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Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:34 am
by Clarkey
Tetrismonkey wrote:Oh yes, couldnt help but post this.

Clarkey wrote:
Semper wrote:I just have one question? Do you count the £'s as the page refreshes?

say it with me...

a one pound..two pound..three pound.. four...

none the less... a memorable feat..congrats on reaching your target.

Whether $ is used on an account or not there is no need to insult or mock anyone.
A simple congrats would have sufficed.

Congrats qacol.

Since when cant we speak our minds about a topic?

There's a difference between speaking your mind and always throwing issues (in this case use of $$) in someones face whenever they mention something where $$ may have been used.

We all know some people spend $$ on their account, that is their right. But that does not give people the right to constantly throw that in their face at every given opportunity.

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:37 am
by Juliette
:? I try to keep as invisible as possible, personally.

Something bad happen over my time at the festival? :neutral:

One wonders.

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:39 am
by Clarkey
Tetrismonkey wrote:Actually Clarkey, your wrong, I have every right in the world to speak my mind, so long as it is within the forum rules. Just because you disaprove of the way some people are treated because of said actions, it doesnt give you the right to dictate what they can or cannot say. Now if it was breaking the rules, by all means, intervean, do your job. Until then, begone!

The continual mocking of someone because they chose to play sometimes with $$ can be seen as abusive.
It's not just the odd comment here and there is it, it's almost every opportunity.

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:03 pm
by Mordack
I think this needs examining further.

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:12 pm
by Rocky
this has nothing to do with how the situation will be treated, but just think to yourself, was that really necessary?

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:49 pm
by Noobert
Speaking your mind within reason is fine, speaking your mind without even regarding the rules of this forum is unacceptable.

I do not care who you are, unacceptable!

I am happy about the modding in General, simply because it has picked up and is unbias. So congratulations to them for their hard work. There have been some incidents that shouldn't have happened but that is what the Ombudsman and Clarkey is for.

One warning won't kill anyone. Two might, three definately least for two weeks! :lol:

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:26 pm
by Juliette
ROCKY wrote:this has nothing to do with how the situation will be treated, but just think to yourself, was that really necessary?

I would say yes.. if only because of this:
Mordack wrote:I think this needs examining further.

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:40 pm
by semper
the fact of the matter is.. Tetris has a point..

it's not breaking the forums rules.. because it's so blatantly the truth and qacol pursued this path in full knowledge that there would be and ARE people around who do think like myself and he continued knowing the possible consequences.

There is no debating the fact that it IS a sly way to advance in the game... it may be acceptable.. it may support the game.. but it's a sly way. It's no different than bribing the judges in Strictly come still perform but the extra added cash just gives you that lead to reach heights you could not without the cash or some good hard work.

As for the over modding.. I hasten to point out that Clarkey is an admin.. not a mod. An admins job is to administrate the forums themselves and the forums staff. The mods.. are the custodians of the community in a real time active thread environment...not the admins. If you actually removed Clarkey from the situation.. there would.. at current, be no problem with over modding.

I have operated on these forums for the past four years in pretty much the same way through Wolfs, ETL's, Smoosh's, Pookies and the latter Triads reign and never has anyone had the gall to try and tell me how to post what they think from the modding staff itself. I may have been censored, tapped on the wrist for blatantly insulting someone... but never for pointing out a direct undeniable truth..especially from an admin who in an alternative thread was actually doing exactly the same scott free.

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:32 pm
by BenjaminMS
@ Tetris and Semper: as a regular user I wish to point out that in that discussion, for example, like the mods also point out, it looked like overkill - it even came close to bashing players who spend $$$ in the game. To put this even further, the comments made are heating up the climate on the forums and making it more negative if more of such threads would appear with such comments.
So - technically - it's no offense, but -practically and morally seen - it is.

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:31 am
by semper
BenjaminMS wrote:@ Tetris and Semper: as a regular user I wish to point out that in that discussion, for example, like the mods also point out, it looked like overkill - it even came close to bashing players who spend $$$ in the game. To put this even further, the comments made are heating up the climate on the forums and making it more negative if more of such threads would appear with such comments.
So - technically - it's no offense, but -practically and morally seen - it is.

Nah.. over reacting players should not be factored into this equation. Like I said.. if you make a choice.. you should be prepared for the possible consequences in all their forms.

A large chunk of the community look down on excessive $ spending, and a few more still consider it as direct cheating... you have to cater to their opinions as well as the needs of an individual who performs such acts especially when the certain individual in question has near enough become renown for bullying players ingame with his cash bought account.

All in all... everyone who uses these forums are big enough and ugly enough to fend for themselves on trivial issues such as this. Over modding has caused a lot of problems in the past...and perhaps a lesson from history should be learned before stepping into a position of hard line modding.

The forums NEED a bastion of negativity. Someone needs to be the bad guy otherwise it becomes imbalanced, stale and boring and I think you'll find quieter. I made one topic about attacking money spending and achievement's a few weeks back.. within the same amount of time.. one thread was made regarding money and MS's, one was made regarding the best personal achievement's, followed by a thread of nostalgia on the games history of achievements. People need a bit of drama and something to fight properly as ingame is continuously failing.

The people who post on here and expect everything to be puppy dogs and plum fairy princesses need a sharp wake up call because there is no system in the universe coming from human social interactions that has no negativity..from religion, to marriage, to family... it's all there.

My final points on the matter is.. Clarkey.. stick to your job as you are the one who committed the action in question here (I am somewhat uneager to question whether it was an act of spiteful bitterness because of the events in the other thread but I do suspect as such). Mods... just remember history. I have always been a stern supporter of the mod team with a few fall outs over the years and I can say that if that level of modding were to continue on a scale adopted by the entire mod team.. there would be some big problems yet again and not just from me or tetris.

Re: General Section of Forums

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:06 am
by RoKeT
i do agree that you should not be able to censor wat someone says if it is in the rules The fact is the rules are there for a reason... if you follow them i see no need to have them removed... if you don't like it then see if you can talk to Jason about bashing... if he is not impressed with the way that the forums are going he can always step in and add more rules... but right now there are no rules stating that you can't speak your opinion... yes i believe he spends good money on the game but to be honest if people stopped spending money on the game... there would be no game just think of that aswell i gues wat i'm getting at is this if you don't like the "bashing" clarkey go to jason and see wat he has to say we all know on this forum wat jason says goes but i don't think you have the right to remove someones post because they pointed out there opinion