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Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:39 am
by Lord Blackhole
Originally from this post.


Caprila wrote:The following is a warning which has been issued to you by an administrator or moderator of this site.
This is a warning regarding the following post made by you: viewtopic.php?f=162&p=1792794#p1792794 .

Even if TF let you surrender, I will sit on your new owner :)

So think twice before buying this account.

Good luck selling.

/ Spamming

1. How is this a spam? It is a warning to the buyers. Caprilla is obviously biased for a FUALL player helping another.

2. Let's assume this is a spam. I got "warning posts" in my feedback section by FUALL players that I have never traded with. Why can they post and I cannot? Double standards much?

3. Let's assume they can post what ever they like in my feedback, I can do the same right?

4. Let's assume I cannot post "warnings" in selling threads, if I were to sell in the future, no one can post warnings to be fair? Because my account is in war and will stay in war for a while...

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:51 am
by Caprila
You were asked politely, by pm last week to stop posting threats and spam, in trading topics belonging to other people.

You didn't reply to that pm, didn't discuss or ask for clarification. . .so I presumed you were in agreement and would back off. When you continued to post, you were warned.

My defintion of spam in account sales?

One post stating account is war, is allowable. Good lucks, questions about stats, or good natured banter ( to a point), also allowable.

Frozen Flame had already stated the account was in a war. . you had no need to make two further posts stating the same thing, especially with scare-mongering tone.

I discussed this with a fellow moderator before I set the warning, to ensure we were seeing things clearly. If you were unhappy with our definition of spam, you should answered that pm, or sent one.

If you have problems with posts in trade feedback, or in other sections, please go ahead and make a report and I'll take a look.

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:03 am
by Lord Blackhole
Caprila wrote:You were asked politely, by pm last week to stop posting threats and spam, in trading topics belonging to other people.

You didn't reply to that pm, didn't discuss or ask for clarification. . .so I presumed you were in agreement and would back off. When you continued to post, you were warned.
Looking back my msg history... I did receive a msg from you.
Caprila wrote:Subject: Selling 120m UU for $100

Lord Blackhole wrote:I'm happy with that, 1 less seller for the game :-D

Please keep discussion of your war to your own thread in the GC.

Posts have been removed.

The above post was a discussion on the war matter, which I agree with you it should be removed.
My current post is not a discussion on war matter, it is a warning to buyers. It should not be removed.

My defintion of spam in account sales?

One post stating account is war, is allowable. Good lucks, questions about stats, or good natured banter ( to a point), also allowable.

Frozen Flame had already stated the account was in a war. . you had no need to make two further posts stating the same thing, especially with scare-mongering tone.

Frozen Flame made post about his war. I make post about my war. 2 completely different wars, should be posted by different people.
Otherwise think of this hypothetical situation, I'm in a dozen wars, I get a friend to post once, no one else can post about other wars :) Even better I'll state the account is in war myself and no one else can post right? Now you tell me is this fair?
Also I made one post, the other post was a reply to Korruption's insulting reply.

I discussed this with a fellow moderator before I set the warning, to ensure we were seeing things clearly. If you were unhappy with our definition of spam, you should answered that pm, or sent one.
I'm fine with your definition of spam, as long as it applies to everyone at anytime.

If you have problems with posts in trade feedback, or in other sections, please go ahead and make a report and I'll take a look.

Please remove the 2nd last post by Bebita as you can clearly see it fits your definition of spam - it is a discussion on war topic.


Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:36 am
by Noobert
this information is more suited if it is sent by a pm adressed to the forum ombudsman, thank you for understanding

(on a side note, that was good info :) )


Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:45 am
by Lord Blackhole
Noobert wrote:

Bebita's post(the one you are referring to) has been cleared and discussed by multiple Moderators as it is a simple warning, not a rude intrusion. He edited his original post on request of Empedocles. Do not forget, she said file a report..not demand for it to be removed.

The user notes are as below.
Empedocles XXXXXXXX Sat May 30, 2009 6:59 pm Entry added:
» Verbal warning retracted after discussion.
Empedocles XXXXXXXX Sat May 30, 2009 6:29 pm Entry added:
» Verbal warning given for spamming Trade Feedback Threads.

I apologize for the intrusion Ombudsman, but I figured this should be cleared up rather then send you YET another PM. Feel free to move it if need be, but I wanted you to know this.

Have a good day all. :D

The post by Bebita was a post with rude intentions then reposted with better words. However, this still fits in the category of spam - it is still a war discussion as it points directly to the war.

By your logic, I take it as it is ok to make/use a war thread then post a link as a warning in feedbacks and actual thread?

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:05 am
by Caprila
My point stands.

If you disagreed with your posts being removed, or how account sales threads are moderated you should have :

A : Replied to the PM I sent you about it, after I removed your first post and discussed it privately.

and / or

B : Asked for clarification / Discussed what was appropriate with mods and other users publically here :

Board index » General » Forum Specific Issues/Requests/Bugs (NOT GAME ISSUES)

What you should not have done was continue posting in the same manner, and that is why you were warned.

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:13 am
by zeekomkommer
okey lets get this started, so from what i gathered caprilla warned lord blackhole for posting in a topic where acounts are sold for currency.

there was a verbal warning made to lord blackhole about spamming the market section.

the post lord blackhole made was one where he tryed to intimidate buyers of the acount after the seller itslf made the users aware that the acount was involved in war:

Korruption wrote:stats are not much due to being in the server war but upon the account being bought it will be out of the server war as i will be leaving completely.

since the seller himself has made everyone aware the acount is involved in a war it means that noone from the wars should start with intimidating the potential buyers becausse they have been made aware of the situation.

apart from that we have this topic made by forum admin robe. (on 3 seerate places so all users are aware of it)

1 : to inform potential buyers that they should check the acount history first so they don't end up 'cheated'
2: to avoid spam comments in every selling thread about the wars it is involved if the seller him-/herself has made everyone aware of the war.

now let me quote:
robe wrote:Check The Galactic Colosseum to see what alliances are currently at war
or what individual vendettas are occuring

Check Market Information which includes:
Market Discussion, The Black Listed Traders and Trade Feedback

now if i get this straight you have a war on ppl who sell for curency and this war has been posted in the galactic colosseum:

so ppl who buy for currency have been made fully aware of this.

market mods can warn for spamming specialy when ppl have been given a verbal warning for spamming in their sections.

now to end with the rules:
the forum rules wrote:Section 4: Spam
b. Replies
Replies will be considered spam if they do not contribute to the discussion of the topic. This may include off topic posting or an excessive number of posts that contain nothing more than emoticons or small words such as ‘lol’. While it is appropriate to indicate something is amusing, drowning out a whole thread with such posts makes it hard to follow for all users.

A polite note from a moderator will be issued requesting the user cut down the amount of irrelevant posts. Repeat offenders will be given one warning point.

now did i forget anything ?

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:11 am
by Noobert
Caprila came to ask me for advice if this deserved a warning because Lord Blackhole had been making threats and what not in cash sales, so she sent him a message telling him to stop. Now, a week later he has moved into account sales antagonizing people and threatening buyers.

I told Caprila that if she has already warned him over something similar, then he deserves a warning point. And thus, a warning was given.

I've explained this to many people before, both FUALL and TTF, that it is not acceptable to come into a thread for the soul purpose of disrupting the main focus, which is selling the account. Just take a look at the post that was allowed to remain (Frozen Flames). A simple reminder that the account will still be in the war if he sells it is acceptable.
Lord Blackhole wrote:Even if TF let you surrender, I will sit on your new owner :)

So think twice before buying this account.

Good luck selling.

Also Lord Blackhole, we are not allowed to reply in here unless given permission so don't think I don't want to reply. :-D

-Given permission to post-

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:57 pm
by Lord Blackhole
What ever the rules are, I do not care as long as it is there for everyone. Admins/Mods can set the rules however they like. Warnings or not, not the biggest deal here. It is what I am allowed to post, what others are allowed to post.

Please answer ALL the issues of this thread. Not just question 1.

1. How is this a spam? It is a warning to the buyers. Caprilla is obviously biased for a FUALL player helping another.

2. Let's assume this is a spam. I got "warning posts" in my feedback section by FUALL players that I have never traded with. Why can they post and I cannot? Double standards much?

3. Let's assume they can post what ever they like in my feedback, I can do the same right?

4. Let's assume I cannot post "warnings" in selling threads, if I were to sell in the future, no one can post warnings to be fair? Because my account is in war and will stay in war for a while...

In addition, please answer this:

Bebita made the post about me, linking it to a war thread. If that post should not be removed. I take it as I have the right to copy what he wrote but with a different link for every other feedbacks/selling threads that I feel necessary.

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:04 pm
by Caprila
I think if I understand this section correctly...

The ombudsman corner is solely for dealing with warnings and relations between mods/users. That is what it's here for.

If you want answers concerning other things, you might want to start a discussion where All players can post and discuss it. Say in the Forum Suggestions.

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:24 pm
by Lord Blackhole
Caprila wrote:I think if I understand this section correctly...

The ombudsman corner is solely for dealing with warnings and relations between mods/users. That is what it's here for.

If you want answers concerning other things, you might want to start a discussion where All players can post and discuss it. Say in the Forum Suggestions.

This is a mod/user issue. I got unfairly warned by mods for posting, double standards. Your refusal to answer my questions regarding posting in Market Section is also a user/mod problem.

So now, could you please answer my questions. This one in particular. If you do not answer it, I will assume it is ok for me to do what Bebita did. if I get warned again, it would end up back here for you to answer again.
Bebita made the post about me, linking it to a war thread. If that post should not be removed. I take it as I have the right to copy what he wrote but with a different link for every other feedbacks/selling threads that I feel necessary.

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:39 pm
by Manetheren
Noobert wrote:A simple reminder that the account will still be in the war if he sells it is acceptable.

That is my understanding on what is allowed regarding war accounts for sale. Anything over and above that has been and will be considered spam by mods. If the same standard is not being held to other users then feel free to link me via pm and we can review it with the mods or admins.

Re: Market post removed + warning by Caprila

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:06 pm
by Manetheren
Issue closed. Pm me if anyone wants it reopened.