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A final solution? (includes fix for attack/defence massing)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:07 pm
by semper
[spoiler]Good evening SGW...

I come to you now as a prophet and a friend, as an eloquent voice of reason reaching out to your intelligence. Lend me thine eyes audience! Hand me your minds! I hear dissent amongst the hordes of the fading ghouls who haunt the ranking system, wails of boredom echo through my keyboard cracking at my screen...the game is rotting like a freshly picked apple left in the coveted light of the summer's a system of do or die, pointless efforts and strained enjoyment on a template that could be so much more!

If you're looking for the guilty, you need only to look into a mirror. I know why you did it, I know you were afraid...who wouldn't be?
War, terror, disease... There were a myriad of problems displayed to corrupt your reason...and rob you of your common sense, but fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned...
turned to every new update that was suggested, every escape from the difficult ways that once were.

They promised you order...promised you a reprieve from your accounts doom and all these things demanded in return was your silent obedient consent. I once sought to undo these wrongs. The protected planets treaty, the over powering role of ascension and the ingame market...but my attempts were cast down nearly four years ago by some of the very members who stand here now and complain.

Only the players can change the game. Admins should be bowing to their players, not players bowing to admins. A choir of voices now wait to rise up seek and point out the faults... and they are right....

There is something very wrong with this game...

The utter stagnation which we are all inevitably going to face is encroaching fast upon us. Wars can no longer be fought, a war here is a test of ones stubbornness and lack of abstract activity. The accounts are fast becoming standardised to the point where single features are so obtuse that it creates horrific imbalances, that hard workers are no longer rewarded to the point of a ultimate victory and no war is costly with a little effort.

The higher planes are wrecked with an anti scale weighing, but instead of facing the needed sacrifice to give us back our game, you cower and you fear loss of nothing itself! Only the SGW community could fall so far, time after time and despite your faults to date.. your greatest yet is falling so far, and learning nothing...

This is the last chance to do whatever it takes, to turn this around. You all know what's at stake...the choices will be difficult, and they will cost...but enjoyment and entertainment do not come free in this world any more.[/spoiler]

Right, over the top cheesy speech out of the goes...

Suggested updates:
- New alert roles.. (cost ~100 at's to switch)
Critical now = max attack's per turn = 3 full at's. (farming mode = small surgical strikes to get large naq, income is now at FULL on critical). (45at's).
none = unlimited number of attacks, cannot be on Nox (income is at all time LOW)
Can only be changedonce a day. Also reduces uu lost with no defence, inactive account for over 1 week = auto nox and critical (see later for more details!!!)

The problem with army sizes...
- army size dies with no defence, uu and miners/workers leave unprotected lands. (logical?)

Only lifers are 'safe', however uu -> lifer ratio needs to be reduced. Same update to ascension. Planets are lost in unprotected realms (RIP snipers..). = more effort in wars, but now can be very costly for someone who is being 'sat upon'.

There would need to be a defence to loss ration dependent on army size. Smaller players should have to have a bigger defence to prevent loss, but bigger players will logically lose more if defenceless. For example, for every 10mill army size = 15bill defence needed, drop to 5bill defence after 100mill (meaning someone with 200mill army size will need to have 100bill defence to stop uu/miner loss, whilst a player on 100mill army size would need the same.) Perhaps have a size limit for the uu/miner loss with defence needed to take effect, but keep it very small.

- The high your alert level = less loss. Nox further reduces loss, and PPT halts loss all together.

- introduce new feature = realm activity scale. This is increased by the number of hits on an account per turn up to a number out of 100 (like old nox system). The higher the %, the higher the uu/miners lost for unprotected realms (rewards activity). So lets say, literally it would take 33 full, successful attacks in the space of a turn to get it to the maximum potential loss level. These attacks only raise the % lost if the opponent has below the required defence (so you're not going to start successfully killing a 1T defence, get it to 500bill and see your opponent loosing army size a lot more than they should do).

- Up to a maximum of say.. 1% of available miners/uu PER TURN (meaning a person with 100mill army size, and a defence below 100bill would lose up to 1mill army size a turn). However, if you have say, max alertness and nox reduce this to 0.1% per turn, they would only lose 200k per turn, BUT would be unable to mass and attack back. That's just an example army size. I don't reckon the loss of UU feature should take effect until a player is in excess of 10mill army size.

-The maximum uu allowed to be lost in a day is 20% of your total army size (again, as an example..).

A few other things...
- alliance wars must be agreed to by both alliances, when done so there is a 12 hour period before the 5 day (to be increased to 7 days) period start's. Only equal numbers can participate (and can be chosen). Alliance war's can now be won, apply UU loss feature to ALL scenario's.

- Motherships. TWO possible suggestions...
1. now have % chance of being around for defence if you're attacking/being attacked at the same time. Similar to ascended blessing. More attacks you make = lower % chance of mothership being around to defend for a certain time period/number of attacks. (At the moment, somehow a single MS can be in two or more places at once...)

2. However, you could be able to indicate whether your MS is solely to be defending or attacking. At the same time, you should be able to assign your MS, and it's fleet to protect a planet as a third option, however, if this is the case it cannot be used as defence or attack at the same time.

-MS's desperately need to be capped at 2.5T for some time. To back it up with some blatant info, technology can only go so far.. MS's do have a limit in ANY universe.

Expanding the future...
- army size cap expanded to 600mill. Make buying stop at 300mill. Raiding at 400mill. Plague kicks in at 480mill or so. Means the larger players will really have to watch their ass in war times. (These are just example figures and it would need debate..).

- increase starting units for people, to around the 500k army size mark.

-increase number of planets by 3 per 100mill army size. Starting at 5 if smaller than 100mill, 101mill - 200mill = 8, +2 per 100mill after that up to a maximum of 12. To represent domain.

- all accounts below 300k army size, that have been inactive for 2+months = removed. Logically, if they;re that small and have been inactive for that long.. they're no longer playing!

ME = no longer ranked (speed up game) - let's be honest.. you CAN easily enough compare it by posting on the forum, and it's not even properly it's pretty much irrelevant rank wise.

AT capacity = REDUCED significantly, to about 6k limit.
-Reduce the effectiveness of the 1at hit. It should have a potential power less than a compliment of 15at's, but not as low as 1/15th - obviously the losses whilst attacking should be reduced. The 'inflicted unimaginable damage' rule should be applied to attack, as it is already applied to defence. (IE. a 1T strike attacking a defence less than 100bill SHOULD take no damage in return, the same as a 60bill strike trying to mass a 1T defence).

- Limit the number of transferable at's per account in a week to 10k. Meaning you can only refill your at's 1.6 or so times.


- Admins have to be, and rightly should be directly appointed by Jason, through an application and 'interview' process. One should also be voted into the position, as a voice for the players on the admin seats, however the voted admin, cannot be an alliance mate, or affiliate of one of the appointed ones (add a bit more of a political twist to the forum running, no?)

- mods, should, by right, be re-structured and re-taught to work as a team, and a code of conduct (detailed one) should be given. Too many times I have seen mods undermining other mods and the likes, not to mention the troubles I have heard of in the mod area. better control needs to be taken of the mods, certain GM's, and spam section users in particular near enough do what they want, which, as mods, is not how it should be.

- The Ombudsman's ACTUAL role needs to be realised more. They are not judge and jury, they are a medium of communication and basically the work horse of the admins for forum issues with regards to community complaints. (glorified PA anyone?)


Second Set of Suggested Updates!

- return to first system. Extend size of entry (if it is not already there) to 50mill max. I think Purgatory should literally be a safe haven for the smaller players should they want to go there, without the current restrictions it has on it now. The first incarnation had it spot on, the price to get in and out of purg is great!

- it should also have a system similar to vacation mode in it. You cannot enter purgatory if you have attacked another account within 24hours. That way, the smaller players cannot run and hide so quickly after nailing someone.

- reduce the % range of G&R a bit further. Too many smaller players are breaking their back's just to nudge into G&R range, they should grow first before struggling up that hill, and ascension needs to be sorted out more before its allowed to continue exponentially expanding.

- presuming the no defence = army size death update is taken, then you could feasibly reduce the army size attack range limits.

Attacking in main
- This is a suggestion/example (work with me, not against me!!!)..., if you're attacking a defence higher than your strike the potential strike losses should be increased to 6% total, rather than 3% potential losses. If a strike, larger than a defence attacks it and masses it down for pittens of the losses, then I don't see that as a major problem. HOWEVER, perhaps Jason should factor a similar ration in to compensate for just how high over the defence the strike is to more accurately calculate the losses the strike would take, I mean... a 1.1T strike, massing a 1T defence, would only, logically, take just a little less casualties than the defence... perhaps keep the %loo potential at 6%, and reduce it by 0.5% for every 10% the strike is higher than the defence? To a minimum of 3% (what it is now..). So to mass a 1T defence you would have to have 1.6T strike to reduce your potential losses to the 3% of the current system.


So there are a few idea's. If anyone can give me some counter examples that are relevant beyond the "I don't want to loose some uu".. then please. I would very much like to hear them.

It's out there now.. they're my suggestions, and idea's to help the game and the community gain a lot more from this game.

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:24 pm
by Reschef
semper 4 admin :)

I must say I honestly like ALL of your proposals on the surface (due to lack of time)

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:55 pm
by KnowLedge
Reschef wrote:semper 4 admin :)


ps. i agree, especially the ombudsmen part..

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:59 pm
by bigcakes
dont have time to read all of them but what i saw i dont like. i prolly sound like an idiot but i just dont really like what i read about the suggestions

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:43 pm
by Deaths_Rider
must say i liked the speach

the sugestions aren't bad either not sure i like the army size changes perhaps increase the raid limit but as it's a dynamic cap it will slowly go up over time anyway maybe just speed it up a little for all of them by an extra 5-10% on how they work now rather than set numbers

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:24 pm
by Ashu
Go Coxy GO!

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:49 am
by ~Insider Trader~
A billion army size hmmm....Semper I know you underlined the slowly aspect of getting there but geez 900mill miners with bonuses and income planets etc could get you to 150bill naq a turn.

Think about that number for just a moment. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY BILLION NAQUADAH PER TURN

You cannot tell me with a straight face that this will be "good for the game". Every current problem we have will be accelerated. Too big MS's, too big attack planets. It doesn't matter how many miners you can kill off, people will have bought the UP and units to replace them in no time, because there will be so much more naq out there to use.

Exhibit A: (the ascended server). In short, and there are many other problems besides this one, war is irrelevant, because you gain size quicker than you can kill it off.

The real problem with the game (which as we know, will never be addressed) is that it doesn't have an end. It will continue to grow and grow until it tears itself apart like ascended has. Any update that does not involve a hard cap on units, MS's, planets and the like that cannot be breached under any circumstances is delaying the inevitable death that has already taken the ascended server in my opinion.

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:22 am
by Juliette
Ashu wrote:Go Coxy GO!

Actually.. that was V.

And this Endlosung is interesting.. but a little.. idyllic.
How do you propose going about this entire ordeal? ;)

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:28 am
by semper
~Insider Trader~ wrote:A billion army size hmmm....Semper I know you underlined the slowly aspect of getting there but geez 900mill miners with bonuses and income planets etc could get you to 150bill naq a turn.

Think about that number for just a moment. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY BILLION NAQUADAH PER TURN

You cannot tell me with a straight face that this will be "good for the game". Every current problem we have will be accelerated. Too big MS's, too big attack planets. It doesn't matter how many miners you can kill off, people will have bought the UP and units to replace them in no time, because there will be so much more naq out there to use.

Exhibit A: (the ascended server). In short, and there are many other problems besides this one, war is irrelevant, because you gain size quicker than you can kill it off.

The real problem with the game (which as we know, will never be addressed) is that it doesn't have an end. It will continue to grow and grow until it tears itself apart like ascended has. Any update that does not involve a hard cap on units, MS's, planets and the like that cannot be breached under any circumstances is delaying the inevitable death that has already taken the ascended server in my opinion.

Do you actually realise how hard it would be to get that big? Any major war, and you have no chance.

Lets say someone with 500mill army size, has no defence, and is not on crit or nox for 6 hours because they're away and made a epic fail type of error. Let's say on top of that, someone massed the crap out of them, and then attacked them until the limit was reached. They would loose 5mill men a turn, that's 60mill in those 6hours. So the increased cap is levelled out by the sheer chance of loss that would be taken, even with high critical and nox, the account would still suffer 500k loss per turn at best.

If a dedicated alliance stopped at that one account for a single day.. well man, there could be tremendous losses. Not to mention the damage the ever increasing plague would do.

However, ya know. The suggested maximum can always be decreased. It is not contingent to any of my other suggestions.

@Universe. The same way the players have accepted all the prior nails in the SGW coffin. An update... with a good month's warning I would suggest to let the political side of things have chance to sort itself out, if not.. just bring it on. :)

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:33 am
by Juliette
This is not something you can just put in effect like Military Experience or 1/15th strike power on single AT hits though.

Could work if you'd partition the changes.

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:41 am
by FrankyBoy
if your going to increase the plague army to 1b army, then increase all the starting stuff people get.

and prepare for cheap UU prices FTW

also perg limit will have to increase to 100m+

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:46 am
by semper
Universe wrote:This is not something you can just put in effect like Military Experience or 1/15th strike power on single AT hits though.

Could work if you'd partition the changes.

Well Ideally you would need to beta test it first, definitely so...

then if you wish for partitions... as ultimately these suggestions are only meant to appease and benefit the players, enriching the game..

then, it would be perhaps logical to get the MS updates done first, followed by the army size, and alert level ones. Then the cap's, and finally the alliance updates.

(Why? The MS could well have a lot of defining factors on the army size one because of the power of the MS, the time between the updates could create a lot of imbalance. So get that sorted out first, THEN go for the army size update so the war's and political messes can sort themselves out, or at least be pushed into it..and then the caps, so people can grow more, let the planet system change, and halt the MS size progression, followed, finally by the least important...but still relevant alliance updates).

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:53 am
by semper
FrankyBoy wrote:if your going to increase the plague army to 1b army, then increase all the starting stuff people get.

and prepare for cheap UU prices FTW

also perg limit will have to increase to 100m+

Yeah, ok 1bill really was a bad ball park figure to throw out there, as I have edited it to say...

the starting up army size increase has been added to the suggestions, and the perg limit I reckon should stay, it currently governs the most important growing areas of someone's accounts should they want to be there.

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:53 am
by Cole
Semper wrote:
Right, over the top cheesy speech out of the goes...

Suggested updates:
- New alert roles.. (cost 100 at's to switch)
Critical now = max attack's per turn = 3 full at's. (farming mode = small surgical strikes to get large naq). (45at's).
none = unlimited number of attacks, cannot be on Nox.
Can only be changed once a day. Also changes % chance of Mothership availability (also affected by recent activity, see below for further details!!!). Also reduces uu lost with no defence, inactive account for over 1 week = auto nox and critical (see later for more details!!!)

The problem with army sizes...
- army size dies with no defence, uu and miners/workers leave unprotected lands. (logical?)
Only lifers are 'safe', however uu -> lifer ration needs to be reduced. Same with ascension. Planets are lost in unprotected realms. = more effort in wars, but now can be very costly for someone who is being 'sat upon'. There would need to be a defence - loss ration dependent on army size. Smaller players should have to have a bigger defence to prevent loss, but bigger players will logically lose more if defenceless. For example, for every 10mill army size = 15bill defence needed, drop to 5bill defence after 100mill (meaning someone with 200mill army size will need to have 100bill defence to stop uu/miner loss, whilst a player on 100mill army size would need the same.)
And there goes another advantage for whoever strikes first in a "wars" are won after first strike. Mass enemy then sabotage his/her defence and you get victory easily. No need to declare war you just have a larger and easier victory thanks to this. Return of Dark days with one superior powerhouse massing all remaining opponents to make sure nobody can be a problem in future.
As for ascension, that reminds me this aweful ascended server, which half of ascended players were dormant and on vac, because it was impossible to play it if you weren't part of a certain group. Raiding or destroying undeveloped planets that's almost the same. Well, afterall, that would be one server less for me to play lol. A little decrease of bonuses in main wouldn't be a problem compared to what would be done to ascended. And also, return of The Educators! (large defences needed for small players= interest to mass even if ME becomes unranked.

- The high your alert level = less loss. Nox further reduces loss, and PPT halts loss all together.

- introduce new feature = realm activity scale. This is increased by the number of hits on an account per turn up to a number out of 100 (%). The higher the %, the higher the uu/miners lost for unprotected realms (rewards activity). So lets say, literally it would take 33 full, successful attacks in the space of a turn to get it to the maximum potential loss level. These attacks only raise the % lost if the opponent has below the required defence (so you're not going to start successfully killing a 1T defence, get it to 500bill and see your opponent loosing army size a lot more than they should do).

- Up to a maximum of say.. 1% of available miners/uu PER TURN (meaning a person with 200mill army size, and a defence below 100bill would lose up to 1mill army size a turn). However, if you have say, max alertness and nox reduce this to 0.1% per turn, they would only lose 200k per turn, BUT would be unable to mass and attack back. That's just an example army size. I don't reckon you should the loss of UU feature should take effect until a player is in excess of 20mill army size.
How to destroy by half a 200mil army size account in a matter of two days...reminds me slighty of this aweful ascended server where one group dominated all..

A few other things...
- alliance wars must be agreed to by both alliances, when done so there is a 12 hour period before the 5 day (to be increased to 7 days) period start's. Only equal numbers can participate (and can be chosen). Alliance war's can now be won, apply UU loss feature to ALL scenario's.

- Motherships now have % chance of being around for defence if you're attacking/being attacked at the same time. Similar to ascended blessing. More attacks you make = lower % chance of mothership being around to defend for a certain time period/number of attacks. (At the moment, somehow a single MS can be in two or more places at once...) However, you should be able to indicate whether your MS is solely to be defending or attacking. At the same time, you should be able to assign your MS, and it's fleet to protect a planet as a third option, however, if this is the case it cannot be used as defence or attack at the same time.

-MS's desperately need to be capped at 2bill for some time. To back it up with some blatant info, technology can only go so far.. MS's do have a limit in ANY universe.

Expanding the future...
- army size cap expanded to 1billion planets, can raid up till 600mill, buy up till 350mill. Keep plague after the 500mill mark, but reduce effects dramatically, and slowly increase towards the 1bill mark. (makes bigger players kicked in the balls if they don't watch their account in war times!).

Raid up till 600mil...meh again people with lots of time advantaged alot (raid limit above plague by far and trade under plague by far). The more hours you can spend clicking over and over same button the "stronger" you are...right :roll: .And cap to 1bil erm no lol.

-increase number of planets by 2 per 100mill army size. Starting at 5 if smaller than 100mill, 101mill - 200mill = 8, +2 per 100mill after that up to a maximum of 12.
I disagree. It makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker. To a level which isn't acceptable.

- all accounts below 300k army size, that have been inactive for 2+months = removed.

ME = no longer ranked (speed up game) - let's be honest.. you CAN easily enough compare it by posting on the forum, and it's not even properly it's pretty much irrelevant rank wise.

AT capacity = REDUCED significantly, to about 6k limit.

Add an in-game alliance chat box, capable of being bought by the banked uu.


- Admins have to be, and rightly should be directly appointed by Jason, through an application and 'interview' process. One should also be voted into the position, as a voice for the players on the admin seats, however the voted admin, cannot be an alliance mate, or affiliate of one of the appointed ones (add a bit more of a political twist to the forum running, no?)

- mods, should, by right, be re-structured and re-taught to work as a team, and a code of conduct (detailed one) should be given. Too many times I have seen mods undermining other mods and the likes, not to mention the troubles I have heard of in the mod area. better control needs to be taken of the mods, certain GM's, and spam section users in particular near enough do what they want, which, as mods, is not how it should be.

- The Ombudsman's ACTUAL role needs to be realised more. They are not judge and jury, they are a medium of communication and basically the work horse of the admins for forum issues with regards to community complaints. (glorified PA anyone?)


So there are a few idea's. If anyone can give me some counter examples that are relevant beyond the "I don't want to loose some uu".. then please. I would very much like to hear them.

It's out there now.. they're my suggestions, and idea's to help the game and the community gain a lot more from this game.

In red what I disagree for rest, it sounds good. However, I might have missed something. I disagree with 1AT= 1/15 of strike.I agree with 1/3 of losses for defender compared to now though. I seen it mentionned, don't know if suggested.

Re: A final solution?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:13 am
by semper
jim wrote:And there goes another advantage for whoever strikes first in a "wars" are won after first strike.What? How so? If you're on Nox, and on critical your losses will be a lot less, and generally people check the game more than once every 12 hours, so the losses won't be horrible if you're active or not lazy, and you can still strike back if you save some naq up. Not to mention Jim, with such a system in place, war's wont be so quick to start and happen because the losses will be a lot more than they once were.. Mass enemy then sabotage his/her defence and you get victory easily. As I said before, by no means it is that simple at all.. No need to declare war you just have a larger and easier victory thanks to this. Return of Dark days with one superior powerhouse massing all remaining opponents to make sure nobody can be a problem in future. Nope, nadda.. no. Your ignoring so many things, these points don't really warrant a correct reply. What about ppt's? Nox? High alert levels...the factor your opponents can be attacked back and loose things too...
As for ascension, that reminds me this aweful ascended server, which half of ascended players were dormant and on vac, because it was impossible to play it if you weren't part of a certain group. Raiding or destroying undeveloped planets that's almost the same. Well, afterall, that would be one server less for me to play lol. A little decrease of bonuses in main wouldn't be a problem compared to what would be done to ascended. And also, return of The Educators! (large defences needed for small players= interest to mass even if ME becomes unranked.

lol.. all doom and gloom eh Jim? Like I said, you did not factor in so much of it, your reply is only quarter arsed. This is what I knew would come.. it's the fear of a necessary sacrifice, makes you miss things...look over points in haste. The ascended server is racked by the so-called sniper accounts, who with this upgrade would be unable to remain where they are if they lost their army size as a consequence of it, and were unable to actively farm if they wanted to reduce that loss.

Jim wrote:How to destroy by half a 200mil army size account in a matter of two days...reminds me slighty of this aweful ascended server where one group dominated all..

lol. I would like to know how that would happen, in two days of being on Nox and critical, with the high attack level being maintained (which would take a horrible amount of AT's to do...) a 200mill account would only loose 20mill uu. That's if they don't build a defence, don't go on ppt etc etc... so not bad at all!

jim wrote:Raid up till 600mil...meh again people with lots of time advantaged alot (raid limit above plague by far and trade under plague by far). The more hours you can spend clicking over and over same button the "stronger" you are...right :roll: .And cap to 1bil erm no lol.

People with lots of time SHOULD have an advantage. If they're putting that much time into the game they dam well should be rewarded for it, don't you think? If they want to waste their lives on this game, that's's their choice.. but it's not necessarily something they should be punished for ingame, but rather socially..

as said the cap to 1bill was a ball park figure, a big number thrown out there as a suggestion. The point of posting this here, is to discuss it, and edit the suggestions... Like I said elsewhere. A 500mill army sized account, if they don't watch their arse could take a truck load of loss and damage. They would need 250bill defence just to STOP the army size loss, not to mention, by the sounds of what people are saying to do with the army size limit cap...then the plague would be affecting someone around the 500mill mark in the likely-to-be-used version of this...

Jim wrote:I disagree. It makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker. To a level which isn't acceptable.

The strong should be strong, and the weak should be weak... surely thats the point of them being strong and weak? When an account of 5mill can happily sit at rank 25k and harass an account of 200mill, there is something wrong Jim, and it should not be that way.

jim wrote:I disagree with 1AT= 1/15 of strike.I agree with 1/3 of losses for defender compared to now though.

Aye, I shall add them to the suggestions!

All in all though jim... I was reading your post's, and as I said earlier..all I saw was the fear of loss.