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mukasa's unbanning

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:01 pm
by zeekomkommer
why did mukasa get unbanned ? i mean h got banned 3 times in a short period. this is now his 4th chance. do any of you actualy think that he has learned anything from his prevrious bannings? he just went away for a while and apealed to get unbanned whn the heat was down.

guesse that's what you get with a biassed ombuds person ...

Re: mukasa's unbanning

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:08 pm
by Clarkey
This is Mukasa's last chance. If he messes up then that's it.

But let me get this straight, you don't like Mukasa, you don't agree with the decision of unbanning him, therefore that makes our Ombudsman biased?

Re: mukasa's unbanning

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:13 pm
by deni
According to the forum rules only Admins can pardon permabanned users. The ombudsman usually just pleads their case.

Re: mukasa's unbanning

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:46 pm
by Mordack
The forum staff recieved a directive from Jason. Everybody who was banned for the duration of the server war was unbanned, and the rules in the GC were relaxed (as you can see from the disclaimer). All of the players involved, regardless of their side, have effectively been given a clean slate.

Although Mukasa was banned before the server war, the admin had a vote and agreed to give him a fresh start as well. This is his last chance, and should he err again then he'll be banned again without a chance of a reprieve. So far, however, he has behaved within the rules.

Anybody who has been banned is free to approach the ombudsman and present an appeal.

Re: mukasa's unbanning

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:33 pm
by zeekomkommer
mukasa wasn't banned due to the server war. he was permabanned for getting banned 3 times in X amount of days. so his unbanning shoudn't be part of the surrender. and we all know P2K is biassed. and yes i don't like mukasa but that's not the reason.

if permabanned users can just get unbanned when they want to whats the point of banning them in the first place ?

permabanned is permabanned

or like we say in belgium:
pinanti is pinanti !

Re: mukasa's unbanning

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:16 pm
by buck
I tend to vote no on all things like unbanning permabanned members, however they get only one chance while back, if they mess up, they are out for permagood, NO RECALLS.