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Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:17 pm
by a3rdvark
Hi all,

Anyone know what happened to Dirty Dozen? I just started playing again after a couple years absence and there's not much that looks familiar:p


Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:19 pm
by bigcakes
it disbanded for some reason, dont really remember why. i think they wanted to end on a high note.

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:21 pm
by Dmonix
As far as I know Highwayman joined Tauri Warlords speak to him he's usually on page one in the rankings

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:41 pm
by Mordack
I have a copy of the "We're going to disband" mail that GenLucky sent to all of the members. It's on my old computer, and I'll post if for you if I have time to find it tomorrow.

Probably the most overrated alliance in the history of the game, in my opinion...

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:30 pm
by Tekki
Mordack wrote:Probably the most overrated alliance in the history of the game, in my opinion...

And how! =D> =D>

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:48 pm
by a3rdvark
Mordack wrote:I have a copy of the "We're going to disband" mail that GenLucky sent to all of the members. It's on my old computer, and I'll post if for you if I have time to find it tomorrow.

Probably the most overrated alliance in the history of the game, in my opinion...

Thanks, I'd like to see the mail.

I'd rather not get into a debate on how overrated DD was; all I know is they were a great bunch of guys to be in an alliance with.

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:27 pm
by schuesseled
Yeah it was disbanded, Inactivity issues among other things was the reason If I recall correctly.
Welcome back Ardvark.

Was DD overated. I wouldnt say so, but our playing style of inactiveness meant we were big juicy targets, and as the game turned to favour the one low stat war mongerer over an Alliance full of high income players, our time past, eventually we became so inactive we disbanded and went our own ways.


Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:52 am
by a3rdvark
schuesseled wrote:Yeah it was disbanded, Inactivity issues among other things was the reason If I recall correctly.


Hey, good to see a familiar name here. Thanks for your post. I'm surprised inactivity was the issue but it's good to know what happened.

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 7:22 am
by GeneralChaos
a3rdvark wrote:Hi all,

Anyone know what happened to Dirty Dozen? I just started playing again after a couple years absence and there's not much that looks familiar:p


I think you'll find that after DD broke away from CoP and surrendered from the war, GenLucky decided he didnt want to play no more, but he also didnt want anyone have the alliance name Dirty Dozen, so he removed everyone from said alliance, set i believe his wife's account to the leader, then had her go on vac mode, so the alliance name wouldnt show up, but still could not be used.

And i was told this by a member of DD at the time, before they moved to a more powerful, non running out on your allies so you can stat build alliance.

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 7:37 am
by Clarkey
GeneralChaos wrote:but he also didnt want anyone have the alliance name Dirty Dozen, so he removed everyone from said alliance, set i believe his wife's account to the leader, then had her go on vac mode, so the alliance name wouldnt show up, but still could not be used.

Wouldn't work anyway. Unless admin fixed the multiple spaces thing in the alliance names.

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:03 am
by GeneralChaos
Clarkey wrote:
GeneralChaos wrote:but he also didnt want anyone have the alliance name Dirty Dozen, so he removed everyone from said alliance, set i believe his wife's account to the leader, then had her go on vac mode, so the alliance name wouldnt show up, but still could not be used.

Wouldn't work anyway. Unless admin fixed the multiple spaces thing in the alliance names.

True, but i don't think back then anyone really knew about that glitch.

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:57 pm
by harchester
heyyyyyy welcome back mate

i was asgard force in Dirty Dozen :D

hit me up on msn

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:52 pm
by schuesseled
GeneralChaos wrote:I think you'll find that after DD broke away from CoP and surrendered from the war, GenLucky decided he didnt want to play no more, but he also didnt want anyone have the alliance name Dirty Dozen, so he removed everyone from said alliance, set i believe his wife's account to the leader, then had her go on vac mode, so the alliance name wouldnt show up, but still could not be used.

And i was told this by a member of DD at the time, before they moved to a more powerful, non running out on your allies so you can stat build alliance.

DD didn't surrender out of the CoP war, we stayed till CoP made a peace treaty with Crystal Force and Pals, We did vote on wether we should surrender out of the snore fest and leave CoP, (farm farm farm your boat, not so merily in the war.) but the majority of the votes were for staying in the war and in CoP till the war drawed to a close. We decided that we wouldn't as you put it, run out on your allies. After the war we left the CoP alliance.

Genlucky quit active playing quite a while before DirtyDozen actually disbanded itself, and this was due to inactivity by 95% of its members. Most only logged onto bank, some didn't even do that, hardly anyone posted in the forumns, Genlucky and other key members quitting the game caused quite a lot of this inactivity, all attempts to revitalise the once active alliance failed, eventually the Command team decided it would be better to disband the Alliance while its name still meant something and call its story so far to an end. Better that than to let it rot in inactivity.

Some people just plain quit the game, not wanting to be in any other Alliance, whom only stayed playing for DD, some joined one of the two Alliance's formed by a couple members to house some old friends, some went and joined our old Allies Omega or DDE Alliances, and some went and did something else.

The name was as you said was safe gaurded, who vac moded with the Alliance name, to "stop" other people using it, I dont know, but it surely happend.

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:33 pm
by ƒëmmë ƒatalë
Crystal Force wasn't in Cop v CIA war.. they were disbanded in the GA v The Faction War.

Your thinking of The Foundation/ Foundation of Evil also lead by Robe.

Anyways is alliance name still protected with that less than 5 members rule??

Re: Old Dirty Dozen?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:49 am
by REK
erm there was never a peace treaty between CoP and who ever when DD left we announced the name CoP was no more since it was DDE DD and Ω that made up CoP some people took that as CoP disbanded we laughed and let them believe it :)