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Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:28 am
I see lots of suggestions, some good, some not so good, but all players trying to think of ways to improve the game.

What I dont see see is any evidence that admin ever read the suggestions.

I would like to see admin make a comment in these threads, even if it's just a single word like YES, NO or CONSIDERING, maybe just a color code or symbol next to each thread to show it's status with admin.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:32 am
by Ashu
You actually think ADMIN...i mean ITS ADMIN...will come here and read what a mere player will write?Please...

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:37 am
by Clarkey
Ashu wrote:You actually think ADMIN...i mean ITS ADMIN...will come here and read what a mere player will write?Please...

Lets not get sarcastic here shall we.

Jason does not consider us mere players. He attends Player Meet EVERY Wednesday (bar a few) and many players discuss game ideas and bring up some of the suggestions here.

Yes it would be nice to have more activity here from game admins, but being sarcastic about it is not going to improve anything.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:43 am
Very few are able to attend the admin meetings, and those that do only forward suggestions they personally support.

I dont expect admins to get into forum discussions, but this is the 'FOR ADMIN' section and it would be nice to know that we're not just p*ssing into the wind when we post here.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:38 am
by Sarevok
Clarkey is right, moaning about it won't really help, though i have a suggestion that MAY work (and may not...)

What if we pick as 5 ideas/week. And we have a dedicated sticky thread where by it's updated every week, with a vote of which is the most popular idea of the week. Then, someone can direct admins attention to this single thread, and he can the link from there to the actual thread about the idea. This way, it saves him trawling through many ideas, and probably giving up, feeling he doesn't have time.

Just an idea, to streamline admins attention to the best of the best ideas for the week (or maybe month, depending on how many updates)

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:57 am
by Sarevok
Hence i recon that we should get some way to find those diamonds for admin :)

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:52 pm
by DaDigi
I've been trying to get Jason more and more active on the forums for a few years now. Just know this, he might not respond to every thread, but he does look in here...

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:45 pm
by Sarevok
What'd be good, is if he felt he liked the basic idea of something, he should let us know, so we can develop it more for him.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:03 pm
by ramen07
Tetrismonkey wrote:But how long does it take as the first post stated, to say looking into it, considering it, working on ect.

It takes but 30 seconds to make a post. As it has been stated before, this is the FOR ADMIN section of the forums, thus meaning he should be atleast active in this section.

Suppose you own a string (say, 3 locations) of restaurants. You manage the costs, possible changes to menus, profit made for each of the items, what to do when profits get lower. You have 3 separate store managers working under you, which in turn have 5-7 swing managers working under them. Each store employs around 20 standard 'crew' members.

Enter the customer. He eats your stores' food, judges the state of the buildings, gasps at the prices, yet keeps eating there. He makes some (say, 2 or 3) suggestions to "make the food/prices/look/feel better". Now multiply that by (for the sake of argument) 100 daily customers per store. Now multiply that by each location, bringing you to a grand total of 300 customers. Not bad, right?

Then you get to the crew members. They like some managers, dislike others. They complain/give praise, and make a suggestion to speed the service up a few seconds. The swing managers like the ideas, then formulate their own; some are unique, and some are simply innovations on the crew members' ideas. Nevertheless, the crew wants their ideas heard. 20 crew members x 5 swing managers x 3 locations = 300 more ideas.

Let's not leave out the store managers. They add their few ideas to the ones that are already amassed: 300 + 300 + 3 = 603 ideas. Breaking a sweat yet?

Then there are the people working in your office(s). They love to gossip and give their point of view on your restaurants. For the sake of argument, that's at least 10 more ideas.

613 ideas. And each and every person wants you to thoroughly think about it, jot down your thoughts, and present them back to them when they want it, where they want it. Now assuming you're actually the owner of 3 deadbeat restaurants with only 100 customers a day, you're in over your head. If you have a real business going, you'll have thousands to go through. Easy path to gray hair and an early grave.

Now imagine you're Jason, with the store locations being his games, the managers being admins/mods/ombudsman, and the customers being the game players. 30 seconds to make a post, eh?

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:03 pm
by Sarevok
Which is why i said, take 5 of the good ideas, put it to a vote, all before the "stores manager" (Jason) even looks at them

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:16 pm
by ramen07
Sarevok wrote:Which is why i said, take 5 of the good ideas, put it to a vote, all before the "stores manager" (Jason) even looks at them

I likened Jason to the stores owner ;)

Anyways, to enact what we both said, a hierarchy of idea/suggestion mods (or even a group of three mods) should be made to oversee and manage the ideas. Then they will all appear at the admin meet and propose the idea(s) to Jason. They could even be sent by email, whichever Jason prefers.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:25 pm
by Sarevok
Only problem is, is personal bias towards ideas

Which is why i recon some sort of consensus between players first, to get a general feeling for the ideas, then yes, take them to admin meet with some dedicated ppl, or e-mail.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:11 pm
by ramen07
True. Maybe if enough players express concern/support for the problem or idea of the topic it will be brought forth by the mods? But what if too many ideas are supported? That's why I suggested three mods; theoretically, there will be one biased for the idea, one against, and one neutral party (a non-player if possible). There are situations where this setup could go awry but it's my theory nevertheless :D

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:40 am
by Sarevok
Well, if you get a vote of what people think are the best 5 for the month, then vote on them, as to which is most popular, would help also.

Like you said, outside mod, could be easily influenced by players of the game, and why would they want to waste their time on a game they don't play (not saying everyone is like this, but very few are willing to spend time on that which they aren't involved in)

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:21 am
by ramen07
I don't mean an actual outsider mod; more like a mod that is very active on forums, but not so much ingame as to not be affiliated with any empires/conflicting interests etc.