Scanner Stupidity

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Scanner Stupidity

Does anybody else find it really, really annoying that, even while farming inactives you lose a chunk of your Scanners?

I think its silly that untrained units add to the attack/defence, somebody with 0 weapons is still doing damage to my worldship, and killing my scanners...
what are they doing head on collisions??

This could also be what is causing the randomness in attack logs, someone farmed me earlier and it said that I did DEVASTATING damage to him, when I didnt even have any weapons to speak of...
I had more scanners, and he lost scanners, and I didnt...

Even sillier then the gods being damaged from farming inactives last era, except now I am absolutely hemorrhaging units :(

I think I posted in the wrong forum, silly tired me :( :(
naughty nob
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Re: Scanner Stupidity

yes it annoys me too

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