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Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:44 pm
by Lithium
got warned for posting in an old thread.


first i ve to say i didnt knew it was that old, second if the topic was irrelevant then why it wasnt locked.

As you can see the thread is about an ascended guide, which means its never an old thread coz there isnt any guide there.
it on the first page over there and i was looking for any new suggestion.

Jack saw it appropriate and locked it after setting a warning on me.

I see his reason "spaming" not a good one to set a warning for a post/

i spoke msn him and hit the wall, here u can find the logs.

thnx in advance

The following is a warning which has been issued to you by an administrator or moderator of this site.
This is a warning regarding the following post made by you: viewtopic.php?f=32&p=1715629#p1715629 .


Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:19 am
by zeekomkommer
lithium, i can understand that sometimes you don't know it's an old topic, but come on this one was realy realy realy old:

last post before you posted:
Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:09 am

with that said you can't realy blame any of the current moderators for the topic not being locked, the old mods must have left it open becausse the discussion back then wasn't finished. the topic went inactive and noone care about it.

with that said, was this aimed @ ETL ? :

lithium wrote:the editors should at least post the topics of the guide otherwise dont bother at all lazy a$$es.

like always finding a pretext to make others do what u r aiming.

2nd, i keep wondering why one would look that far down in the sugestion for admin pages, this was a topic that was on the 2nd page on the bottom.

now to quote the rules about this:

Section 4: Spam
a. Topics.
Topics will be considered spam if they fit into one of three categories.
i) They appear in the wrong section of the board.
ii) The poster has made more topics than is reasonable for one user within the day. (For a rough guide most users won’t start more than two topics in a single forum within a day however if they are all of interest and relevant to the forum then there is some flexibility to this rule.)
iii) The topic has already been locked by a moderator and the user has reposted the topic.

b. Replies
Replies will be considered spam if they do not contribute to the discussion of the topic. This may include off topic posting or an excessive number of posts that contain nothing more than emoticons or small words such as ‘lol’. While it is appropriate to indicate something is amusing, drowning out a whole thread with such posts makes it hard to follow for all users.

now i don't see you realy breacking those forum rules, however we should wait for jacks reason cuz it might/will give us another insight to wich rule he based it on. this is just my opinion

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:24 am
by Jack
Necromancy is just another form of spam.

There were a couple reasons he was warned, not just because it was an old topic. He was warned also because his post was nothing more then an attempt to start a fight, because it added absolutely nothing intelligent to the thread.

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:23 am
by Lithium
zeekomkommer wrote:lithium, i can understand that sometimes you don't know it's an old topic, but come on this one was realy realy realy old:

last post before you posted:
Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:09 am

with that said you can't realy blame any of the current moderators for the topic not being locked, the old mods must have left it open becausse the discussion back then wasn't finished. the topic went inactive and noone care about it.

with that said, was this aimed @ ETL ? :

lithium wrote:the editors should at least post the topics of the guide otherwise dont bother at all lazy a$$es.

like always finding a pretext to make others do what u r aiming.

2nd, i keep wondering why one would look that far down in the sugestion for admin pages, this was a topic that was on the 2nd page on the bottom.

now to quote the rules about this:

Section 4: Spam
a. Topics.
Topics will be considered spam if they fit into one of three categories.
i) They appear in the wrong section of the board.
ii) The poster has made more topics than is reasonable for one user within the day. (For a rough guide most users won’t start more than two topics in a single forum within a day however if they are all of interest and relevant to the forum then there is some flexibility to this rule.)
iii) The topic has already been locked by a moderator and the user has reposted the topic.

b. Replies
Replies will be considered spam if they do not contribute to the discussion of the topic. This may include off topic posting or an excessive number of posts that contain nothing more than emoticons or small words such as ‘lol’. While it is appropriate to indicate something is amusing, drowning out a whole thread with such posts makes it hard to follow for all users.

now i don't see you realy breacking those forum rules, however we should wait for jacks reason cuz it might/will give us another insight to wich rule he based it on. this is just my opinion

first of all if someone doesnt see that a topic is old of x months it means that he didnt saw/knew that the topic was 4 yr old.

second, i dont blame any mod, i still stand that the topic must stay open coz its objective its not full filled yet,
i posted coz i could put a guide that i have on use, i ve written big part of it and that why i asked there:-

"the editors should at least post the topics of the guide"

this way i could put some stuff in the guide.

the reply was aimed to the editors , not to any specific member as jack stated.

if u see my post its not directed to any single member but its in plural.

i ve been a way active in all topics in ascended , giving ideas how to improve it and having discussion in other opinions, however that are its not that active in the whole sgw forum.

one thing is sure i wasnt looking to find that old topic and revive it, i just opened the discussion area for any release/topic.

Jack stated in the warning that it is a spam. also i ve msn logs of his spam idea.

I was warned for spamming and nothing else, he can protect his theory and stay on topic, without putting in discussions others intelligence

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:41 am
by Lore
Just here to state a few facts. Threads are NOT locked or closed by rule, habit, or protocal. They die naturally and drift down the pages. Locking/closing only happens when it necissary.

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:29 pm
by Lithium
Lore wrote:Just here to state a few facts. Threads are NOT locked or closed by rule, habit, or protocal. They die naturally and drift down the pages. Locking/closing only happens when it necissary.

didnt said it must have been locked.

but having a warning for reviving it is a way too much.

just to state, today REK offended me and my Nationality, duno if he got warned or banned for racism or ways of it, but he had just his post modified.

while I got warned for "spaming" which isnt even a spam

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:06 pm
by Manetheren
I see your point Lithium but that topic was on the 2nd page of many old old threads. I wonder at the motivation for you to post what you did when you did. Was the necro worthy of a board warning.. maybe, maybe not. I think a verbal warning may have been better but it still deserved some action on a mods part. In any case there isnt enough evidence to warrant overturning a warning.

With that Im now officially on vacation.

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:37 am
by Lithium
the thread was on the first page of the Discussion in the ascended Area. who would had seen it in the second one.

however if u see my point then it means i wasnt spaming, right?
i just revived oan old thread , right?
do i have to get warned for reviving an old thread?????

b. Replies
Replies will be considered spam if they do not contribute to the discussion of the topic.

The first post of the thread :

We need volunteers to write a userguide..please post your contributions in this thread. I or another of my colleagues will edit and keep what is needed. Thank you!

my reply:

he editors should at least post the topics of the guide

I asked for topics so i could post the stuff i ve about the ascended.

now smone called that post necromancy since hesnt doing anything good apart firing warnings at will to whoever (mostly TA members) wants to contribute.

All i want to know : Is my post a SPAM or not?
reviving that post is allowed as it was said UP no matter page 1 or 2.

the obudsman team is here to see both evidences and not generalize it.

a topic can naturally die (fig) but it doesnt mean none should post on it, while being in the contest of the initial idea

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:12 am
by Lithium
there is no room for ppl that are not involved in the case, pls gently dont take this like a kick. thnx

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:25 am
by Jack
You were trolling and necro'd an old thread, on top of that your post was spam anyway, so you were warned. End of story.

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:53 am
by zeekomkommer
Manetheren wrote:In any case there isnt enough evidence to warrant overturning a warning.

With that Im now officially on vacation.

robe wrote:To ensure consistency in decision making, the Understudy will not overturn any decisions that the Ombudsman has made unless compelling new evidence becomes available and the complaint requires immediate attention.

manetheren has made his ruling, you can only aply your case directly to all 3 admins: lore buck and robe

Re: Not a good reason for a warning:

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:54 am
by zeekomkommer
lithium wrote:there is no room for ppl that are not involved in the case, pls gently dont take this like a kick. thnx

post has been deleted, a verbal warning on msn has been given