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Gfx Market mod

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:15 am
by minisaiyan
I really think one of these is needed. The graphics forum has been becomingincreasingly active and i think we need a moderator who makes graphics and would be active in the area to come in.

I have a personal reccomendation of murkar though i dont know what you may think of that.

I would also like to say Caprila has been fantastic in helping organise the forum to the best of his ability, but of course cannot be expected to continue his tremendous work there because of his position as market mod,( i know this includes graphics but still believe we need a gfx mod only).


Re: Gfx Market mod

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:22 am
by Mordack
I don't understand why the graphics forum can't just fall under the jurdisdiction of the existing market mods. You haven't really provided much of argument, either.

Can I ask why you feel as though it specifically needs it own moderator who makes graphics themselves?

Re: Gfx Market mod

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:20 am
by Lore
I have to agree with Mordack, is there really enough work to warrent a mod just for graphics?

We did have one at one time, and there wasnt really any work for them to do.

also, caprila is a female.

I would say speak directly to deni as she is the GM over the section.

Re: Gfx Market mod

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:33 am
by Caprila
cjl wrote:I really think one of these is needed. The graphics forum has been becomingincreasingly active and i think we need a moderator who makes graphics and would be active in the area to come in.

I have a personal reccomendation of murkar though i dont know what you may think of that.

I would also like to say Caprila has been fantastic in helping organise the forum to the best of his ability, but of course cannot be expected to continue his tremendous work there because of his position as market mod,( i know this includes graphics but still believe we need a gfx mod only).


Can I correct that to 'her' firstly :shock:

I appreciate you coming into this forum and making a suggestion like this. It's nice to see. But.

Since the recent applications, we've recieved two new market mods. Between the 6 of us, I think we're managing quite well.

Sig Shop doesn't require much of actual modding. Old/closed threads are already moved out into the new Archives, and behaviour is being watched carefully (as you no doubt saw in Squall's thread).

I strongly disagree with your assumption you should be a Sig Maker to mod the Graphics Sections. Interest helps, as does a little bit of know how, but all you really need is willingness, time and an open mind.

I think the level of teamwork between the current Market Mods and Sig Makers works very well. The Graphics sections are coming along nicely because of that.

If there are posts or topics you think need moving, editing etc. you can use the Report function, or drop a line to any Market Mod.

Re: Gfx Market mod

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:28 am
by minisaiyan
@ your first point caprila:my bad, i just assumed. sorry ;) hope i can be forgiven *PPTs*

as for a reasonable arguement for this request i would say that:
I have only seen one market mod make an appearance of any kind in this graphics market. I assume there is some behind the scenes from other market mods, but caprila is the only one i have seen making any effort(sorry to others if you are making an effort).

Being an active sig maker myself i have seen no "level of teamwork between the current Market Mods and Sig Makers" other than your own recent activity in there(which has been much appreciated by myself and im sure others)

You ask why i suggest a sig maker: i say this because it means they are more likely to be active in modding, as i have said multiple times now, till caprila helped out organising the forum when murkar first set up his SotW competition, i don't think i had seen any moderation other than lord nequael(sp) a while back.

I have little doubt that this was the last activity in the area from the market mods, however, i wish at times a bit of moderator's presence can be felt rather than it seemingly running free from control.

All just my opinions, i dont know how others feel on this.

P.S so sorry for refering to you as male caprila.

Re: Gfx Market mod

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:04 am
by deni
At the present I do not see a need for a dedicated graphics mod. The sections activity is not big enough to warrant this. With 2 new market mods being appointed a few weeks back, there is enough capacity to handle the graphics section.

Even if you do not see the market mod's work usually it does not mean that the section or any other section on these forums is "running out of control".

Re: Gfx Market mod

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:11 pm
by Empy
Everyone has already said this but whatever... there isn't much to do there, I read all the posts made but Caprila seems to be handling all the required modding fine enough, and I offered my assistance. I am a sig maker so the Graphics section is more interesting to read than the dry "buying at", etc, of the rest of the Market section. I don't see the need for this position :-D

Re: Gfx Market mod

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:24 am
by minisaiyan
okay thanks for your time

*goes back to gfx market*