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Re: A warning to be removed.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:51 pm
by Jack
The second half of your post was a piss poor attempt to make it on topic in an attempt to be able to spam without getting warned for it. And it does not matter if what you were posting was the long lost original ten commandments(the ten commandments we have today are not the original, which were destroyed by Moses is a bout of rage after coming home to find the Israelites sinning like there was no tomorrow), spam is spam.

Well, the entire post was about things in that topic, something that I felt Jack had done wrong, and about that topic itself.

If you felt I was in the wrong then you should have came here, or one of the other two sections about mods, instead of spamming a thread after having been told to quit.

Now for the bigger picture! I posted my first half for this reason. People at the begining of the topic began to spam, then Jack came in, and joined, driving the topic more offtopic.

It matters not why you made your post, it was in the wrong place, you even admit it, end of story.

It was when lithium and Jack began to get into it, Jack jumped into Mod Mode and said to quit with the spam.

Actually, it was when me and Lithium began to get into it that I began to spam. Image

In fact, the only spam before that was between me and Lithium.

Its hard to beleive that a Mod gets to choose when to have spam, and when not to.

But that's exactly what happens, a moderate amount of spam is acceptable, but too much a mod must intervene, that is exactly what happened. We were getting to be too much and I decided it was enough. ;)

I dont have anything against Jack


Ok, after going back through that thread, I have found this post that is similar to my own, has "spam", but also stuff for the topic, but individual isnt warned.

Skunk's post is on topic, moreso then yours. So is KSM's.

The Rules wrote:b. Replies
Replies will be considered spam if they do not contribute to the discussion of the topic. This may include off topic posting or an excessive number of posts that contain nothing more than emoticons or small words such as ‘lol’. While it is appropriate to indicate something is amusing, drowning out a whole thread with such posts makes it hard to follow for all users.

KSM was laughing at the topic, basically saying that he does not agree with Semper and think that Semps is so very misguided that it is amusing. ;)

Re: A warning to be removed.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:33 am
by zeekomkommer
tetris, i have looked @ your whole reasoning and the whole thread and jacks reasoning. now let me start by saying the following:

- moderators have the power to tolerate a certain level of spam. once there is to much spam being made and the topic goes off topic they can descide not to tolerate spam anymore. they have to anounce this to the users. jack has clearly done this and you were awar that you have done this.

- look @ the thread closely, you were not the only one to get modded. every post that seemed offtopic has been modded.

- what your saying is that 50% of your post is completly off topic and should have been on another forum section, but you do want your warning removed becausse 50% of it is relate to the topic?

your post was clearly made up off 2 paragraphs, 1 of em being spam the other being off topic. if moderators can't warn for that then we are setting a verry dangerous precedent. cuz if we give users the permition to do that they can spam endlessly if they put a reference to the topic somewhere.

- skunky's post: a reply to a post made by universe and a comment on the topic expressing his view upon it

- ksm's post: explained by jack

- ksm's other post: semper is the auter of this topic, ksm was acusing him of being a hypocrit: critesizing other ppl for thins he does himself

- the quote pyramid: in sempers original post he makes a frontal atack on TA and TA massers, quacol is here seen as defending his alliance and this resulted in a couple of post related to that. this can be seen as wondering off topic but it concerns about TA massers. the actions of TA massers compaired to the actions of TA is what this topic is about. down to the end it was in danger of falling off topic but it stopped in time to not to.

since it's still way to early in the morning and i have't gotten a chance to talk to any of you privately and due to the big amount of information i'm going to refrain from making a verdict about this today and in the mean time i will consult some neutral mods about the mather

Re: A warning to be removed.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:38 pm
by zeekomkommer
tetris, could you please post new info as a reply, it makes it alot easyer for me to see what field i have coverd and wich not

Re: A warning to be removed.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:10 am
by zeekomkommer
after sleeping over it and hearing both side of the storry i think the warning was given fairly. there is not enough evidence to undo the warning. undoing this would causse a verry dangerous precedent.

tetris, you can apeal to the admins if you want to push this mather further or want the other ppl warned for the same reason.

as far as it concerns the WTH (ombudsman) this case is closed