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Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:38 am
by DaDigi
How would you like the alliance bank to function? Please vote for the functions you would like the most. If you don't like a feature, don't vote for it. Also please discuss these options and if needed another poll will be added based upon your feedback.

Poll is open for 7 days. Any problems please MSN/PM me.

Note - Moved to General for exposure.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:30 am
by Fear Of The Duck
betting on wars!!!! this could be fun! :lol:

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:56 am
by Noobert
Betting on wars? Probably not a great idea considering you can't win a war without them surrendering..and most people now a days don't surrender, they compromise. :lol:

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:01 pm
by Tekki
Though the feature to allow members to deposit would be good.

But if there are problems with an alliance (as experienced by Delta) that can cause problems as we still haven't got our alliance bank back. We have the new one but it is significantly down on the previous amount.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:27 pm
by Caladon
I'm intrigued by unlocking alliance upgrades.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:42 pm
by Sammael
i like most of the ideas there for them but the despoit and withdraw one needs a limit in the bank size cause then u can de[osit as much as u can when there is a limit on ure own bank size which is fair i think.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:11 pm
by Lore
Use for unlocking new Alliance features; 3rd in command, etc - Lore

Use for Alliance-wide upgrades; UP,etc - Draleg
Feel its a bad idea as its another case of making the strong stronger faster.
Use for purchasing resources and distribution to members - Draleg
Feel its a bad idea as its another case of making the strong stronger faster.
Used as a prize, winner of war takes the looser's bank - MEZZANINE
Definitely a horrible idea with many abuses. Larger stronger alliances bulling, one alliance having 100 times more naq then the other, and as its been proven, the measuring devises SUCK, and you cant win a war.
Allow Alliance leader to set income rate - Horus God Of Light
Open to abuse, dont fully understand the idea either.
Personal Alliance Market - Horus God Of Light
Dont fully understand the idea
Bank is used as a lottery - RobinInDaHood
Used as a betting system; Bet on wars - Semper
useable, but what comes from winning or losing other then a larger/smaller bank?
Upper and lower caps on naq capacity - kojak
dont fully understand the idea
Allow members to deposit, but only withdraw up to the amount they deposit - .:VOID:.
so effectively removing ingame bank limitations? No
If Alliance is disbanded, distribute contents of bank to ingame market - ~Enigma~ fine with me.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:21 am
by Draleg
Lore wrote:Use for unlocking new Alliance features; 3rd in command, etc - Lore

Use for Alliance-wide upgrades; UP,etc - Draleg
Feel its a bad idea as its another case of making the strong stronger faster.
Use for purchasing resources and distribution to members - Draleg
Feel its a bad idea as its another case of making the strong stronger faster.

Oh yes , i totally forgot , we don't play this game to become stronger , we don't join an alliance cos it gives protection in numbers , help in time of need and so on .

Its always the same thing , all ppl want is to be able to catch up , slow down the ppl that have being playing the game longer / better / more .
If its not the cap in main its the grow slow down in ascension , i'm bored and sick of it , face it , the strong get stronger , its the way its supposed to be , and if the " weak " want to get stronger they can always buy there way up the ladder , seems $$ wil get you way up there these days whil good old playing the game like it was once supposed to be played slows you down.

No personal offence Lore but its time to get rid of all these restrictions and make playing this game equal to all , big or small , these days you get punished just cos you started playing 3 years before the next guy.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:00 pm
by Lore
Draleg wrote:
Lore wrote:Use for unlocking new Alliance features; 3rd in command, etc - Lore

Use for Alliance-wide upgrades; UP,etc - Draleg
Feel its a bad idea as its another case of making the strong stronger faster.
Use for purchasing resources and distribution to members - Draleg
Feel its a bad idea as its another case of making the strong stronger faster.

Oh yes , i totally forgot , we don't play this game to become stronger , we don't join an alliance cos it gives protection in numbers , help in time of need and so on .

Its always the same thing , all ppl want is to be able to catch up , slow down the ppl that have being playing the game longer / better / more .
If its not the cap in main its the grow slow down in ascension , i'm bored and sick of it , face it , the strong get stronger , its the way its supposed to be , and if the " weak " want to get stronger they can always buy there way up the ladder , seems $$ wil get you way up there these days whil good old playing the game like it was once supposed to be played slows you down.

No personal offence Lore but its time to get rid of all these restrictions and make playing this game equal to all , big or small , these days you get punished just cos you started playing 3 years before the next guy.

No offense taken, and I agree with you 110% mate, fully and completely. The max ascentions are a prime example of exactly what your saying. For me now to do max ascentions will completely and udderly destroy my account and I'll be left with over 350 mill lifers. It is a shame that the game punishes those who play for long periods of time, in that, there is no doubt.

But my point here is, this is simply like planets, its unneeded, and all it will do is help to accelerate the speed of the game again. Thats the only thing I have against it. Main would be so much better off if planets had never existed.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:00 pm
by Lore
Draleg wrote:
Lore wrote:Use for unlocking new Alliance features; 3rd in command, etc - Lore

Use for Alliance-wide upgrades; UP,etc - Draleg
Feel its a bad idea as its another case of making the strong stronger faster.
Use for purchasing resources and distribution to members - Draleg
Feel its a bad idea as its another case of making the strong stronger faster.

Oh yes , i totally forgot , we don't play this game to become stronger , we don't join an alliance cos it gives protection in numbers , help in time of need and so on .

Its always the same thing , all ppl want is to be able to catch up , slow down the ppl that have being playing the game longer / better / more .
If its not the cap in main its the grow slow down in ascension , i'm bored and sick of it , face it , the strong get stronger , its the way its supposed to be , and if the " weak " want to get stronger they can always buy there way up the ladder , seems $$ wil get you way up there these days whil good old playing the game like it was once supposed to be played slows you down.

No personal offence Lore but its time to get rid of all these restrictions and make playing this game equal to all , big or small , these days you get punished just cos you started playing 3 years before the next guy.

No offense taken, and I agree with you 110% mate, fully and completely. The max ascentions are a prime example of exactly what your saying. For me now to do max ascentions will completely and udderly destroy my account and I'll be left with over 350 mill lifers. It is a shame that the game punishes those who play for long periods of time, in that, there is no doubt.

But my point here is, this is simply like planets, its unneeded, and all it will do is help to accelerate the speed of the game again. Thats the only thing I have against it. Main would be so much better off if planets had never existed.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:25 pm
by Ĕɱƿŷ
With the idea of a 3iC. What would the 3iC be able to do for the alliance?

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:43 pm
by Jack
Lore wrote:Allow members to deposit, but only withdraw up to the amount they deposit - .:VOID:.
so effectively removing ingame bank limitations? No

So put a limit on how much they can withdraw at any given time, like say they can only withdraw X amount of Naq every 7 days. Or maybe a max deposit. Either way I don't see why there is even a need for a bank cap anyway. Originally it was to hinder the cheats, but now all it is is a pain in the ass that people have found a way to get around it. Besides the increased bank could easily be attributed to simple the alliance bank being on a bigger, more secure planet thus able to hold more naq.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 5:53 pm
by GeneralChaos
Wheres my option of

Its the price you pay for protection from an alliance, naq goes in and only in.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:00 pm
by semper
alliance wide upgrades, such a UP etc ....will be a very very very bad idea.

If you want to give the big powerful alliances more power..then there you go.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:30 am
by Draleg
Nobody is stopping you from making a " big powerful alliance " and then even you can get benefits.

As for unlimited bank space , go buy your extra space in the market , that's what most of us did .