Make covert more important

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Make covert more important

I thikn you should be able to make more spy missions to succed better in attacks. lets say you have a maximum of 10 chances to spy on someone to collect "covert points" the maximum will be 100 points. if you get 100 points you will have a more successfull attack. you will still be able to win without spying but your losses and weapon damage will be greater.

depending on your targets anti covert you will get an amount of covert points on your target. if youre targets anti covert is very low youll get 100 points directly. if you spy on a target and you fail you will be awarded negative points that will make sure youre attack will cost more since the enemy have revealed info about its defences that turns out to be wrong when you attack - causing more damage to you.

every day a certain amount of points goes away since the enemy moves around its defence to confuse any attacker. the more your enemy upgrades/changes his defence the more covert points goes away.

You could also have a special covert ship (suggested in another thred) taking photos of the enemies defence positions from above the planet to gather covert points. this might also mean you need an anti covert ship or "radar ship" to scan for these covert ships. and if your radar ship have enough power it could damage or destroy the spying ship.

The covert ship could also deploy an amount of spies on the enemies planet while scaning the planet. the amount of spies can be upgraded.

All this to make covert and anti covert more important. in some cases covert could be the difference between a win or loss. good intelligence equals good attacks
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Re: Make covert more important

It can encourage abuse...

i.e. Spy 100 times on an alliance member and bam...

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Re: Make covert more important

i like the idea of having more covert actions (ie kill super attackers).
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Re: Make covert more important

This is not needed. Only morons fail when spying someone. This would just increase the advantage that strike has over defense. Spying in itself lowers your loses because you do not need to do an 1 hit tap on the player. This would be an bad update
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Re: Make covert more important

csp4.0 wrote:It can encourage abuse...

i.e. Spy 100 times on an alliance member and bam...

thats why there will be an maximum amount of maby 10
maby one can do the same on someones strike actions incase he attacks you in the future to give some advantage to defence aswell
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Re: Make covert more important

accadacca wrote:
csp4.0 wrote:It can encourage abuse...

i.e. Spy 100 times on an alliance member and bam...

thats why there will be an maximum amount of maby 10
maby one can do the same on someones strike actions incase he attacks you in the future to give some advantage to defence aswell

I see where you're coming from. Know thine enemy. But that would be a lot of work for a negative change to the way the game is played.

Such an update would allow players to seed spies risk-free for the bonus of easily gaining or defending resources. If you want to gain resources, attack. If you don't want to lose them, defend. Allowing such an update would unfairly handicap players who have put their efforts into their army.

If it kept going for 6 months the game would get to the point where no-one would achieve anything in an attack or raid because everyone has "Spied Away" their enemies' potency. We'd all end up attacking for a billion Naq or 2,000 troops per 15 ATs. For some people it'd be less than their half hourly UP and Naq production. There'd be no point to the wars, it'd be Stargate Mines.
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Re: Make covert more important

Greased Gerbil wrote:
accadacca wrote:
csp4.0 wrote:It can encourage abuse...

i.e. Spy 100 times on an alliance member and bam...

thats why there will be an maximum amount of maby 10
maby one can do the same on someones strike actions incase he attacks you in the future to give some advantage to defence aswell

I see where you're coming from. Know thine enemy. But that would be a lot of work for a negative change to the way the game is played.

Such an update would allow players to seed spies risk-free for the bonus of easily gaining or defending resources. If you want to gain resources, attack. If you don't want to lose them, defend. Allowing such an update would unfairly handicap players who have put their efforts into their army.

If it kept going for 6 months the game would get to the point where no-one would achieve anything in an attack or raid because everyone has "Spied Away" their enemies' potency. We'd all end up attacking for a billion Naq or 2,000 troops per 15 ATs. For some people it'd be less than their half hourly UP and Naq production. There'd be no point to the wars, it'd be Stargate Mines.

im not saying you can spy so much no one can hit you. im just talking maby a difference in attack/defence of maby 10-20% or something. also you can only do it to the players you want, not everyone. these "spy points" would go away a little every day so you would haft to do it over again after a while. that make sure you cant defend yourself indefinetly and you can also only do it to a certain amount of players since you cant spy unlimited times.

it wouldnt be risk free since the old system remains that if your targets anti covert is better than your covert it will fail and the target will gain a small advantage against your attack.
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Re: Make covert more important

Your points definitely have some merit. But it's best to keep it simple. Attackers attack, defenders defend. Plus, you can sabotage anyway.

Really, the guy with the bigger army with better weapons should win. It's the fairest and least confusing way. Look at it in a real-life way: If you've got a million defenders with AK-47s and my invading army is half the size and only have cross-bows, no amount of spying on my part will have any affect on the fact you're going to slaughter me. No matter how good my spies are.

However, I do see an advantage if somebody is farming you. It could deter them. Make them spread their attacks/raids around.
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Re: Make covert more important

Greased Gerbil wrote:Your points definitely have some merit. But it's best to keep it simple. Attackers attack, defenders defend. Plus, you can sabotage anyway.

Really, the guy with the bigger army with better weapons should win. It's the fairest and least confusing way. Look at it in a real-life way: If you've got a million defenders with AK-47s and my invading army is half the size and only have cross-bows, no amount of spying on my part will have any affect on the fact you're going to slaughter me. No matter how good my spies are.

However, I do see an advantage if somebody is farming you. It could deter them. Make them spread their attacks/raids around.

well if you do know there positions are maby you could minimize your losses^^
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Re: Make covert more important

Hmmm that just seems way over complicated for something that is not needed, i don't think their is anything wrong with the spying apart from being able to send huge amounts of spys in to an account with a small army size... EG 30 mil spys into an account iwht 1 mill army size and not get caught, if a limit was put on the amount of spys used it would make covert levels more important....
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Re: Make covert more important

Covert levels already are important when you sab.

Sending in say 600k spies to their 3million and winning is what makes them important.

What would be nice though is to see an increase in the covert turns but keep the same protections for individuals. This way you could sab more peoples. At the moment you can only sab 2 people before you run out of turns.

And pulling from some of the other suggestions (plagiarising yep!) other things that would be nice are:

- increased sab power on attack weapons
- increased weapons destroyed if you send in MORE spies than required
- reduce the sab cost from 3 covert turns to 1
Initial masser on Field Marshal's 120t defence and on Rodwolf's 177t defence.

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The forces of Rodwolf fought back with all they could, and managed to inflict 3 damage on Tekki's forces!
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Re: Make covert more important

I would even settle for the option to select ATT weapons only, as it stands now it hits both.
schuesseled wrote:And Yes, If someone attacked me with a knife and I had a cannon I would shoot them with it.
Age old saying that, "Dont bring a knife to a gun fight"
Reason, youll get dead.

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