ingame shoutboxes

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ingame shoutboxes

Brdavs wrote:I`d rather see a ingame shoutbox for alliances (alliance tab/area) tbh...

This is a great idea. Messages can remain for 24 hours or up to so 50 lines retained per alliance?. Unless its going to end up creating tonnes more lag I can't think of many reasons against it.

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Re: ingame shoutboxes

SS I agree about lag but about mods its an alliance thing, just boot constant idiots
muffafuffin wrote:nevermind please disregard my nap as the SGW gods (and by gods i mean TC) dont see a nap in my future.
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Re: ingame shoutboxes

Yeah i'm with Josh, I dont see why mods would be needed. Only your alliance can see it, and each alliance has their own internal discipline guidelines. Perhaps giving the leader/2ic the option to ban people from posting is a good idea, just a tickbox in the alliance managment page.

And IRC doesn't work like this would. If I log into the TÅ channel, I only see the messages sent when i'm in the channel, not those that were posted 30 seconds before I logged in. If I log out, I lose the info too.

As for the lag its hard to judge. It might add a bit. The other way to stop it adding to the lag for the main game is to allow a programmable alliance page ingame, only accessable to members of the alliance. There people can link to offsite chat boxes, forums, IRC etc and embed them. Infact I think I like this idea better. It might help to close the gap between people that are on active ingame and those who are forum active within each alliance.

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