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Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:46 pm
by ~Josh~
Ok seeing how Jason had to update races because MGM had their panties in a knot, I have a suggestion to further race customisation...
Ok so we have farmers, warmongers, stat builders, growth focused players, random massers, and others... so I say, like un-ascended, make four ascended bonuses (everyone still gets the blessing and % to all stats)...

1) A race that takes losses (farmers/random massers)
2) Cheaper/stronger att weps (warmongers/massers)
3) Cheaper/stronger def weps (builders/growth)

Re: Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:47 pm
by ~Josh~
4) UP/income bonus (growth)

any comments/suggestions?

and mod please join my two posts

Re: Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:56 pm
by EdwardThatch
Love the idea, could it be changed more though? As a semi-frequent farmer, taking LESS losses is a priority. Farming needs to profitable, and I would go offensive for more powerful strike weapons if I wanted my race to be a farmer.

Re: Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:07 pm
by Jim
Why would somebody want to pick a race that takes losses? or is it just worded badly?
I think this is a bad idea tbh, you could just switch races a lot and get bonuses for different things. Get a lot of race changes then just do the farming one during the day then the growth one at night etc

Re: Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:12 pm
by EdwardThatch
Man Called Jim wrote:Why would somebody want to pick a race that takes losses? or is it just worded badly?
I think this is a bad idea tbh, you could just switch races a lot and get bonuses for different things. Get a lot of race changes then just do the farming one during the day then the growth one at night etc

Unless they change something, whenever you switch races you lose a lot... so it would be very disadvantageous to switch classes

Re: Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:02 pm
by xXxsephirothxXx
lol and honestly... there are only so many race changes :lol:

Sounds alright, but yeah the random massers / farmers will obviously go for option number 2 as it seems the same without the loses and more weapon strenght? :?

Re: Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:14 pm
by ~Josh~
I meant LESS losses lol

Re: Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:58 pm
by Ashu
I think its a good idea!

Re: Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:37 am
by th0r_
It's bad idea. Massers/... should have waaaaaaaaaaay higher costs. It's too easy to mass someone these days. With small costs. It will make game even more balanced.
well, I'm UP for this Idea, IF we make negative mods. ie, farmers/massers should have negative UP and income, yes negative. Because they focused on farming and massing , maybe even on raiding, they should get resources only from this. They'll became masters at farming, and everything that's tied to using turns, so they should be bad at something else. For example, generating naq. Maybe different negative mods, for example, much bigger losses on def weapons, losing miners and lifers, ...

Re: Race bonus for different styles of playing

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:29 am
by Sarevok
Like halo said, unless the defensive option is 5x more effective then the offensive option, it just makes defense MORE useless then it is now, and attack almost the only thing you'll even need.

The idea in general is good, though the way it is atm, is bad