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Junior returns to Seattle...

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:55 pm
by sarparto
I'm not going to lie, the Mariner's are my favoritist team in the whole wide world so my opinion's biased, but the Mariner's are going to shock some people this year. They may have one of the best 1-3 starting rotations in baseball with Hernandez, Bedard (if healthy), and Morrow as a starter. Add to this a past his prime power hitter, instead of a past his prime singles hitter, an improved defense, and a weakend Angel's club and I think the Mariners got a shot at this.

Re: Junior returns to Seattle...

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:49 pm
by Pak
The Kid has returned to the Ms! Hopefully he can do some damage there, I would love to see him pull together a couple of great years before he rides off into the sunset. Maybe this will revitalize him and he can smack at least 30 this year.

Re: Junior returns to Seattle...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:19 pm
by sarparto
While far from being revitilized himself, his presense alone has been worth the contract. The positive attitude that he, and Mike Sweeney, brought to the M's was critical to their resurrection this season from a 61-101 season to 500 or better.

Re: Junior returns to Seattle...

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:54 am
by sarparto
sarparto wrote:I'm not going to lie, the Mariner's are my favoritist team in the whole wide world so my opinion's biased, but the Mariner's are going to shock some people this year. They may have one of the best 1-3 starting rotations in baseball with Hernandez, Bedard (if healthy), and Morrow Cliff Lee as a starter. Add to this a past his prime power hitter, instead of a past his prime singles hitter Chone Figgins, an improved incredible defense, and a weakend Angel's club and I think the Mariners got a shot at this. They need to send Jr. and Sweeney packing, though.

Ahh, a new baseball season.