in tv movie it happend otherwise, but well I did say ship vs ship...

Ascended counterpart? You mean Adria? Nah I don't think she could do anything there. Safe her life by disappearing or whatever yes but ships would end being destroyed nonetheless.

When I said the battle, I did mean when Wraith ship would be fully built up, and as Todd would be unstoppable once it's fully done.
Yes Ori shields are amazing, but so are Alterans', and a hive firing like 40 energy fires or whatever it's called each minute would need only two or three minutes to take down a Ori ship, who has a waaay much slower weapon system.

I do agree an Ori fleet of like 4 ships would stand a good chance vs this Hive however.

But I got proof

0:20 - 0:40

From Ark of Truth. A tauri ship (odyssey) destroys ori ship, and resists from shots from an ori ship.

In SGA final, both tauri ships fought it, and both lost, and then Atlantis city came, and almost lost too.


Wraith ZPM'd Hive > Ori ship.

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:15 am
by Demon Lord Razgriz
Yup, I have to say the Wraith Super Hive Ship would beat a Ori Battleship in 1-on-1 combat.

However Apophis, the Ori ships has more weapons than just the death cannon, it has several rapid fire energy cannons along the sides that just rips through enhansed Ha'taks in seconds.

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:15 am
by Maha Vishnu
I think if atlantis and the super hive where fully loaded then I think the hive may overcome atlantis, especially if they could make the hive "re-generate" somewhat akin to the Borg vessels.

Atlantis was the show piece for the ancients (as we are talking milky way battle) so the exact power has never been demonstarted but the ancients decided not to use it in battle vs the normal wraith ships (may be down to ancients not war minded).

The replicator ships (asurans) could well take the hive maybe, as zpms are ten a penny for them.

Now the Ori vessels. I think that if the hive met the Ori ship 1-1 the hive would wipe the floor with it.

However, we saw that the Ori can adapt quick quickly to new weapons and understand them although the dimension shift flummoxed them

So, it is very difficult in coming to a exact conclusion as there are so many variables.

We have no idea how powerful the hive could of become given time.
We have never seen atlantis at full power
We have never seen the Ori ships fully tested
We have never seen an Asuran "atlantis" ship power.

So, all bets are off in my book, and you will more chance of deciding who is winning in the server war then guessing who would win in a MS battle.

But, I think these debates are sweet.

Maybe, we need a "tale of the tape", set the rules and away we go with players choosing.

Maybe it could be a weekly topic. MS battles but using players to vote for the winner.

Just some thoughts

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:34 am
My opinion(s)...

First of all...
replicators == replicators
Asurans == Asurans...

A replicator ship would defeat the ZPM-hive no problem... They, on exiting hyperspace and finding how powerful the hive ship is, would probably ram at the hive and convert the hive to replicator control 8)

Asurans would probably not even fight the battle at all (If I were them, I'd make their ships unleash their drones and then kamikaze into the super-hive :lol: )...

Now the Ori... A few shots would probably make short work of the Ori shields, although the Ori main weapon would probably do considerable damage to the hive...

I'd say, 1 Ori Ship vs Super hive, Superhive wins, 2 Ori Ships vs Superhive (Hard choice, I'd say it'll depend on luck, i.e. if the Ori dodges the first barrage (somehow) they'll probably win, but Wraith should win otherwise, 3 or more Ori ships, and Ori would win hands down...

Atlantis could've won... If they'd activated that device seen in (Miller's Crossing (or whatever name that episode was)), Atlantis would've had (virtually) infinite power, and as a result... (virtually) infinite shields... And they could just ram the hiveship...

Though a couple of Apocalypse-Class Battleships would help :-)

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:51 am
by Cole
I think you people should take a look at extra video I added. Odysseus and Daedalus did well against Oris (Ark of truth movie not before of course) and Asurans (wraith and atlantis weren't that much outpowered to be honest on the fight) respectively. There, BOTH were against the hive, not together indeed, but they both got owned in a matter of a single minute.
As I said, Hive weapons aren't the best, BUT, the speed they fired with it damaged quite quickly any kind of shield we could have opposed to it. Sure, a fleet of Alteran ships would have destroyed would have a Ori fleet of some ships. Point is here, one vs one.

Sure, I'm not an Ori fan, so I could sound biased, but I'm Alterans/System Lords fan...and I admit Atlantis ship got owned. Because it was too obvious victory, sadly, of course.

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:46 am
The producers/writers nerfed Atlantis :(

One on one, Ori ship vs ZPM'd hive, the Hive would win in one salvo (probably)...

Even against an Aurora Class Battleship with 3 ZPMs, launch darts, overload shield generators, bam...

Against BC-304s, one salvo and shields are out...

Against Ha'taks, one shot'll probably take'em out...

But drones are very manoeuvrable right? So what if they fired like 20 drones to penetrate the dart bay and then unleash the salvo destroying the Hive from the inside? I understand Beckett probably isn't the most skilled but still...

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:01 pm
by Cole
csp4.0 wrote:The producers/writers nerfed Atlantis :(

One on one, Ori ship vs ZPM'd hive, the Hive would win in one salvo (probably)...

Even against an Aurora Class Battleship with 3 ZPMs, launch darts, overload shield generators, bam...

Against BC-304s, one salvo and shields are out...

Against Ha'taks, one shot'll probably take'em out...

But drones are very manoeuvrable right? So what if they fired like 20 drones to penetrate the dart bay and then unleash the salvo destroying the Hive from the inside? I understand Beckett probably isn't the most skilled but still...

I'm almost sure it's quite difficult to do what he did. It's probably way more difficult than it seems.

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:16 pm
by ~Josh~
Ori would win b/c adria

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:55 am
by Maha Vishnu
The wraith super hive has just dropped out of hyperspace in the IDA galaxy.

The wraith commander shouts at the operations wraith officer.

“So where is this so called homeworld of the Asgard”
The wraith looks surprised “It should be here”

The wraith commander turns and walks off. He comes to a large chamber, he is feeling fear, but he must not show this unless he wants to die.

“My Queen, forgive me for the interruptions, but our information we stole from atlantis seems incorrect”

“Why” the queen asks in a snake like voice.
“I am not sure”

The wraith then turns, “I must go, we have an answer”

The queen sits back down, not amused.
The wraith approaches the officer. “We have the answer”
“It looks like the planet just exploded”
Before he could finish his sentence, the wraith sensors start to go off.

“Ship detected, unknown”
"Not of ancient technology"
“Intent?” Just then the ship opens up fire and hits the hive,
”no effect” screams the wraith pilot.
“Open fire”
The hive fires a huge blast
“Direct hit, vessel has had minimum damage done.

Let see how the votes play out to see if we have a winner.”

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:18 am
by Cole
When will people use logic to vote in those kind of polls?
Seriously...I don't even know if all who voted Ori are Ori fans...but it really seems they are Oris fans..

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:15 pm
by Arcturus
Earendil wrote:Again Jim, you fail to take in the aspect that Atlantis was battling both the hive ship AND the Earths gravity/atmosphere

There is no proof that the Hive should could of been able to move if it grew to such a large size or possibly the hive ship could of ran into other problems saying it's organic based

Also remember Atlantis is not a warship, it is a city, it is maintaining life support over the whole shield dome, compensating for the atmospheric impact, and it had just used a large amount of power to get to earth. It was probably barely able to maintain flight, and all it could do was fire only a dozen drones at a time.

I find it curious how the hives blasts on the shield with the temp vfx sound so much better than what it did in the final episode.

Re: Wraith vs Ori...who would win? (spoiler Atlantis S05E20 !!)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:58 am
by Cole
Tetrismonkey wrote:Asgard FTW!

Them Asgard ships would make short work of any ships. Given they didnt all go stupid and kill themselves... but made some supped up new O'neil Class Ships, they would make short work of Ori and Wraith alike.

Its plain and simple, even though the Asgard didnt ascend, they are/were the most powerful race in SG universe. What they lacked was not technology, but the brunt force of Humans, and there passifist ways.

Asgard FTW. We have not seen the last of them, and when we see there new, bad ass ships, ima tell you all, I told you so.

Ancients > Asgards
Ancients > Oris
Ancients > Asurans