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Attacking PPL, And the results Thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:29 pm
by Ace1102
Just something I noticed tonight that rather annoyed me...

If I am attacking somebody, who has no defense, how then is it possible or fair that my attack weapons are incurring nearly 3% damage per attack?
The damage incurred is even more then some accounts with a defense will inflict onto my weapons.
It doesn't make any sense, and (Just a suggestion) I believe it should be so, that if you are attacking someone with no defense, you incur no damage...

Account with no defense, does 3 damage, OK fine... But 3 damage, SHOULD NOT be enough to hurt both my gods and my weapons...
3 damage will not even scrape a strip of rubber off my foot soldiers ass kicking boots...

If it is to incur any damage at all,
Make it incur 3 points worth of damage, onto either one or all the weapons in use at the time, this will cover maintenance on said weapons (like 9 naq to repair...)
And this should not affect gods, How is it that somebody with no defense, or gods, or mothership, could possible hurt a God, seemingly phasing in and out of an alternate reality, and in my mind, hovering miles above the battlefield (in relative safety) looking down, like a god would (Gods eye view)...
It doesn't make sense...

Just my 2 cents :D
Thanks for listening :D

By the way, I thought that it would be great if you could see who was on PPT in the main battlefield window...
This would save many a mouse click and waste of time that leads to missing the people you can actually get to...
Nothing too special, just like the one thats on main, that shows who is on PPT, thats all :)

Re: Attacking PPL, And the results Thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:37 pm
by Sorrow
I aggree that those accounts do too much damage, especially to gods. Also if you look at it from the god's point of view, they may not be damaged from an army that does 3 damage, but they won't be happy if they are summoned to battle against someone that a single soldier could beat alone, thus the gods will lose interest and won't fight as effectively next time, unless you sacrifice some units of course. :-D

Re: Attacking PPL, And the results Thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:47 pm
by Ace1102
Lol, I suppose thats one way to look at it...
But another way would be that, I paid good naq for those gods, and they should do as I command them to do.. :)

Re: Attacking PPL, And the results Thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:51 pm
by dark lord tacoma
I also agree if the defender has no def weapons how is it possible to incur damage

and being able to se who is on ppt would be awesome and save time

Re: Attacking PPL, And the results Thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:14 pm
by High Empty
it was part of the fix, that removed having you god lose all it's health when it was really really really outmatched in one hit.

Re: Attacking PPL, And the results Thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:25 pm
by Ace1102
Did they also change that when you buy a god it repairs all your previous gods?
When I bought god #3 the god health jumped back to full, however the next day buying the next god and they all stayed at half health :(

Re: Attacking PPL, And the results Thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:49 pm
by Slugworth Assrot
Maybe its not just physical damage that is being taken into consideration. What about the energy consumption required to cross the galaxy to attack your enemies, your ships need to refuel, ammunition needs to be replaced, maybe you have to pay your space taxes, and keep your shields charged through those pesky asteroid fields.

Perhaps Gods work the same way, after all they have to re-materialise on the other side of the galaxy and rain down fire and brimstone and such, I'm sure they need a donut or two and a hot coffee to keep their stamina up.

It sucks, but thats life.


Re: Attacking PPL, And the results Thereof

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:04 am
by High Empty
Just means farming inactives, isn't as profitable as farming actives, farming inactives