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Another Realm?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:44 am
by minisaiyan
Okay i was sitting around thinkiing what i could suggest that would improve the game. I know il get flamed by at least 2 people and many will say i shouldnt have thought of something to suggest. but hey, maybe some might think it good and want to tweak it.

I thought that there should be another realm that members can go to for their own growth. No limits on army size and bank space, however. Members can be attacked from those in normal realm, and not attack back into the realm but only 15 turn attacks for naq are allowed and weapons not damaged(but only when attacked from normal realm).
But if this was possible members would be able to grow endlessly yes? well how about income and UP are slashed and become 1/10 of their natural income. Planets become irrelevant and are not included in anything till you return to normal realm.

When a member engages with another member from this realm, attack, defence and mothership should all be included(similar to blood realm) but the defence strength is worth half of its normal when attacking and the attack half when defending. Trading is allowed only between members in the same realm, though messages should still be allowed to pass through the realm barrier. Motherships cannot be sent out in serch of planets.

Its a rough idea, and any comments would be welcome. Please dont flame me, but tell me what you think about the idea honestly.

Thanks for reading what i think is my longest post ever.

Re: Another Realm?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:53 am
by Kikaz

Re: Another Realm?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:02 am
by EdwardThatch
Sorry but you have too many counters. It's for growth, but you grow at 1/10th :lol: . It's for growth, but you can be farmed... ](*,)

A better realm would allow players to kill miners, but have unlimited army sizes.

Re: Another Realm?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:12 am
by Q Man
so its like a ppt that you can be attacked in? =/

sorry man, i just don't see the good side to it, it'll only make the game more annoying than it already is :p