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A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:15 am
by Brdavs
Stop. Spitting. Into. Yourown. Porridge.

Start holding yourselves (mods) to a higher standard. It is unexcusable for a mod of any section using any font color to shrug/lol off any forum violations anywhere by anyone.
Don`t let the fact it`s not a particular mods section or that he`s not using a mod color be an exuse to stand by idly loling. Period. Its a horrible and infuriating example. Step up, shape up, or don`t complain at the state of the forum. I`m not saying that you should make everyone global mods. I`m saying is, the badge of the blue name ought to come with a certain standard all over the forum, one that atleast states one should not jest or even condone forum violations. Since as apparently atm, as long that it`s not their section, it`s not their problem but a joke/pun opportunity.

Such actions are hypocritical and detremental to the community. They create uncertainty and a sense of arbitrarity and the dreaded vibe bias even when there is none there. How can you blame anyone for feeling that, when the predominant vibe is that you guys don`t have a clue as a left hand of what the right hand is / ought to be doing? When the blue names are getting the perks/respect of the position in every section, but apparanetly feel they only need to enforce and percive holly the rules in their particular corners of the forum?

When X mods shrug something off and the "random" correctly authorized one loggs on to slap people that were basically succered into thinking something is "ok" since "there is a mod and he`s go nothing against it". Too bad he`s not the mod of the right section and/or of the character to act as one everywhere & all the time. Sucks to be you random person, get informed. Mod only sets and example in his corner of the woods.

As it stands the only consistency you guys are showing is one of backroom drama and slapping people with warnings for rasing issues in the "inappropriate sections". :roll:

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:22 am
by Jack

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:27 am
by Brdavs
Jacko, this isn`t even about you. About anyone in particular infact.

Off all the things one could accuse you, basic inconsistency is not one of them.

You`re equally inconsistent in all sections and all situations. So that makes you predictable and ignorable. :lol:

Just throwing you a bone to think about during those intensive "brainstormings" of how to improve things. Crazy notions of I dunno, starting by taking a look at a mirror.

"lol", I know. :roll:

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:33 am
by Jack
Consistently inconsistent? Oxymoron much? :lol:

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:39 am
by Brdavs
That`s the beauty of it. One gets to use an elitist phraze and call you biased at the same time. :lol:

P.S. Not that I`m saying anyone is biased. Just observing some satatystical trends that I`m sure are just coincidential.

Now warn yourself for spamming and derailing my legitimate suggestion topic plz. :P

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:47 am
by Jack
Sure I would warn myself, if I were actually spamming. However my post had deeper meaning. I was basically telling that what you wanted wasn't going to happen, all nicely summed up in one acronym. 8)

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:51 am
by Brdavs
Ok, gotcha, fair enough. :D

There`s that patented consistet inconsistency again btw. :P

Still think you guys & gals should get more serious on occasion thoe. :lol:

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:37 am
by Lore
I actually think thats one of the singally best post you have ever made Brdavs. And in theory its so true. In actuallity its hard if not impossible to accomplish, tho we are trying to work on it, even tho it aparently doesnt show.

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:48 pm
by Mordack
I agree one hundred percent with the notion that it is unacceptable for members of the forum staff to condone or make light of rulebreaking which occurs in sections of the forum other than their own. Although it's not against a rule, per se, it sets a bad example to the rest of the community and lowers the reputation of the forum staff as a whole.

Robe wrote:Performance Reviews
Confidential Performance Reviews of all moderators will be conducted quarterly by the quorum of Administrators using the Guiding Principles.
A timely review will also be conducted if Administrators receive more than 3 serious complaints against a specific moderator within a 30 day period.[/b][/color]

Such actions would, I'd assume, be taken into account by the admin during their quarterly performance reviews. Behaving in such a manner isn't against any specific written rule, but would undoubtedly reflect poorly on an individual's record as a moderator and upstanding member of the forum staff. Just make sure that a log is kept of such incidents, and that they're brought to the attention of one or more of the forum admin.

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:16 am
by Brdavs
Lore wrote: In actuallity its hard if not impossible to accomplish, tho we are trying to work on it, even tho it aparently doesnt show.

Don`t brake your back there (carrying someone) lore lol


Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:15 pm
by papa~smurf
Lore wrote:I actually think thats one of the singally best post you have ever made Brdavs. And in theory its so true. In actuallity its hard if not impossible to accomplish, tho we are trying to work on it, even tho it aparently doesnt show.


i see u lore and raise u one, as a leader of the mod in fect(u kinda the mod manger right ?)

shouldn't u be taking care of mods who do not set examples for the forum on a whole, by there posts and there actions ?

never payed that much attention to these things before, but lately, can help but be amazed by what i see

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:14 pm
by Lore
papa~smurf wrote:
Lore wrote:I actually think thats one of the singally best post you have ever made Brdavs. And in theory its so true. In actuallity its hard if not impossible to accomplish, tho we are trying to work on it, even tho it aparently doesnt show.


i see u lore and raise u one, as a leader of the mod in fect(u kinda the mod manger right ?)

shouldn't u be taking care of mods who do not set examples for the forum on a whole, by there posts and there actions ?

never payed that much attention to these things before, but lately, can help but be amazed by what i see

have you put blinders on?

I remeber you yourself talking about the pitiful state of forums before. Balance is alot harder to find then you think.

So is it now that where there is no modding to complain about that you complain there is no modding, and when modding is done, you complain about said modding?

Seems to be a no win situation for the administration there.

And that was a general statement/question, not asked directly to you pappa. Another thing that gets me is it seems 90% of the actual warnings no one wants to contest, or even openly admits they are/were warnable offenses, its just the way in which it was done. Just an observation.

Glad to see you back in forums pappa.

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:51 am
by buck
As Brdvs points out, even if its not there section , mods should point out when someing is wrong, and from all the reports that get pulled up BY blue mods for the GM's to deal with, they are doing that. One or two things may slip by, but this is the case in all walks of life. Anyone who decides to mod this forum deserves only your respect, not your resentment. I dont know where these claims have come from, and there is no evidence or links to back it up?

As for Mod discipline, they are often disciplined, mostly not in the public, however when we do air our laundy there, i dont see anyone comeing forward and speaking up for us takeing the right course of action, when people are running around with little petitions trying to get people sacked because there nose has been put out of joint because of the fact they have been punished in the first place.

Re: A Humble Suggestion To the Establishment

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:48 am
by papa~smurf
buck wrote:
As for Mod discipline, they are often disciplined, mostly not in the public, however when we do air our laundy there, i dont see anyone comeing forward and speaking up for us takeing the right course of action, when people are running around with little petitions trying to get people sacked because there nose has been put out of joint because of the fact they have been punished in the first place.

for u, buck a double :-D :-D

and no lore, never really pay that much annotation to the "i hate/ i love this mod or that for this or that reason" threads, but times changes, as do people.

some times it seems that some mods act(sized to show not all all the time lol) act just like those they should be warning. There is alot of bias calling happening, and the like. As admin, i do not envy your job, u are the floor mangers of the MODS. And as in all things, good mangers never talk to there charges in front of the customers, unless they really deserve it. But a code of conduct for mods would help, do u have one written ?